I learned this morning via #ubuntu-us that they’re now selling Ubuntu at Best Buy, and couldn’t help myself: during my lunch break I swung out to Best Buy to drop $20 on a copy.
It wasn’t easy to find, I spent about 10 minutes searching through their software section, past their big Microsoft Windows Vista and Office displays. I finally found it on the bottom shelf with lots of other miscellaneous software.

What did I get for $21.19 (after tax)?
Spiffy packaging!

An Ubuntu Hardy, 8.04, CD, and a small quickstart booklet:

The booklet came with a Registration Number, interesting (I whited it out here).

It’s very exciting to see Ubuntu carried on the shelf by a mainstream store like this, even if it is on the bottom shelf right now.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 13:13
I wonder what the registration number is used for? Can you register it and request another copy if this one breaks?
Or is it just that all copies of software needs to be uniquely identified?
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 13:29
That’s quite a nice package. I’m glad they include little inserts as well, and not just the CD. It is a CD, right? Not a DVD?
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 13:34
@Greg – Not sure what the code is for, I’ll probably toss an install using the CD on a machine tonight and see where it gets me.
@A.Y. Siu – Yep, it’s a CD, not a DVD.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 14:34
On the back cover http://princessleia.com/images/ubuntu/box_back.jpg
it says that Ubuntu ships gaim instant messenger.
However it is a lie, Ubuntu does not ship gaim instant messenger it ships pidgin instant messenger.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 14:35
Another lie on the back cover.
It says that Rhythmbox is a “Media Player for Music & Videos”.
That is a lie too.
Rhythmbox can not play Video.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 14:37
I think this is a company (“ValueSoft”) that’s simply selling free programs – which is good.
But it’s something that Canonical should have thought of first!
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 14:43
Maybe the registration number gets you some time period of tech support?
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 14:53
@Vadim P. – According to the box ValuSoft is an “Official re-distributor of Ubuntu” so it seems like they have thought about it and are now authorizing distributors :)
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 14:54
@Mackenzie – Aha! I think you’re right, the back of the box says that 60 days of free support are included, so they probably base that on the code.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 15:19
They should a fix what’s written on the back. Support maybe nice if they really can offer quality support.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 15:24
I missed the official Canonical recognition.
Then, this was great, but now this is amazing! Lets hope this goes and gets a better place on the racks.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 16:26
About the misinformation on the back:
pidgin used to be called gaim so thats
probably an honest mistake.Saying Rythmbox
can play movies might just be a mistake or
they wanted to save space.Doesn’t really
matter since ubuntu has Totem which they
probably should have mentioned instead of
Rythmbox since Totem plays all media files.(if it has the codecs)
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 16:29
Great pictures, thanks for spreading the word out :)
The registration code enables 60 days of support which ValueSoft provides. Although I can’t give out any details, Valuesoft works with Canonical’s tech support to deliver that and it is indeed an “officially” approved boxing of Ubuntu.
There are errors on the box unfortunately it was designed a while ago, however calling those lies is bit of a stretch.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 16:50
@Fabian: Thanks for taking this up. With this being completely official, well-packaged, and supported, I hope the venture takes off.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 16:54
Ubuntu is released under the GPL, therefore Valuesoft doesn’t need ‘authorization’ from Canonical to redistribute it.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 17:00
It needs authorization to sell it since it
uses canonical trademarks.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 18:06
Nice find Pleia2. But you should see how good ValueSoft is by putting their support through the test, and make that your next blog post.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 18:37
So in the end, it’s $10/month tech support for 2 months and a little bit for packaging. I can’t say I’d go for it, but thanks for the breakdown. I’d be more against it if not been for the tech support.
If you ever do utilize the tech support, please do write about it. I’m ever so curious how successful and helpful and expedient the tech support is.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 19:12
Same here, because it will be a vital link to sticking with ubuntu for many at first.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 19:38
Wow! This is awesome! Thanks for the post and the pics, pleia2!
Are there any plans to sell this boxing outside the US?
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 21:09
I dont think they should sell UBUNTU itself maybe sell machines pre-loaded with ubuntu. But why pay for a spiffy package when the distro is free? No need for tech support really there is all the help you could possibly need on the Ubuntu forums.
GAIM IS PIDGIN just the newest release name.
Tuesday, Jul 8th, 2008 at 22:50
Technically they are distributing Ubuntu, not selling it, and it is the support and media they are selling. This could be good for Ubuntu, though I’m sure a lot of people would be confused about what it is if it isn’t next to Windows and OSX in the Operating Systems section.
