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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Nexus 10, various meetings and life things

I’ve had a very catch-up couple of weeks. MJ had a friend in town last week, so most nights they were out leaving me to my own devices. And devices are what I had! Last Wednesday I received my Nexus 10. This is my first tablet (welcome to 2012!). Aside from the expense, my reluctance […]

Solitary weekend

This past week was a tough one. I was ridiculously busy catching up with project work that has piled up while I was sick and then traveling. I had a few doses of disappointing personal news that really knocked me down energy-wise. I’m also seeking to handle some of the unsettling confirmed and proposed changes […]

Professional head shots!

A few weeks ago MJ and I headed over to Cavallo Point to meet with Melissa Morelli. Melissa is the photographer who did our engagement photos and will also be doing our wedding, but the goal for that day was unrelated to wedding things and instead was to to get some professional headshots done for […]

Tanakh, Puppet, Python and many events, plus Valentine’s Day!

In my last post I mentioned that I was coming down with the flu and while mostly gone I still seem to have the lingering cough and some sniffles that tend to hang on weeks after the worst of it is over. That flu ended up knocking me out of the game for several days […]

The last bits of January

January flew by. We’ve had a lot of wedding stuff to do, the bulk of which recently was finalizing invitations, from ordering to making sure we had all addresses to finding a calligrapher and, this week finally getting them all stuffed and sent out. This past weekend we also started to finally populate the gift […]

This past week in chilly San Francisco

While traveling home from Philadelphia I made the very wise decision to book a spa appointment for Monday night. It was great to get some relaxing time in following all the running around we did in Philadelphia and before work we still have to do for the wedding. Wednesday I hosted a San Francisco Ubuntu […]

Wedding planning stuff and a PLUG meeting in Philly

Last week MJ and I headed to Philadelphia to celebrate the new year, attend a PLUG meeting and go to several wedding-related appointments we had lined up. Some flurries awaited our arrival Saturday night and there was already snow on the ground due to past precipitation, but it was nothing too worrying. Fortunately the weather […]

2012 adventures, onward to 2013!

2012 was quite the adventure! Among other things, I became an aunt for the first time with the birth of my nephew Xavier and was able to go to Maine just after his birth to meet him. I traveled to Portland, Oregon to attend OSCON and accept an O’Reilly Open Source Award for my work […]

Recovering well and heading to Philly

The food poisoning episode pretty much consumed my week. Had to cancel plans I was looking forward to and wave the “I’m sick” flag on projects I’m working on. Huge thanks to everyone who has been so understanding, it’s been very nice to watch others be able to pick up the slack. On Monday I […]

Food poisoning landed me in the hospital over night

I can count the number of times I’d been to the hospital emergency room that I can remember[0] on one hand: once for an asthma attack as a teenager, once for a seizure as a teenager, and once 8 and a half years ago when I slipped in the bathroom and needed 7 stitches in […]