Last week Mark Shuttleworth announced the next release name, Oneiric Ocelot. My first thought? How do you pronounce “oneiric”? My second thought? Thank goodness it’s an ocelot, I can find a stuffed animal ocelot! It’s on order now.
I’ve been supplementing Ubuntu booth displays with the release animals since Karmic when I discovered that I already had a koala in my ridiculous stuffed animal collection. With Lucid an official toy came out (Ubuntu Lynx still available in the Canonical store). With Maverick we were fortunate that everyone loves meerkats, so it was just a hop down to my local toy store to pick up one of them.

Narwhal? Surprisingly difficult. There was a great one that went out of production in December of 2009 and several hand-made ones on Etsy, but it wasn’t until MJ showed me for Android stuffed toys that I found my Narwhal (which, along with a mini Android, ended up being a thoughtful gift from MJ!).

OK, I’m ready for the Natty booths now!
Sunday, Mar 13th, 2011 at 16:12
I find it disheartening that Mark chose an adjective that’s not simple to spell, as sometimes you have to type it. “Oneiric” doesn’t follow the old “i after e except after c” convention.
But it’s not that big a deal — he’s just forcing me to learn a new word.
Sunday, Mar 13th, 2011 at 16:13
Sorry, on medication this week. Convention does hold.
Sunday, Mar 13th, 2011 at 16:34
I suspect people will still get it wrong a lot, feisty was a victim of this too.