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Archive for the ‘philadelphia’ Category

Philadelphia Wedding Venue Trip

Our trip to Philadelphia went by far too quickly. We had 6 wedding venue visits scheduled, ended up with 8 by the time we had finished collecting and reviewing recommendations from friends and family. I am really happy with what we ended up seeing, and upon browsing through a local weddings magazine we were given […]

Visit to Philadelphia

I took a sleepless redeye on Friday the 7th to get into Philadelphia at 6:30AM on Saturday the 8th. I had quite the public transit adventure as I took a shuttle bus from the airport, since the airport line train was unavailable due to work being done. From there I took a train two stops […]

Ubuntu 11.10 in Philadelphia

My fiancé is a network engineer who frequently has to travel for conferences, and this month I tagged along for a week to visit my old home of Philadelphia. I decided I would attend a meeting of the Philadelphia area Linux Users Group (PLUG) North chapter on Tuesday evening. When I noticed they didn’t have […]

Fosscon video now available

For Fosscon on July 23rd Gene Riordan, my co-worker over at LinuxForce, brought along his camera and took a somewhat impromptu video of my keynote! In spite of the city noise and fans you can actually hear me and it turned out ok. You can’t see my slides, but they’re available here and you can […]

Fosscon 2011

Before the sun came up on Friday the 22nd MJ and I were at the San Francisco airport waiting for the 6:15AM flight that would put us on the ground in Philadelphia shortly after 2:30PM that afternoon. Upon landing we stepped off the plane and were greeted by a wall of heat. As soon as […]

Fosscon is approaching!

Fosscon on July 23rd in downtown Philadelphia is quickly approaching! I mentioned back in May that I’d be flying out to Philly to do the keynote for Fosscon and now the speaker line-up also includes: Deb Nicholson – Community Organizing for Free Software Activists Mark Jason Dominus – Join my army of git zombies Walt […]

Keynoting at Fosscon in July

Last month I was approached by the organizers of Fosscon, taking place in Philadelphia this year, and asked if I would be interested in doing the keynote. It requires a flight across the country, but Philadelphia is my old home and I was delighted by the opportunity! So on Saturday July 23rd I’ll be giving […]

Philadelphia – foodadelphia!

When I was making plans to move to San Francisco one of the things I was most excited about was the plethora of amazing food that awaited me on the golden coast. I didn’t even bother to think how much I’d miss the food from Philadelphia! Pretty quickly I found a place for a good […]

Phillies v. Giants

When I lived up in Maine I went to a Portland Sea Dogs game once while in High School. In 2006 I went to a Readings Phillies game. On Monday night I went to my first Major League game! The Phillies were in town to play the Giants. And we lost. No wait, San Francisco […]

The Move

First: We all (MJ, the cats and myself) arrived safely in San Francisco Tuesday evening. Friday I signed over the title for Blinker to my friend Nita. MJ arrived in Philly Saturday and we spent the day running errands that couldn’t be done Sunday or President’s day. One of the tasks we needed to do […]