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Archive for the ‘food’ Category

Local Potions

As I look through my blog posts this year, I’ve noticed a very travel and conference-focused trend. It seems I’ve been really good about staying on top of writing about these things, and less so with some of our local adventures. At this point it seems I have to reach all the way back to […]

A Gateway, a Synagogue and a Museum in Mumbai

Last Saturday I arrived in India for the first time. A conference was on my schedule, but since this was my first time visiting this country I decided to do some touristing around Mumbai. Unfortunately it’s monsoon season, so it’s been an incredibly soggy trip. I joked that coming from drought-ridden California, I was coming […]

Family, moose, beer and cryptids

Our trip to Maine over Memorial Day weekend was quite the packed one. I wrote already about the trains, but we also squeezed in a brewery tour, a trip to a museum, a wildlife park visit and more. We took an overnight (red eye) flight across the country to arrive in New Hampshire and drive […]

Wine and dine in Napa Valley

In 2008 when I was visiting MJ in my first trip to San Francisco we had plans to go up to Napa Valley. Given the distance and crowds, the driver MJ hired for the day made an alternate suggestion: “How about Sonoma Valley instead?” That day was the beginning of us being Sonoma Valley fans. […]

Local tourist: A mansion, some wine and the 49ers

Some will say that there are tourists and there are travelers. The distinction tends to be that tourists visit the common places and take selfies, while travelers wander off the beaten path and take a more peaceful and thoughtful approach to enjoying their chosen destination. I’m a happy tourist. Even when I’m at home. Back […]

Days in Kyoto

As I mentioned in my post about Osaka, we spent our nights in Osaka and days plus evenings on Friday and Saturday in Kyoto. Since our plans got squished a bit, we didn’t get to as many sights as I had wanted to in Kyoto, but we did get to visit some of the key […]

Shinkansen to Osaka

As I mentioned in my post about Tokyo, it’s taken me a couple months to get around to writing about our journeys in Japan. But here we are! On October 22nd we landed back in Japan after our quick trip back to Philadelphia and took the NE’X train right to the high speed Shinkansen which […]

Fragmented travels in Tokyo

Back in October I flew directly from the Grace Hopper Celebration in Computing in Houston, Texas to Tokyo to begin a vacation with MJ. As I wrote about here a death in the family made it so we had to cut our trip short, but we were able to enjoy some of Tokyo. The Tokyo […]

Star Wars baseball for my 34th birthday

I turned 34 this year. 33 was a good year, full of accomplishments and exciting travel. MJ made sure 34 began well too. On my actual birthday we were both slammed with work, but we were able to meet for dinner down on the peninsula at The Melting Pot in San Mateo. It’s actually at […]

Travels in Peru: Machu Picchu

Our trip to Peru first took us to the cities ofLima and Cusco. We had a wonderful time in both, seeing the local sites and dining at some of their best restaurants. But if I’m honest, we left the most anticipated part of our journey for last, visiting Machu Picchu. Before I talk about our […]