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“I’m going to Disney World!”

I am a Disney animated features fangirl. My bedroom growing up was full of Disney toys (ok, Star Wars too), every Christmas my parents would get me the latest Disney VHS and accompanying lithograph and watch from the Disney Store. In those days before the web, I once sent a letter to Disney asking for a full list of all their full-length animated features to make sure I’d seen them all and they were happy to oblige! My best friend and I would save up to go to opening showings of the latest animate feature in the theater. I did a book report on An American Original : Walt Disney. I used to draw a lot and many were Disney characters. Even in High School my binders and folders were covered with Disney characters and stickers, like this (actual folder I still have!). It’s amazing that I survived High School being such a massive dork, in retrospect it’s pretty obvious why I wasn’t popular :)

This is the background for understanding exactly what it means when I say this:

17 years ago, when I was in 8th grade, I went to Disney World for the first and only time. It should have been a dream come true, but instead I got horribly sick due to the heat.

I went to one attraction, Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress. I spent the rest of the day getting intimately familiar with the toilets of the Disney World First Aid office and trying to figure out what “MK” meant on all the pillows (yeah, Magic Kingdom, some days I’m smarter than others). We ended up having to spend the night in a cheap motel in Orlando because I was too sick to risk the ride back to my Aunt’s place in Clearwater. The next day we went to Epcot, where Spaceship Earth (the big ball thing) and the 3D theater were both closed for repairs during the off-season. I was still a bit queasy and hot, so the day wasn’t all that enjoyable.

It was probably the most expensive family vacation we ever took and by far the most disappointing for me. I’ve been upset about it ever since, the question of “Have you been to Disney World?” is met with this story.

But this week…

“I’m going to Disney World!”

It probably goes without saying that I’m massively excited.

Cinderella's Castle - Walt Disney World

We’re taking a redeye on Wednesday night to put us on the ground in Orlando shortly after 9AM on Thursday after a connection in Charlotte. The plan is to spend about 4 days between Magical Kingdom, Epcot and Animal Kingdom. On Sunday MJ is flying home and I’m staying in Orlando for the Ubuntu Developer Summit (the actual reason for this Orlando trip). I’m coming back home late on November 5th.

Now let’s hope I don’t get sick! :)


  • Jono Bacon

    Have an awesome time! I absolutely *love* Disney, and love the Disney World resort.

    Everyone has their own favorites, but personally I would make a point of going to Disney Studios (what used to be called MGM Studios) or Universal Studios. They are some great parks.

    While Epcot is a little dated these days, it is still a tonne of fun, and be sure to check out Soarin’ – it really is an amazing ride. Also, be sure to stick around for the fireworks in the evening at Epcot – lots of people go and stand in their native country in the World Showcase to watch the fireworks – it is hugely fun. :-)

    Have a great time, and I look forward to seeing you at UDS!

  • Michael Parks

    Enjoy your time! It’s a lovely place!

  • Matti

    Hey, you stole my folder and put stickers on it! Seriously, I keep some papers in an identical Esmeralda folder. It must be 15 years old now.

    I’m glad you finally get a good trip to Disney World! Have fun!

  • Neil

    As I am not American I can’t completely understand the allure… but getting to do something you have always wanted to since childhood is AWESOME!!

  • Noella

    Disney land is such a dream!!! Hope you’re having an amazing time.
    By the way I work with and online travel advisory and since you mentioned you’d be staying on in Orlando I put together some information on things to do during your free time. (check out this link -> http://www.mygola.com/things-to-do-and-weather-in-orlando/q9956)
    Enjoy the rest of your stay, also hope you managed to escape the sick bug! :)

  • DiscoveringDisney


    Please check out my blog http://www.dtwwo-disney.blogspot.com