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Archive for the ‘philadelphia’ Category

Thanksgiving 2015 and family

Back in September I wrote about a trip to Philadelphia where we were visiting an ailing relative. That relative was MJ’s grandmother and during that trip we spent time with her and met with her caretakers. In mid-October she passed away. I’d known her for several years. Before MJ and I dated, I was still […]

Spring Trip to Philadelphia and New Jersey

I didn’t think I’d be getting on a plane at all in March, but plans shifted and we scheduled a trip to Philadelphia and New Jersey that left my beloved San Francisco on Sunday March 29th and returned us home on Monday, April 6th. Our mission: Deal with our east coast storage. Without getting into […]

Wedding in Philadelphia

This past weekend MJ and I met in Philadelphia to attend his step-sister’s wedding on Sunday. My flight came in from Paris on Saturday, and unfortunately MJ was battling a cold so we had a pretty low key evening. Sunday morning we were up ready to dress and pick up a truck to drive his […]

August 2014 miscellany

It’s been about a month since my surgery. I feel like I’ve taken it easy, but looking at my schedule (which included a conference on the other side of the continent) I think it’s pretty safe to say I’m not very good at that. I’m happy to say I’m pretty much recovered though, so my […]

Fosscon 2014

Flying off to a conference on the other side of the country 2 weeks after having my gallbladder removed may not have been one of the wisest decisions of my life, but I am very glad I went. Thankfully MJ had planned on coming along to this event anyway, so I had companionship… and someone […]

A Career in FOSS at Fosscon in Philadelphia, August 9th

After years fueled by hobbyist passion, I’ve been really excited to see how work that many of my peers and I have been doing in open source has grown into us having serious technical careers these past few years. Whether you’re a programmer, community manager, systems administrator like me or other type of technologist, familiarity […]

Back East and Out West

A few weeks ago MJ and I flew to Philadelphia to do some visiting with family and so I could speak at LOPSA-East. The timing worked out well since it was also the week of our first anniversary and we got married in Pennsylvania. We had a wonderful dinner on our anniversary at the same […]

Fosscon 2013 Wrap-up

This past weekend MJ and I traveled to our old home city of Philadelphia to attend Fosscon. It was great to see that this year attendance doubled over the previous year and topped out over 300. The keynote was given by Jordan Miller who works on bioengineering at Rice University. He spoke on how he […]

Fosscon on August 10th

Next week we’ll be heading back east to Philadelphia for the 4th annual Fosscon on Saturday, August 10th. I gave the keynote at this conference in 2011 and this year that honor goes to Jordan Miller of UPenn who will be talking about AMRI: Building Open Source Infrastructures for Science. I’m coming back to give […]

Our wedding!

On Sunday April 28th MJ and I were married! The day began gathering with mothers, my aunt and the bridesmaids in the bridal suite of the Joseph Ambler Inn where we and most of our out of town guests stayed. Inn Manager Keenan Christiansen and Brian Cottman really made us feel welcome throughout our stay […]