Inspired by the post by Riccardo Padovani about the awesome year that Ubuntu Italy had, I welcome you to a similar one for Ubuntu California for events I participated in. The year kicked off with our annual support of the Southern California Linux Expo with SCaLE12x. The long weekend began with an Ubucon on Friday, […]
Archive for the ‘tech’ Category
The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter and other ways to contribute to Ubuntu
Today, the last day of 2014, I’ve taken some time to look back on some of my biggest accomplishments. There have been the big flashy things, lots of travel, lots of talks and the release of The Official Ubuntu Book, 8th Edition. What a great year! Then there is the day to day stuff, one […]
December 2014 OpenStack Infrastructure User Manual Sprint
Back in April, the OpenStack Infrastructure project create the Infrastructure User Manual. This manual sought consolidate our existing documentation for Developers, Core Reviewers and Project Drivers, which was spread across wiki pages, project-specific documentation files and general institutional knowledge that was mostly just in our brains. In July, at our mid-cycle sprint, Anita Kuno drove […]
My Vivid Vervet has crazy hair
Keeping with my Ubuntu toy tradition, I placed an order for a vervet stuffed toy, available in the US via: Miguel the Vervet Monkey. He arrived today! He’ll be coming along to his first Ubuntu event on December 10th, a San Francisco Ubuntu Hour.
Final day of the OpenStack Kilo Summit
Today was the last day of the OpenStack Design Summit. It wrapped up with a change of pace this time around, each project had their own contributor meetup which was used to continue hashing out ideas and getting some work done. I think this was a really brilliant move. I was pretty tired by the […]
Kilo OpenStack Summit Days 3-4
As the OpenStack Summit continued for those of us on the development side, Wednesday and Thursday were full of design sessions. First up for me on Wednesday was a great session about the Infrastructure User Manual led by Anita Kuno. A pile of work went into this while we were at our mid-cycle Infrastructure sprint […]
Kilo OpenStack Summit Days 1-2
Saturday morning I arrived in Paris. The weather was gorgeous and I had a wonderful tourist day visiting some of the key sights of the city. I will write about that once I’m home and can upload all my photos, for now I am going to talk about the first couple of days of the […]
All Things Open 2014
From Oct 22-23rd I had the pleasure of speaking at and attending All Things Open in Raleigh, North Carolina. Of all the conferences I’ve attended this year, this conference is one of the most amazing when it comes to how well they treated their speakers. When I submitted my talk I received an email from […]
PuppetConf 2014
Wow, so many conferences lately! Fortunately for me, PuppetConf was local so I didn’t need to catch any flights or deal with hotel hassle, it was just a 2 block walk from home each day. My focus for this conference was learning more about how people are using code-driven infrastructures similar to ours in the […]
Offline, CLI-based Gerrit code review with Gertty
This past week I headed to Florida to present at Fossetcon and thought it would be a great opportunity to do a formal review of a new tool recently released by the OpenStack Infrastructure team (well, mostly James E. Blair): Gertty. The description of this tool is as follows: As compared to the web interface, […]