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Archive for the ‘events’ Category

OLPC San Francisco Community Summit 2010

Back in April I went to a Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) meeting where Sameer Verma was doing a presentation titled One Laptop per Child (OLPC) Project: Plan, Updates, Direction, Participation (slides here). It was an inspiring presentation, Sameer’s excitement for the project was infectious and I asked a bunch of questions and attended […]

Ubuntu California at Picn*x 19

On Saturday I got up bright and early to catch a 9AM ride with Grant Bowman to the annual Linux Picnic (Picn*x19) as they celebrated the 19th anniversary of the Linux kernel. We arrived on site to help with setup shortly before 10AM. Shortly after arriving Mark Terranova and Robert Wall also showed up and […]

Bay Area Geeknic 2.5: Tailgate party!

This morning I hopped on BART and headed over to the Oakland Coliseum for Geeknic 2.5. Why 2.5? We wanted to have a Geeknic this month, but Mark is traveling the rest of this month, most people were unavailable last weekend due to the holiday, yesterday was a busy day for folks too, today was […]

Geeknic and SF Ubuntu Hour

On Saturday MJ and I packed up our picnic goodies and headed down to Los Gatos (no, I didn’t bring my cats or my NetFlix DVDs) to Vasona Lake County Park for the second Bay Area Geeknic. This was a smaller geeknic than the first, but we had the essential ingredients for a great day. […]

Painting, Partimus and Open Computing Showcase

I’ve been on call this weekend, which was one of the busier ones I’ve had, but I still had time for other things. Saturday was spent finishing the major painting work of the storage units, I’m so glad that’s almost done, we just need to do some touch up later this week. From there it’s […]

Instructors Confirmed for Ubuntu User Day on July 10th

Last week we decided to postpone User Days until Saturday, July 10th so we could get more presenters and let more people know about it. Over this past week Nigel Babu, Chris Johnston and I worked hard to contact prospective instructors and get the schedule pinned down, which we finished yesterday afternoon. The schedule for […]

Ubuntu California Installfest at Noisebridge

On Sunday MJ and I spent the day at Noisebridge for the Ubuntu California Lucid Installfest. Unfortunately our scheduling ended up to coincide with Carnaval San Francisco 2010, but aside from traffic woes in the area it made for some lively entertainment outside and quite the view for attendees. Leif Ryge was our gracious Noisebridge […]

Art and Baseball

Yesterday MJ and I headed down to the San Francisco Fine Art Fair of Modern and Contemporary artwork over in Marina at the Festival Pavilion at Fort Mason Center. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with this fair, which we learned about via our membership at the Asian Art Museum, and I was pleasantly […]

UDS Maverick Day 5

Last day of UDS! – Community Roundtable – It was discussed that the LoCo Council will be formally deprecating the unmaintainable LoCo Team List wiki page in favor of loco directory. We also did some reviewing of good sessions throughout the week. – Ubuntu Women UDS-M Goals – The Ubuntu Women team has a full […]

UDS Maverick Day 4

And on to day 4… – Community Roundtable – First off, Laura Czajkowski explained the LoCo Council healthcheck, a series of monthly Q&A sessions on IRC where the LoCo Council is available to answer questions from the community. The rest of the session was spent on smaller topics, including calendars on fridge, the idea of […]