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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Sweet Home 3D

This past weekend I flew to San Francisco to visit my boyfriend and help him start getting settled into the gorgeous new condo he recently purchased and I had yet to see. Upon arrival, I felt like I’d been there before! This was partially due to the photos and raw floor plans he sent me, […]

Ubuntu Pennsylvania + FreeGeekPenn

On Saturday morning I met up with fellow Ubuntu Pennsylvania LoCo members Kevin and Stephen over at FreeGeekPenn in Ephrata. FreeGeekPenn’s mission statement: FREE GEEK PENN is a non-profit organization that recycles used technology and provides computers, education and access to the internet to those in need in exchange for community service. Our intention for […]

PLUG Into Hive76

Last Tuesday Dan Toliaferro dropped by the Ubuntu Pennsylvania channel (#ubuntu-us-pa on irc.freenode.net) and asked if anyone would be interested in a new “Linux Night” in Philadelphia. We began discussion his venue, Hive76, a new hackerspace on Spring Garden Street. I proposed a collaboration with PLUG. He invited the folks from the Philly Linux Meetup.com […]

Geeknic++ 2009

This past weekend I went to the Geeknic++ Northeast US over at Jenny Jump State Forest. First, the obligatory fire and s’more photos! I ate like a half dozen s’mores, yum yum. I headed out shortly after work on Friday and arrived at the group site around 7PM and scoped out the place before the […]

Pink G1!

It took a week and a half, but my white G1 finally has a lovely pink case. I wasn’t a huge fan of the white G1 itself, but it certainly was the way to go with the pink case :) More pictures here: http://princessleia.com/images/pinkg1/

Southeast LinuxFest!

This past weekend I rode down to the Southeast Linuxfest in Clemson South Carolina. I tagged along with Freenode reps Jonathan Simpson and Crissi, plus Andrew from the Pennsylvania Ubuntu LoCo team. I was able to take Friday off from work for the drive down to Charlotte, NC where we were staying, the drive down […]

Pretty white G1, you are mine

Last summer I posted an entry “Tell me about your smartphone” where I outlined desirables in a potential smartphone. I never bought one – until this weekend. As requested, here are the details of what I ended up with. After months of research and considerations it came down to two contenders, Nokia e71x and the […]

Women in F/OSS (and why the Ubuntu community rocks)

I’ve been feeling good this year about the status of women in F/OSS. The percentages are still low (in spite of the Google bursary, the number of female attendees was abysmally low at the UKUUG spring conference) but there are a number of factors contributing to my optimism: Hey cool, female computer scientist Barbara Liskov […]

Ubuntu Open Week: Ubuntu Women Project

Tomorrow, April 29th, at 23:00 UTC I’ll be doing an Ubuntu Open Week session on the Ubuntu Women Project in #ubuntu-classroom (#ubuntu-classroom-chat for questions and discussion). I will be focusing on: General intro to project Why we feel such a project is important Project resources Aside from the basics of above I’ll try to put […]

PLUG at the Trenton Computer Festival

Today I woke up at 6:30AM (oh, is that why I’m so tired?) to head out to the Trenton Computer Festival where I was running a table to promote PLUG. I was accompanied by friends Stephen Nichols and Mike Edwards. Upon arrival things were a bit confusing – but within about 20 minutes we’d finally […]