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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category


On Friday evening MJ proposed and I said yes! I was completely surprised up until the moment he asked. The whole proposal was quite an amazing undertaking, complete with a limo, a professional photographer, a winery rented out for the evening and private catering for our dinner in a wine cave. The evening ended with […]

Visiting Edmonton

For Memorial day weekend I decided to take the weekend to make a quick trip up to Edmonton, Alberta to meet up with my sister at the West Edmonton Mall. I wrote my last post from the San Francisco airport just prior to taking off on my United flight up. The flight up was just […]

Lurking in airports

This has been my busiest travel month ever, and I think it’ll be hard to top. I’m currently sitting at San Francisco International Airport waiting for my 3 hour flight to Edmonton to see my sister and finally meet her husband (it’s only been 5 years…). I’ll be renting a car upon arrival at 11PM […]

Trip to Hollywood and Miami Florida

A couple months ago we received an invitation from MJ’s family for a Bat Mitzvah boat party for one of his cousins in Miami. MJ hadn’t seen these relatives in several years and it seemed like a nice opportunity to visit. We took today off from work, booked our flights and then were pleasantly surprised […]

UDS-O Budapest: Day 5

Friday was the last day of UDS (sad!) and it once again started off with some tasty breakfast and by me attending the Community Roundtable. One of the things that was discussed at length is making attending UDS for the first time easier for people. I really liked the suggestion of hosting an Ubuntu Classroom […]

UDS-O in Budapest: Day 4

Thursday was the busiest day of the summit for me. It started with the Community Roundtable where we discussed some of the webapp development community members are doing for Ubuntu resources and how Canonical can make it easier for them (setting up staging sites, expanding access without compromising security). There was also some talk of […]

UDS-O in Budapest: Day 3

I woke up at 5:30AM on Wednesday morning and couldn’t fall back to sleep, once again not enough sleep! After breakfast it was off to the Community Roundtable where we talked about what the 200 million users goal means for the community, nurturing leaders and talked a bit about UDS Sponsorship criteria. – LoCo and […]

UDS-O in Budapest: Day 2

I woke up far too early again on Tuesday morning, jet lag fun! The first session I attended was the Community Roundtable again where Jono talked about some of the plans for the emerging QA infrastructure, and we discussed the need for quickstart getting involved pages and general wiki pruning for a lot of teams, […]

UDS-O in Budapest: Travel and Day 1

My weekend began with a quick ride down to the San Francisco airport for a noon flight to Los Angeles. I dashed across LAX only to arrive at my gate to a flight that was delayed by over an hour. At the gate I met Clint Byrum who was on the same fight. The long […]

The rest of our Puerto Rico trip

I’ve needed a vacation for a while. I went to Dublin in October but as much touristing I did I was pretty active on Ubuntu work while I was there (replying to emails, updating docs, even attending an Ubuntu event!). I decided that for my own sanity I’d stay away from those kinds of obligations […]