I’ve really been looking forward to the new version of Android on Nexus One, 2.2, Froyo. This is mostly because the latest version gives me the ability to tether, and this makes me and my netbook very happy, but some of the other improvements are pretty sweet too.
Last month while I was visiting Google Mountain View, I snapped a picture of the building with the giant Android and the collection of dessert statues!

And one of me next to the giant frozen yogurt :)

As reported here the OTA upgrades started on Monday. The upgrade for Froyo hit my phone a few hours ago, just in time for a road trip to Las Vegas this weekend. Awesome! Have wifi, will travel… more.
Saturday, Jul 3rd, 2010 at 14:36
What’s the cost of unlimited data?
My $34.86 per month total, unlimited data old sprint sero plan makes it hard to stop using a windows phone.
Thursday, Jul 8th, 2010 at 13:44
Unfortunately it’s hard to compare because I’m on a group plan with some friends these days and the rates on T-Mobile have dropped a bunch since my single plan (at the most, I had unlimited text and data, 300 minutes voice, for about $80/mo total – and even that was $10 higher than was typical because I lacked credit at the time, the same thing these days if you have credit should only be $40-50 I think).
Tuesday, Apr 12th, 2011 at 17:22
Hi! I really loved your picture of Android with the desserts. I’m going to present a lecture about Android on thursday, can I use this picture? :)
Tuesday, Apr 12th, 2011 at 17:45
@Esdras Sure, you’re welcome to use it :)
Wednesday, Aug 17th, 2011 at 7:34
I just wrote an article ( overview of all android-versions ) for a german android blog, and I used your Photo of the Desert-Statues (of course with a mention and a backlink at the end)for it. Just wanted to let you know :-)
Wednesday, Aug 17th, 2011 at 7:35
I mean dessert, not desert… of yourse ;-)