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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

If it ain’t broke… and other miscellany

Ubuntu Dapper Drake is scheduled for official release on June 1st. I generally wait a few weeks after a release to upgrade so that most of the bugs can be worked out or someone has posted about a particular problem already when I run into it. Not exactly the most community supportive thing to do […]

Visiting Rehoboth Beach

Yesterday we spent a fantastic day in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware with and . Michael wrote an entry about where we went, with pictures. We had a few goals on our trip to Rehoboth: 1. Finally hang out with and on their turf (well sort of, they live in northern DE and Rehoboth is in southern), […]

Biking on the Perkiomen Trail

Yesterday was a beautiful day. Michael and I left home around 10AM to hit Tailwind Bicycle Shop in Schwenksville. They rented us a couple bikes, $15 each for the day and they weren’t the beat up sort of junkie bikes you might expect for rentals, they were new ones in the shop that they rent […]

Crash 2

May 10th, Michael’s car got hit by a propane truck while parked in the parking lot of LA Fitness May 16th, we get the car back from the shop, all fixed up as good as new. May 20th, Michael is driving with his friend Juilana to an afternoon wedding, he gets hit by an Accord […]

Pile of SPARCs

Michael went out yesterday and I had the house to myself. I thought about going out, but while making plans to meet up with a friend things just weren’t working out (which turned out to be a good thing, as Michael ended up needing my car in the afternoon). I spent most of the morning […]

The Week

It’s been a busy week. Monday evening we went to a MontcoLUG meeting (photo). Lee Marzke hosted it at his house in Collegeville and by offering to show off his Asterisk@Home setup he became the de facto presenter. It was a good presentation, I’d seen his Asterisk talk at PLUG a few months back, but […]

I Don’t Write Fiction

In the last couple years of my father’s life he put a great deal of effort into writing a book. There were several drafts of a first chapter, at least one draft of the second and countless notes. When we spoke on the phone he’d tell me about this book and always said he would […]

SanDisk Sansa e140 Digital Audio Player

Sunday afternoon Michael and I went out to King of Prussia to hit CompUSA. Michael bought a SanDisk Sansa e140 Digital Audio Player 1 GB about a week ago from NewEgg for about $80 with shipping. We figured we could see how he liked it and buy me one if it was any good. After […]

Diablo 2 + wine success after 3 years!

Diablo 2 holds a special place in my heart. When I was living in upstate New York with a few roommates in 2000 I became hopelessly addicted to it like I never had any game before, or since. My computer was the only one in the house that could play it, I used to have […]


My arms hurt. Michael and I met at the gym last night. I started off on the bike for 6 miles, then Michael showed me around some of the arm workout machines that he liked to use. I’m slightly less scared of all those crazy machines for exercising now ;) My arms sure did get […]