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Simcoe Street in Niagara Falls, Canada

While browsing the tourist maps I noticed Simcoe Street! Since my little kitten is named Simcoe, I had to go exploring. So I dragged Stephen through the suburbs so I could walk down the entirety of Simcoe street and take pictures.

Lyz at Simcoe Street

Simcoe Street Simcoe Street

Simcoe Street Simcoe Street

Simcoe Street Simcoe Street


  • RoboNuggie

    This could be a good hobby – find streets and take picture of them if they relate to something special to you… Ubuntu Avenue anyone?

    Nice pictures by the way, I like them because they look like they could have been taken over here in England and not in the US.

  • RoboNuggie

    oops, I meant Canada for the last bit…. yikes.

  • Trevor

    There is actually a small town in Ontario called Simcoe, which I’m guessing the street is named after.

  • Brian Simcoe

    Thanks for the pics – ego surfing so I can torture my co-workers with ever-changing Simcoe-related desktop backgrounds.