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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Email migration note

We’re migrating my email (hopefully for the last time EVER). There shouldn’t be any problems, it was a quick change to something we’re no longer managing ourselves and we’re just waiting for DNS to propagate. But if you email me and it somehow slips between the cracks between now and Sunday just give me a […]


Busy day yesterday. I got up early and after some conversations had Desktop Debian on my mind, so I wrote about it: O’Reilly Linux DevCenter Blog: Desktop Debian Etch (and Ubuntu). Which reminds me, I need to drop a note to them to get my name changed… Yesterday morning our PA Ubuntu LoCo Team was […]

Simcoe: Master of Destruction

First off, Michael brought Simcoe to the vet last Thursday to get her sutures removed. It went as expected, snip snip snip and the sutures were gone without a struggle! The only problem was an infection in one of her paws, she was put on antibiotics and we asked Jane to stop in an check […]

Gaian Mind 2007

We returned from the Gaian Mind Summer Festival around 4PM yesterday afternoon. I had a great time. The weather was perfect, it was all very relaxing, we met some awesome people and in all it was a lot of fun. We drove out Thursday after a busy work day for me, ended up getting on […]

We got a DVD player, finally, Simcoe, and we’re going away

After much complaining about how DVDs suck, we finally broke down and bought a cheap Sony DVD player this week, the Sony DVP-NS57P/B Progressive Scan. I don’t care about xvid and region-freeness or any goodies. I just wanted something that would play damaged DVDs (like ones you get rented), DVD-Rs, and whatever other DVD-stuffs we […]

Boy Scouts (and Ubuntu)

Well I let my disgust for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) flow over into the work I do with Ubuntu. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but when someone added “Boy/Girl Scouts Computer Merit Badge Counseling” to our list of possible projects I had to let my personal objection be known. For the […]

Volunteer Work

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been pretty busy lately. A lot of stuff has come up in the F/OSS arena that I’m excited to be working on. I’m very glad that I realized recently that my capacity to take on more projects had ceased and so I wasn’t tempted to volunteer for any LinuxChix […]


There was a bit of a firestorm over at LinuxChix this week. It boiled down to some decisions that were made by the new coordinator not being popular, many long-time members and volunteers in the group stood up and objected and the whole thing got out of hand. Of course this took hundreds of emails […]

So, I went to the mall.. and the rest of my week

I should have gone to the Bear Creek Beer Festival on Sunday, Michael crashed in bed for most of the day after coming home from Starscape but I could have caught a ride! Our friends who went said they had a great time and told us stories of the fantastic beers brought from Crabby Larry’s […]

Girls Inc, YMCA, etc

Today I got up shortly before 7, showered, dressed, got my directions and headed down to Cheltenham to catch my ride down to a Girls Inc+Ubuntu PA+PhillyChix+some Philly computer society I forgot the name of. The Philadelphia Stock Exchange donated 10 PCs (1.7ghz – decent machines!) to Girls Inc to give out to girls and […]