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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

A couple articles, PyCon and a keynote in Croatia

It’s hard to believe that January is already over. It was quite the full month with my trip to Perth and then a lot of work and project stuff happening. Looking at my calendar for the year I seem to have a pretty full schedule, during which I’m also dying to squeeze in a visit […]

Tourist in Perth

I wasn’t sure what to expect with Perth. To the best of my knowledge it was that odd city on the wrong side of Australia and I had vaguely heard that it had nice beaches and that it would be very hot. Now I’m happy to say that Perth is one of my favorite cities. […]

Final day at LCA 2014 with more OpenStack

Aww, the last day of Linux.conf.au! My schedule called for camping out in the WEBB lecture hall all day to watch talks by several of my OpenStack and HP colleagues. Things kicked off with James E. Blair’s talk titled How OpenStack Improves Code Quality with Project Gating and Zuul. He did a quick review of […]

Linux Conf AU 2014 Continues!

After all of the OpenStack stuff I discussed in my last post, I presented two more times at linux.conf.au, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday morning the keynote by Kate Chapman on the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). I haven’t paid a lot of attention to OpenStreetMap over the years because there are only so many hours […]

OpenStack on the first two days of LCA

As seems to happen a lot at open source conferences lately, I had a couple of OpenStack heavy days these first couple of days here at linux.conf.au in Perth, Western Australia. After the keynote on Monday I made my way to the Sysadmin Miniconf. It began with a talk by Glen Ogilvie on using Foreman […]

South Florida trip

Everything came together really nicely in the planning for this Florida trip. We stayed with MJ’s cousin at their beach house in Hollywood, so we were able to spend several meals with them during our stay. It was a great opportunity for me to get to know them better. Our flight came in slightly delayed […]

Hong Kong Central and the Big Buddha

With the summit all wrapped up, I had Saturday and much of Sunday to do a bit more exploring in Hong Kong before catching my flight home on Sunday night. Saturday morning I met up with Anita Kuno to do some eating and shopping in Hong Kong Central. We traced some of the similar steps […]

OpenStack Design Summit Day 4

First off this morning had an enjoyable “Monty’s team” HP breakfast at the Marriott. Then there was a bit less fog today than previous days, so throughout the day we were able to head into the dev lounge and enjoy a lovely view! – Python3 and Pypy support – The first session I attended of […]

OpenStack Design Summit Day 3

Thursday morning! No keynotes today so we went directly into design sessions. – Integration Testing for Horizon – Currently the Horizon team depends on manual testing of its integration with the APIs, this session sought to address this and other tests. A lot of great notes were taken during this session, available here: icehouse-summit-Integration-Testing-for-Horizon.txt – […]

OpenStack Design Summit Day 2

Day 2 of the OpenStack summit here in Hong Kong began with a series of really great keynotes. First up were three major Chinese companies, iQIYI (online video), Qihoo 360 (Internet platform company) and Ctrip (travel services) about how they all use OpenStack in their companies (video here). We also learned several OpenStack statistics, including […]