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Archive for the ‘san francisco’ Category

September in San Francisco

Having spent much of September here at home in San Francisco, I’ve split my time between work, writing my book and getting out to enjoy this beautiful city we live in. Going out has certainly taken time away from writing, but I’d probably go bonkers and would likely be unproductive anyway if I stayed home, […]

Meetup, baseball and kitties

I had fully intended on writing this before sitting in a hotel in Peru, but pre-trip tasks crept up, I had last minute things to finish with work (oh, leaving on a Wednesday!) and sitting on a plane all day is always much more exhausting than I expect it to be. So here we are! […]

California Tourist

I returned from my latest conference on May 23rd, closing down what had been over 2 years of traveling every month to some kind of conference, event or family gathering. This was the longest stretch of travel I’ve done and I’ve managed to visit a lot of amazing places and meeting some unforgettable people. However, […]

Weekends, street cars and red pandas

I’m home for the entire month of June! Looking back through my travel schedule, the last month I didn’t get on a plane was March of 2013. The travel-loving part of me is a little sad about breaking my streak, but given that it’s June and I’ve already given 8 presentations in 5 countries across […]

Xubuntu sweatshirt, Wily, & Debian Jessie Release

People like shirts, stickers and goodies to show support of their favorite operation system, and though the Xubuntu project has been slower than our friends over at Kubuntu at offering them, we now have a decent line-up offered by companies we’re friendly with. Several months ago the Xubuntu team was contacted by Gabor Kum of […]

OpenStack events, anniversary & organization, a museum and some computers & cats

I’ve been home for just over 3 weeks. I thought things would be quieter event-wise, but I have attended 2 OpenStack meetups since getting home, the first right after getting off the plane from South Carolina. My colleague and Keystone PTL Morgan Fainberg was giving a presentation on Keystone and I have the rare opportunity […]

Puppet Camp San Francisco 2015

On Tuesday, March 24th I woke up early and walked down the street to a regional Puppet Camp, this edition held not only in my home city of San Francisco, but just a few blocks from home. The schedule for the event can be found up on the Eventbrite page. The event kicked off with […]

Elastic{ON} 2015

I’m finally home for a month, so I’ve taken advantage of some of this time to attend and present at some local events. The first of which was Elastic{ON}, the first user conference for Elasticsearch and related projects now under the Elastic project umbrella. The conference venue was Pier 27, a cruise terminal on the […]

Wrap up of the San Francisco Ubuntu Global Jam at Gandi

This past Sunday I hosted an Ubuntu Global Jam at the Gandi office here in downtown San Francisco. Given the temporal proximity to a lot of travel, I’ve had to juggle a lot to make this happen, a fair amount of work goes into an event like this, from logistics of getting venue, food and […]

Stress, flu, Walt’s Trains and a scrap book

I’ve spent this month at home. Unfortunately, I’ve been pretty stressed out. Now that I’m finally home I have a ton to catch up on here, I’m getting back into the swing of things with the pure technical (not event, travel, talk) part of my day job and and have my book to work on. […]