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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

Ubuntu T-Shirt.. finally!

I’ve actually had an Ubuntu t-shirt for a while, but it was a men’s size that was far too big on me. Imagine my delight when Canonical began offering a women’s shirt. …except it said “Linux for Ladies” instead of “Linux for Human Beings”. This was sorted out after some discussion and Canonical started offering […]

Debian on my Sparc Ultra10

After the silo.conf silliness on Sunday, I finally got things sorted out with my Ultra10 this evening. Once I figured out what I needed to do, getting things up and running well went very quickly. Here’s what I did: Remove Creator3D card to do installation with the onboard video (apparently there is a boot option […]

Software Freedom Day, PLUG West and MythTV Seminar

It’s been a busy week for Linux stuff here in the Philadelphia area. Last Saturday was Software Freedom Day. Ubuntu Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia area Linux Users Group teamed up to do demos and hand out Ubuntu disks and disks with a bunch of Free Software for Windows at the monthly Philadelphia Area Computer Society. […]

PLUG Meeting and a busy September for the PA US LoCo Team

On Sunday I officially (if unceremoniously) took over the reins for PLUG. I fumbled my first meeting announcement by being victim of a speaker canceling. I should have confirmed with the speaker before I sent out the announce, as the scrambling to find another speaker and getting the word out about the change before the […]

Ubuntu Women Project Status

I’ve already posted about much of this on list, but it’s been a big part of what I’ve been doing over the past couple weeks, although I will concede that my attention to this project over the summer has dropped due to a lot of factors. General summertime business in my life (so many festivals, […]

Ubuntu Pennsylvania BBQ

The BBQ this past weekend at Norristown Farm Park was a success! The weather was absolutely perfect and the location was easy to find, unless you’re Alex Launi (just kidding, there was a road closure in the direction he came in that caused him to be quite late :)). We had somewhere around 25 attendees, […]

Dual boot, RAM, upcoming Ubuntu BBQ, PLUG, and It’s All Text!

I was having lunch with Danita yesterday and said something about how I sort of wished my laptop was still running Xubuntu rather than Debian because of how much better the wireless support is in *ubuntu. I switched to using Debian on it because I don’t use it a whole lot as a portable laptop, […]

WCOJ Radio Show – Ubuntu as a replacement for Vista

As I mentioned previously, Alex Launi and I were scheduled to do a radio show on Saturday the 14th on WCOJ 1420 AM’s Computer Corner. Well the show went on and I now have a copy of it to share! Computer Corner: Ubuntu, with Special Guests Alex Launi and Lyz Bevilacqua (Thanks to Melissa Draper […]

Senior Editor at Linux Journal apologizes

Following up on my post yesterday, Joey deVilla of Tucows commented that he is a friend of Doc Searls, the Senior Editor over at Linux Journal. He emailed him about the advertisement and received the following reply: “Hey, Joey. I remember the last time this happened, and I’m surprised it happened again. I’m notifying our […]

QSOL breaks their tasteless advertising promise

My employer recently footed the bill for a subscription to Linux Journal for me (how cool is that?). I received my first issue this week, dove into it, and was floored by the 5th page. No, not by some fantastic article, not by the ToC, by an advertisement. An advertisement by QSOL.com Server Appliances. WARNING, […]