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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Optimism, Atheism, Alberta and Zelda

My boss, CJ Fearnley is a member of The Long Now Foundation which sadly for him in Philadelphia but fortunately for me here, hosts all their seminars in San Francisco. The latest seminar was Matt Ridley’s “Deep Optimism” and it was hosted just a block away from where I live at the Novellus Theater at […]

CR-48, Ubuntu+Debian night, fluffy Android, Zoo, SDForum panel

I was asked the other day if I’m still using the Cr-48 that I’ve now had for over a month. I sure am, it’s been interesting seeing where it’s landing in my mobile computing environment. Since it’s just a web browser + basic shell for ssh I’ve been primarily using it for writing blog entries […]

Caligula teeth, Buena Vista, Streetcars, V-Day, Interview and Puerto Rico

On Saturday morning we finally dropped Caligula off at the vet for his teeth cleaning. The bad news: His teeth were very bad, worse than the vet had anticipated. 3 of his 4 canines had to be removed and he’d already lost 3 of his lower incisors! Poor guy! The good news: Dental disease like […]

Misc computers, books, television and travel

It’s been a few more days with the new Cr-48 and I’ve really developed quite a fondness for it, but there are a few nagging issues. I switched back to regular mode when I noticed that in developer mode it wasn’t sleeping properly and I had done most of the poking around that I wanted […]

Linux kernel on my TV and Nook, earthquake, Caligula and Ubuntu-Debian meetup

It’s hard to believe January is over half over already, it feels like just yesterday that MJ and I were walking home from the NYE fireworks! Work has been busy, but I’ve learned a lot in the past couple weeks about debugging problems with multihoming in Linux and how the packets move around with IPSec. […]


Philadelphia (from Camden) 2010 began with New Years in Philadelphia with MJ, on his final visit before my move, and our friend Nita. I then had my final weeks in the Philadelphia area. This final Philadelphia winter turned out to be the snowiest winter in recorded history. What a send off! In February my apartment […]

Under the sink organization

I have to admit, going out and doing things all the time hasn’t left us a lot of time to get down to getting the condo done, we still have boxes around and there are a few major tasks we need to complete before we can call it “done” (as “done” as any home ever […]

Christmas at the Zoo and Oakland Museum Pixar Exhibit

Thanks to holidays both MJ and I had Friday off from work. We took a leisurely start to the day and headed over to the Metreon to grab some lunch to enjoy overlooking Yerba Buena Gardens. For a park that is just a block from where we live we don’t go nearly enough. We came […]

Since Thanksgiving I have…

Upon returning from New England, where I spent Thanksgiving, I fell victim to a horrible cold that left me feeling pretty awful for about 3 days (thank goodness I work from home, I took some naps but didn’t need to call out entirely), and had a long tail that stretched on for 10 days. It […]

Pizza, Oakland Museum and the rest of my week

On Saturday morning I had the sad task of dropping MJ off at the airport so he could fly off to a conference this week. This week has gone painfully slow as a result, but Saturday we’ll be meeting at the Philadelphia airport to take a flight together to Dublin, I’m so excited! Late Saturday […]