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Archive for the ‘events’ Category


This past week I had the pleasure of attending POSSCON in the beautiful capital city of South Carolina, Columbia. The great event kicked off with a social at Hickory Tavern, which I arranged to be at by tolerating a tight connection in Charlotte. It all worked out and in spite of generally being really shy […]

Puppet Camp San Francisco 2015

On Tuesday, March 24th I woke up early and walked down the street to a regional Puppet Camp, this edition held not only in my home city of San Francisco, but just a few blocks from home. The schedule for the event can be found up on the Eventbrite page. The event kicked off with […]

Elastic{ON} 2015

I’m finally home for a month, so I’ve taken advantage of some of this time to attend and present at some local events. The first of which was Elastic{ON}, the first user conference for Elasticsearch and related projects now under the Elastic project umbrella. The conference venue was Pier 27, a cruise terminal on the […]

FOSSC Oman 2015

This past week I had the honor of speaking at FOSSC Oman 2015 in Muscat, following an invitation last fall from Professor Hadj Bourdoucen and the organizing team. Prior to my trip I was able to meet up with 2013 speaker Cat Allman who gave me invaluable tips about visiting the country, but above all […]

Wrap up of the San Francisco Ubuntu Global Jam at Gandi

This past Sunday I hosted an Ubuntu Global Jam at the Gandi office here in downtown San Francisco. Given the temporal proximity to a lot of travel, I’ve had to juggle a lot to make this happen, a fair amount of work goes into an event like this, from logistics of getting venue, food and […]


This weekend I spent in Brussels for my first FOSDEM. As someone who has been actively involved with open source since 2003, stories of FOSDEM have floated around in communities I’ve participated in for a long time, so I was happy to finally have the opportunity to attend and present. Events kicked off Friday night […]

San Francisco Ubuntu Global Jam at Gandi.net on Sunday February 8th

For years Gandi.net has been a strong supporter of Open Source communities and non-profits. From their early support of Debian to their current support of Ubuntu via discounts to Ubuntu Members they’ve been directly supportive of projects I’m passionate about. I was delighted when I heard they had opened an office in my own city […]

Wedding in Philadelphia

This past weekend MJ and I met in Philadelphia to attend his step-sister’s wedding on Sunday. My flight came in from Paris on Saturday, and unfortunately MJ was battling a cold so we had a pretty low key evening. Sunday morning we were up ready to dress and pick up a truck to drive his […]

Final day of the OpenStack Kilo Summit

Today was the last day of the OpenStack Design Summit. It wrapped up with a change of pace this time around, each project had their own contributor meetup which was used to continue hashing out ideas and getting some work done. I think this was a really brilliant move. I was pretty tired by the […]

Kilo OpenStack Summit Days 3-4

As the OpenStack Summit continued for those of us on the development side, Wednesday and Thursday were full of design sessions. First up for me on Wednesday was a great session about the Infrastructure User Manual led by Anita Kuno. A pile of work went into this while we were at our mid-cycle Infrastructure sprint […]