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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Miscellaneous life stuff from July and August

It’s been a crazy busy summer. Looking back through my blog, I see that for the past 2 months all my posts have somehow been event, open source or travel related. Crazy! I assure you, I have been doing normal life stuff as well, like… Doing laundry. Taking pictures of street cars as I wander […]

California Wedding Reception

Since we had our wedding on the east coast we decided to also host an event on the west coast for friends here, many of whom couldn’t make it across the country for the wedding itself. It took some time to plan, but last Saturday we finally had our event! We ended up going with […]

Matti’s Wedding in Boston

MJ and I spent this past weekend in Boston, Massachusetts to attend the wedding of MJ’s friend Matti, who was his Best Women at our wedding back in April. Since I was tied up with OSCON, MJ flew in a day earlier than me to settle in and meet up with Matti and some other […]

Tea, to do lists and books

We have had a lot of stuff to work on at home lately. The most fun has been integrating our new wedding gifts into our small kitchen, which is somewhat challenging but I’m really happy to finally own a nice set of knives and pots. I’ve also been using the bread maker almost weekly to […]

My past month of warriors, bread and a baby giraffe

Since returning from the honeymoon a month ago our lives have continued to be very busy, catching up with work and projects while we were gone and catching up with all other life stuff we postponed while we were preparing for the wedding. Because we have been so overwhelmed, I gave Instacart a try and […]

Our wedding!

On Sunday April 28th MJ and I were married! The day began gathering with mothers, my aunt and the bridesmaids in the bridal suite of the Joseph Ambler Inn where we and most of our out of town guests stayed. Inn Manager Keenan Christiansen and Brian Cottman really made us feel welcome throughout our stay […]

In Philly for the wedding! Also, books and birds…

Today MJ and I left for Philadelphia to prepare for our wedding on Sunday! We’ve spent months planning for it, I’m sure it’ll be awesome, I’m really excited. On Tuesday we’re flying to the Yucatan Peninsula to spend 7 days on a beach, and then another 5 days exploring Mayan ruins all over the peninsula. […]

Tiger ears, camera and the 162

Finalizing wedding things has been exhausting, but I have managed to get out of the house some these past few weeks. MJ was traveling a couple weekends ago and I took the opportunity to head over to the zoo to relax. Fortunately the tiger cub was out playing! …if you look closely, you can see […]

Catching up and a tiger cub

I’ve had a busy month, but not in the “exciting adventures” way, more in the “doing lots of grown up stuff” way that is less blog-worthy. I’m still spending a ton of time learning new things at my new job, MJ and I have been spending a majority of our time together lately working on […]

Nexus 10, various meetings and life things

I’ve had a very catch-up couple of weeks. MJ had a friend in town last week, so most nights they were out leaving me to my own devices. And devices are what I had! Last Wednesday I received my Nexus 10. This is my first tablet (welcome to 2012!). Aside from the expense, my reluctance […]