I’m a big fan of trying new things and places, so it came as a surprise that when I decided upon a birthday getaway this past weekend we decided to go back to the Resort at Squaw Creek, where we had been last year. It wasn’t just travel exhaustion that made us choose this one, […]
Archive for the ‘life’ Category
August 2014 miscellany
It’s been about a month since my surgery. I feel like I’ve taken it easy, but looking at my schedule (which included a conference on the other side of the continent) I think it’s pretty safe to say I’m not very good at that. I’m happy to say I’m pretty much recovered though, so my […]
Surgery coming up, Pride, Tiburon and a painting
This year has been super packed with conferences and travel. I’ve done 13 talks across 3 continents and have several more coming up in the next few months. I’ve also been squeezing in the hosting of Ubuntu Hours each month. Buttercup at his first Utopic Unicorn cycle Ubuntu Hour Aside from all this, life-wise things […]
Symphony, giraffes and pinnipeds
Prior to my trips to Texas and Croatia, MJ and I were able to make it over to Sherith Israel to enjoy the wonderful acoustics in a show by the Musicians of the San Francisco Symphony in a concert to benefit the SF-Marin Food Bank. It was a wonderful concert, and a wonderful way to […]
Life, critters and upcoming travel
MJ has been traveling a fair amount lately, so I’ve been working harder to meet up with friends, which I don’t do nearly enough. I had brunch with a friend just before Memorial day, and ended up at The View for drinks and dessert with a couple who just moved into town last Sunday. This […]
Back East and Out West
A few weeks ago MJ and I flew to Philadelphia to do some visiting with family and so I could speak at LOPSA-East. The timing worked out well since it was also the week of our first anniversary and we got married in Pennsylvania. We had a wonderful dinner on our anniversary at the same […]
Life, hardware tinkering and my grandmother
Hard to believe it’s the middle of March already. My 9 weeks of Couch-to-5K has been stretched out a bit due to getting another cold a couple weeks ago and then working from the office in Sunnyvale for a week, which left very little time for exercise. I re-did a couple interval runs from earlier […]
Books, de Young, upcoming travel and Valentine’s Day
Since I’ve had over a month between trips and MJ has been working a lot, I hunkered down these past few weeks and did my best to catch up with a lot of the little stuff that slips during times of intense travel schedules. It hasn’t all been easy though, I’ve been working with my […]
And it’s February on the home side
Work and projects have certainly kept me busy, but I’ve also had time for home, self and family things. Caligula wasn’t the only one who had some dental work done, both MJ and I had to go in at the end of January. I was reminded the hard way that Novocaine upsets my stomach, but […]
Much ado about otters and lamps
Last week I had a cold and was getting over jet lag, just like when I came back from Hong Kong! So this is my second cold of the season. Fortunately, this one seems to be clearing up more quickly than the last but I’m still not thrilled that I’ve been knocked over by colds […]