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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Blogs on a Plane

This American Airlines flight offers wifi, so I paid $12.95 to get it. Wince, I know, but the novelty! And really not so bad to keep me entertained during the flight. IRC on a plane, w00t! It’s actually pretty decent, my ssh sessions have been quite zippy. It’ll be nice when wifi on flights becomes […]

Trip to New York for Ubuntu Release Event in Waterloo

This past weekend I drove up to Waterloo, New York with my friend Crissi to attend the New York Team‘s Ubuntu Release Event. We left Pennsylvania around 10AM on Saturday and headed out to NY, stopped at Friendly’s in Scraton for lunch and arrived in Seneca Falls, NY around 4PM. The weather driving up was […]

Upcoming Ubuntu Release Parties: Philadelphia, PA and Waterloo, NY!

I’m all geared up for the Karmic release, and luckily my scheduled worked out so that it’s possible to attend two release parties, in two different states! First is the one at my beloved Ubuntu Pennsylvania Team on Halloween. Karmic! Costumes! Cake! Should be a lot of fun More information about the event is on […]

Hive projects, MythJam, CPOSC, UDS, Community Council Election

September was quite a whirlwind month for me, and while I won’t be travelling anywhere on a plane in October (first month I haven’t since June!) it looks like it’s going to be a fun-filled month as well. Now catching up… PLUG Into Hive76! We had another successful meeting on the 24th, Kevin Valentine and […]

San Francisco Zoo

My trip to San Francisco this past weekend was a lot of fun. Lots of yummy food (sushi! thai! gyros! coffees! ice cream!), fantastic company, rug shopping, getting to meet some of the San Francisco portion of the Ubuntu California Team for beers on Saturday night, and a trip to the San Francisco Zoo. Huge […]

Flowers in hair? Check. Off to San Francisco!

I’ve finished packing and I’m leaving my apartment in a couple minutes for my long birthday weekend trip out to San Francisco. I’m actually flying back on the night of my birthday on Tuesday the 29th, but the long weekend itself should be a lot of fun! So excited! While I’m out there we’re planning […]

Road Trip to New Orleans!

The 5 minute conversation between Brent Saner and I last Monday went like this: < bts3685> pleia2: come to new orleans with me on saturday! < pleia2> bts3685: too hot :( < bts3685> my car has a/c! < pleia2> bts3685: you’re driving down? < bts3685> yes < pleia2> haha, wow < bts3685> and i can […]

Travel, Time, TV, Chromium browser, Linode upgrade

Gosh, my blog has been full of work, work, work and seriousness these past few weeks. I did mention my jaunt off to San Francisco a couple weeks ago to visit MJ (yay!). I stayed in last weekend and worked on projects, but this weekend am doing another insane-weekend-trip and am road tripping down to […]

Sweet Home 3D

This past weekend I flew to San Francisco to visit my boyfriend and help him start getting settled into the gorgeous new condo he recently purchased and I had yet to see. Upon arrival, I felt like I’d been there before! This was partially due to the photos and raw floor plans he sent me, […]

Geeknic++ 2009

This past weekend I went to the Geeknic++ Northeast US over at Jenny Jump State Forest. First, the obligatory fire and s’more photos! I ate like a half dozen s’mores, yum yum. I headed out shortly after work on Friday and arrived at the group site around 7PM and scoped out the place before the […]