Wednesday, Jul 9th, 2008 at 0:43
Ever hear of guerilla marketing? Take it off of the bottom shelf and put it in front of the Vista CD.
Wednesday, Jul 9th, 2008 at 5:57
Thanks for posting this, it’s great to see it in a store setting.
Wednesday, Jul 9th, 2008 at 10:40
Read PromotingLinux.com and go get your refund people!
Wednesday, Jul 9th, 2008 at 10:45
I was thinking why the heck they charging so much. And then I read booklet pic you posted and it says you get 2 month support so that’s a pretty good deal!!
Wednesday, Jul 9th, 2008 at 14:01
Actually the rhythmbox statement about playing video is NOT a lie. Rhythm box will be supporting video in the distant future as Banshee already supports it.
Wednesday, Jul 9th, 2008 at 14:05
Not impressed by their guide in the first page of the instruction booklet. I rarely encounter a BIOS where pressing F1 brings up choice of boot device. More often, there are instructions at the bottom of the first screen for how to choose the boot device. (Such as to press F10). Furthermore, the instructions do not say what to do after getting to the boot device choice screen. Oh, and that direction is redundant; it gets repeated much more clearly in the Troubleshooting section.
Cute pictures, though. It could be great!
That screenshot on the back of the box was poorly chosen. The Compiz cube effect alone is not exactly a major selling point, particularly when seen aboard a rather ugly looking computer. It just looks confusing and “techy”. That isn’t even a default desktop setup; it has Conky and a wallpaper from elsewhere.
Also, “Firefox” was should not have the second “f” capitalized. Being “tabbed” should not be in the same line of thinking as being “easy”, since the term “tabbed” will do nothing but have someone think “huh?!”, completely negating the previous point.
Hm… and “Click the question mark” is not exactly a nice way to lead someone who needs help finding the help centre. That should be more along the lines of “the question mark a little bit over from the top left of the screen when you log in to Ubuntu”.
Regrettably, I expect confused users.
Cool, though! Thanks for all the detail, Elizabeth.
Wednesday, Jul 9th, 2008 at 18:12
Everyone go to Best Buy, Take them off the bottom shelf and put them where people can see them. ie in front of the windows boxes.
Wednesday, Jul 9th, 2008 at 23:37
ha, another day I’m proud to be an ubuntu user….sadly enough the fact that they charge money and have a guide is probably enough to convince my friends to switch…at which point I can make fun of them for paying 22 bucks for 0.
I gotta say, best buy is making a killing there. Near infinite profit margin!
Thursday, Jul 10th, 2008 at 10:50
Actually, Since best buy isn’t making the product, there are still costs involved, just one or two less than normal. Best Buy pays ~ $3-12 per unit, depending on contract, volume, etc. which is what they pay for most software products in the $20 range. They also pay fixed expenses just like any other company selling any other product, which are built into the cost of operations, total inventory costs, etc.
ValueSoft has costs including paying for the mass production (packaging, labels, shrink wrap, mass CD manufacturing, etc.) plus marketing, sales and office staff, and tech support staff. Many positions may be only one or two people, but they still need to be paid. Plus, if they have a call center, you have phone lines to pay for (or skype subscriptions) multi-line business phones, etc. etc.
The advantage of the product being Open Source is the elimination of paying the developer licensing costs, some legal fees, and one or two minor expenses. Even still, they are still paying Canonical something for trademark use and support, so even then the free software is still offset by other costs.
Still, I fully support what they’re doing. Looks like I’ll be going to Best Buy soon to show my support through my wallet.
Friday, Jul 11th, 2008 at 4:08
The packaging/text/manual need a few tweaks… most importantly, they never ever mention “linux”… I don’t find that fair. Like Ubuntu = Linux… and they mention Anti-virus program Avast comes along… not really a smart thing to do… while promoting linux, one should not mention any anti virus programs… (they can mention that in the booklet, for those who want to run antivirus programs… but not on the packaging.)
Friday, Jul 11th, 2008 at 19:48
Ha ha ha. This just proves what I’ve always said. The only ones stupid enough to buy Linux, are the ones already using it!
Friday, Jul 11th, 2008 at 20:22
To Ruby,
No, I definetely don’t agree, although some linux users will buy it just to have a nice package instead of a burned ISO, most of the buyers will be newbies, who might buy it while shopping. Perhaps these newbies don’t have broadband, so this option could be ideal for them.
Saturday, Jul 26th, 2008 at 9:20
also, i’d pick up a copy just to see the $ go to Valuesoft, because that means they can train their support staff better (which, invariably, means that our LoCo irc channels etc. are less flooded with support requests and can instead talk about more fun things. like beer and karaoke. and more beer.)
Saturday, Sep 26th, 2009 at 22:09
I just loaded Ubuntu on my other harddrive because windows finally broke down. I can load all my windows programs on it with “Wine” – an open source software created by the Ubuntu community. I am a graphic designer, and Photoshop won’t work on Windows anymore, because it is an older version. So this was the best fix for me, to load it on Ubuntu using Wine. I feel very liberated. I want to wear Ubuntu t-shirts and get a Ubuntu laptop carrying case for my laptop. : ) Any suggestions on where to buy them?
Saturday, Oct 3rd, 2009 at 0:07
Hi V Jean – you can get tshirts at the official ubuntu stores: