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Archive for the ‘health’ Category

C25K: Week 4, Day 2

Last month I started Couch-to-5K. Except for one week I had to take off due to a cold (this sucked, but I was in bad shape) I’ve managed to stick to the program. I have some observations to share. It’s hard every time Every week I look at the proposed schedule and think “Run for […]

I think I’ll go for a run

The subject of this blog post has long been a joke for a long time. As I kid asthma prevented me from many over-strenuous activities, including running, and it’s something I’ve avoided ever since because running? Hah! I don’t see any lions! But over the summer I had a tough time health-wise, and I’m now […]

A Cylinder and a Sprain

Saturday evening MJ and I spent a final meal together before my trip, breaking the fast following Yom Kippur. On Sunday we went to the Asian Art Museum to visit the Cyrus Cylinder and In The Moment exhibits. The Cyrus Cylinder exhibit was small and busy, but the history geek in me loved it. Accompanying […]

Recovering well and heading to Philly

The food poisoning episode pretty much consumed my week. Had to cancel plans I was looking forward to and wave the “I’m sick” flag on projects I’m working on. Huge thanks to everyone who has been so understanding, it’s been very nice to watch others be able to pick up the slack. On Monday I […]

Food poisoning landed me in the hospital over night

I can count the number of times I’d been to the hospital emergency room that I can remember[0] on one hand: once for an asthma attack as a teenager, once for a seizure as a teenager, and once 8 and a half years ago when I slipped in the bathroom and needed 7 stitches in […]

Gaming, learning, health and other life updates

It’s been 2 months since I’ve done a general, non-topical update post, so here we go… Several weeks ago I picked up the Limited Edition Kinect Star Wars Bundle. As cool as the Kinect is, I wasn’t really planning on buying an Xbox because we just bought a Playstation 3 a few months back and […]

Uncle Keith, travel, office, pools and food

I lost my Uncle Keith to cancer on Friday, September 16th (obituary). It was an expected loss and I am glad I was able to spend some time him earlier this month. We weren’t close, and any condolence should go to my aunt, his wife, I know what it’s like to watch a loved one […]

Wedding, sick, Nessy, Xen server

The wedding I attended on Saturday for Jonathan and Crissi was very nice (photos by Andrew Keyes): There was nommy cake! And I told #plug folks once the wedding was done (I met Jonathan through PLUG): Unfortunately, after arriving home after the wedding I was feeling a bit tired, later in the evening I started […]

Merry Christmas! And Good Things :)

It’s Christmas Eve! This evening I’m snuggled up on my couch with some hot chocolate, cookies and a couple kitties watching Hogfather. Splendid. Tomorrow Baerana invited me over to her place to spend the Christmas afternoon with her, b2s and a couple of their friends. It’s so nice to have friends to spend Christmas with. […]

Sinus Infection

OK – a break from pretty photos of my trips for a moment – I have a sinus infection. I’ve never had one before, and I have to say it’s quite unpleasant, mostly due to the length of time it’s had me feeling miserable. Congestion, cough, headaches, exhaustion. I think this started with a cold […]