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My friends at FOSSCON 2012

Last summer MJ and I flew to Philadelphia in the middle of the biggest heat wave of the year so I could give the keynote at FOSSCON, I wrote about it here. Unfortunately the timing didn’t sync up well for us this year and I won’t be able to make the trip back to attend.

But it is happening! They are hosting it at the Venturef0rth facility in Central Philadelphia, on August 11th. Basic admission is free with registration, but I’d strongly recommend the paid adminssion of $25 which helps keep FOSSCON running (and will also include a special gift).

This year they have a new feature: Air conditioning. I have to admit, there was a memorable and bonding-through-adversity vibe from the last FOSSCON happening when it was over 100F degrees outside, and inside, but air conditioning would have been very nice. This year they’ll also have a keynote by Bradley M. Kuhn, Executive Director of the Software Freedom Conservancy, who will be speaking on “Promoting Software Freedom Development via Non-Profits.” O’Reilly has also pitched in to donate books to give away at the conference.

From the announcement, FOSSCON will also include…

six general-interest talks, dozens of smaller talks, and workshops on topics including development, community building, hackerspace activities, and more. Learn about 3D printing, security, and protecting your privacy. Network with the local tech community and discover new technologies. The Ubuntu PA group will also be hosting an Ubuntu Village, with experts ready to help you dive into an Ubuntu install and troubleshoot issues. Fosscon is also searching for speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors for this year’s event.

Full details available here.

Hopefully I’ll be able to make it out again next year!