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Archive for the ‘philadelphia’ Category

Keynoting at Fosscon in July

Last month I was approached by the organizers of Fosscon, taking place in Philadelphia this year, and asked if I would be interested in doing the keynote. It requires a flight across the country, but Philadelphia is my old home and I was delighted by the opportunity! So on Saturday July 23rd I’ll be giving […]

Philadelphia – foodadelphia!

When I was making plans to move to San Francisco one of the things I was most excited about was the plethora of amazing food that awaited me on the golden coast. I didn’t even bother to think how much I’d miss the food from Philadelphia! Pretty quickly I found a place for a good […]

Phillies v. Giants

When I lived up in Maine I went to a Portland Sea Dogs game once while in High School. In 2006 I went to a Readings Phillies game. On Monday night I went to my first Major League game! The Phillies were in town to play the Giants. And we lost. No wait, San Francisco […]

The Move

First: We all (MJ, the cats and myself) arrived safely in San Francisco Tuesday evening. Friday I signed over the title for Blinker to my friend Nita. MJ arrived in Philly Saturday and we spent the day running errands that couldn’t be done Sunday or President’s day. One of the tasks we needed to do […]

It is my last week in Pennsylvania

When I moved to Pennsylvania 8 years ago I didn’t really have any kind of attachment to the area, but 8 years is a long time and over these past few weeks I came to realize how deep I had sunk my roots in here. It’s been painful to pull them up for the move, […]

Camden Aquarium and The Abbaye

Last weekend I met up with waltman and we headed down to Camden to go to Adventure Aquarium. Unfortunately it’s winter, so the ferry isn’t running, but the trip over the bridge and through a bit of Camden was not a big problem. First stop at the aquarium was to head out to see the […]

Italian Market, Rodin and Art Museums

As I’ve mentioned in some other posts, I’ve been trying to hit the major tourist destinations in the Philly area before my move. Last weekend the Rodin Museum was at the top of my list, but then when I popped into the #plug channel waltman suggested I check out the Italian Market in south Philly. […]

Philly Zoo and more move preparations

Last weekend my mother was visiting. We ended up spending much of the visit just relaxing, went out to dinner a couple of times, I introduced her to Firefly and she ended up borrowing Tru Calling after she started watching it while I was working on Monday. We did end up heading down to the […]

The Mercer Museum

I’ve been trying to visit some of the local attractions I’ve missed while living here. I know as soon as I move away I’ll realize there are a hundred other things I wanted to see before I left, I’ll just have to see those when I come back for visits! One of the things on […]

Ubuntu Pennsylvania – Philly Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) Release Party

Yesterday we held the Philadelphia Karmic Koala 9.10 Release/Halloween Party over at Manayunk Diner in Manayunk. We used this place for the Jaunty release party and once again it turned out to be a great venue, thanks again to Jim Fisher for securing it for us, even if he couldn’t make it out to the […]