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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Cranberry juice, sugar cubes and coffee

I switch between drinking coffee and drinking tea every year or so. The last switch away from coffee was part of a diet thing – I can drink earl grey tea straight without sweetener, whereas coffee I have to add cream and sugar (I won’t use artificial sweeteners). The other issue is caffeine content, I […]

WickedFaire Photo

Wicked Danita Originally uploaded by radio_free_rlyeh. I was at WickedFaire over the weekend with Nita. I ended up not completely cropped out of this photo of Nita. Not the best picture of me online… but at least one exists, I had fun that day. …even if I felt overdressed. I never wear shirts like that […]

It’s very cold out this morning


I haven’t been in the mood to write lately, so you get a list of stuff instead. A couple weekends ago I spent the weekend hanging out with Nita. The Friday night was spent catching up and I hung out while she, her sister and brother in law played in their bowling league. Saturday started […]


Michael mentioned that he moved out a week ago, so I figured it was OK to say this. We’ve separated. It wasn’t due to some horrible blowup or catastrophic breach of trust, just a lot of issues that piled up over the past couple years and came to a breaking point. We saw a marriage […]


I received my passport yesterday. Seeing as I just applied for it on the 8th and did a standard application (no rush) getting it so quickly was quite a surprise. Now I can go to any cool IT conference in the world I want!

Hey, that’s my shoe size too!

This morning I was looking up how to do some filtering in gmail (specifically – how to get it to stop ignoring square brackets, no luck, I don’t think it’s possible). I did manage to wander around enough to learn something I really didn’t care to have taking up precious space in my brain. Paris […]

Red sky in the morning; shepherds warning.

I applied for my passport yesterday. Watch out world! The weather was gorgeous yesterday, sunny and mid 60s. I ended up opening the windows in my office. This morning I looked out my window and just the tiniest bit of the sky as the sun rose was filled with a magnificent red. When I went […]

Goodbye Windows!

2008 marks me using Linux essentially full time on my desktop for six years. In spite of that, I’ve kept a dual boot system with Win2K then WinXP that entire time. For a while it was so I had a backup for things that didn’t work properly in Linux (cd burning was a pain for […]


I haven’t been writing much these past few months. The truth is I’ve been going through a very rough time lately. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I don’t like posting when I’m depressed because my posts end up filled with negativity. In this case it’s that coupled with the problems I’m going through not […]