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Archive for the ‘kids’ Category

Our weekend routine, car seats, and vaccines

Life with young kids is always changing. It feels like we struggle to plan anything more than a few months out because their preferences change, or we discover someone gets car sick, or some new COVID wave sweeps through. Still, we did manage to fall into a nice weekend routine these past few months that […]

MUNI Heritage Day 2022

Back in 2019, Adam and I attended MUNI Heritage Weekend. He was just 9 months old, and we took BART to San Francisco to enjoy a morning of bus rides and photo opportunities. MJ joined us later for brunch on the Embarcadero. The pandemic hit in 2020, and that put a pause on MUNI Heritage […]

A birthday, an anniversary, and some house stuff

Adam recently concluded preschool for the school year, and toward the end he received an invitation to a pool and splash pad birthday party at a public outdoor venue. Birthday parties are a big childhood thing he’s missed out on thus far due to COVID-19, so given that it was a classmate who he was […]

Cooking together and a parade

Adam and I have been doing a lot of baking lately. Sometimes it’s making Challah or banana bread from scratch on a quiet afternoon, or blueberry muffins from a mix, or just taking pre-made cookie dough out of the refrigerator and dropping it on a baking pan. Along with art, this has been a really […]

Colds, parks, and holidays

We’ve all been sick a lot. It seems we’re in the midst of what all families go through when their kids first go to (pre)school, a non-stop parade of colds that are annoying, but not severe enough to require anything beyond rest and cold medicine. We have the added fun of regular COVID-19 tests, both […]

Pandemic 2022

I wanted to publish this blog post on March 16, 2022. That was the second anniversary of the first shelter-in-place order here in the bay area, and when things really hit home for us. At the time, it felt like a temporary measure, with hair salons and shops posting signs in their windows saying they […]

Our first family cold and a bunch of yummy baked goods

Recently, we all had a cold. I’ve had sinus infections and various woes related to pregnancy since March 2020 when we pandemic precautions set in, but we had never been sick as a household like this before, and 15 month old Aaron had never been sick at all! And this cold packed a wallop. As […]

Holidays and trains in February

2022 is already a strange year. January felt like a very long month, and February flew by. I’m certain this is an artifact of just how busy we’ve been, but it’s been a little surreal. With our continued pandemic-related caution around childcare and MJ and I still not doing indoor dining, Valentine’s Day this year […]

Adam’s birthday, trees, and SLTs

January was a difficult month for me. I haven’t been sleeping well, and as other things came together and I was hoping to get back on track with healthier habits, the sleep puzzle piece didn’t, and it really is a major thing for me. I wouldn’t say I took for granted how well I slept […]

The quiet end of 2021

The last few weeks of 2021 were pretty quiet. Only a few folks were around at work, so I was pretty heads down on project stuff and had very few meetings. It also made my schedule a bit more flexible than usual, so I spent a few more evenings working so I could get outside […]