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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

22 hours in Las Vegas

Complicated routing options on the journey back from a conference, MJ decided to go with an option that would put him on the ground in Las Vegas for 22 hours. 22 hours? That’s enough time for me to join him! The flight from San Francisco to Las Vegas is quick and cheap. Flying into Las […]

End of Summer Trip Back East

MJ and I spent the first week of September in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. During our trip we visited with an ailing close relative and spent additional time with other family. I’m really thankful for the support of friends, family and colleagues, even if I’ve been cagey about details. It made the best of what […]

Travels in Peru: Machu Picchu

Our trip to Peru first took us to the cities ofLima and Cusco. We had a wonderful time in both, seeing the local sites and dining at some of their best restaurants. But if I’m honest, we left the most anticipated part of our journey for last, visiting Machu Picchu. Before I talk about our […]

Travels in Peru: Cusco

We started our Peruvian adventures in Lima. On Wednesday morning we too a very early flight to Cusco. The tour company had recommended an early flight so we could take a nap upon arrival to help adjust to the altitude, indeed, with Cusco over 2 miles high in elevation I did find myself with a […]

Travels in Peru: Lima

After the UbuCon Latin America conference that I wrote about here I had a day of work and personal project catch up with a dash of relaxation at my hotel before MJ arrived that night. Monday morning we were picked up by the folks at Viajes Pacifico who I had booked a tour of Lima […]

UbuConLA 2015 in Lima

This week I had the honor of joining a couple hundred free software enthusiasts at UbuCon Latin America. I’d really been looking forward to it, even if I was a bit apprehensive about the language barrier, and the fact that mine was the only English talk on the schedule. But those fears melted away as […]

Lima, dia uno y UbuConLA prep

Saying my Spanish is “weak” is being generous. I know lots of nouns and a smattering of verbs from “learning Spanish” in school, but it never quite stuck and I lacked the immersive experience that leads to actually learning a language. So I was very thankful to be spending yesterday with my friend and Ubuntu […]

OSCON 2015

Following the Community Leadership Summit (CLS), which I wrote about wrote about here, I spent a couple of days at OSCON. Monday kicked off by attending Jono Bacon’s Community leadership workshop. I attended one of these a couple years ago, so it was really interesting to see how his advice has evolved with the change […]

Community Leadership Summit 2015

My Saturday kicked off with the Community Leadership Summit (CLS) here in Portland, Oregon. Jono Bacon opened the event by talking about the growth of communities in the past several years as internet-connected communities of all kinds are springing up worldwide. Though this near-OSCON CLS is open source project heavy, he talked about communities that […]

Tourist in Vancouver

While in Vancouver for the OpenStack Summit, I made some time to visit some of the sights as well. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to do as much as I’d like, when I arrived early on Sunday I was sick and had to take it easy, so missed the Women of OpenStack boat tour and happy […]