On Sunday I met up with 4 other members of the Linux community in the area as Ubuntu California Team teamed up with BerkeleyLUG for an Ubuntu Global Jam.
I arrived just before noon, Jack Deslippe had already arrived and ordered a pepperoni and jalepeno pizza! I unpacked the goodies I had brought for the event:
- Two 4G usb sticks, with the X/K/Ubuntu daily builds from that morning (yeah, I got up early!) and X/Ubuntu betas, one 32-bit and one 64-bit
- Several CD-Rs with the daily builds and betas
- A fluffy narwhal
- 4 copies of the Xubuntu Short Test
- 2 copies of the Reporting Bugs How-To
- 2 copies of the Find Right Package document

Soon James Ouyang dropped by and while Jack was doing an upgrade on his laptop James and I got to work on the Xubuntu LiveCD tests. We got a bug filed and was even able to spend some time debugging it with Xubuntu Technical Lead Lionel Le Folgoc (mr_pouit) on IRC. While working on this Grant Bowman arrived and much discussion (and bug reporting by Jack) was done about Unity. Another BerkeleyLUG member also dropped by in the mid afternoon and was able to give Unity a try for the first time by booting his netbook off one of the USB sticks.

We ordered a second, this time very veggie pizza, as we continued to work. I began some content review of Xubuntu.org (Looking to help? Several sections are out of date content-wise, help me fix them by finding them and reporting bugs!).
Using the USB sticks for all the ISOs was a new experiment for me. I’ll be honest – I had never even booted from a USB stick until a few weeks back when I reinstalled my mini9 and was introduced to usb-creator-gtk. The multiple isos on one stick was a whole different beast, and I used rww’s Booting ISOs from GRUB 2. You install grub2 on the USB stick and then copy the raw isos over, from there you just add the entries to the grub.cfg and you’re good to go!

We wrapped up the jam around 3PM. Following the event Grant posted to the ubuntu-us-ca mailing list with rww’s link and other tips for ISO handling: ISO Handling Tips