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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

my birthday, i hate aolese, and some other random things.

o/` BOA – For Jasmine o/` -!- BirthdayBot changed the topic of #13thHour to: ` – . – ` – Happy Birthday PrincessLeia2!!! – ` – . – ` I’m 22 today. Yesterday we went out to the Whole Foods market near our place to get salad stuff and rolls, and ended up picking up […]

Woo 2 year anniversary! A great dinner out. Cargo Kitty… and i finally saw RHPS

Today is Myk and my second year anniversary. Wow. Two years %) That makes me so happy. Yesterday was great. First Cargo kitty woke me up around 8:30 (ok, that wasn’t so great). So I got up and played with him for a while. Hopped on my laptop and *finally* got caught up on email […]


I think I’m finally happy with the design of PrincessLeia.com. Almost. Yeah, I it. I think. Ugh… Well it’s staying the way it is for a while anyway. I like it. Yesterday afternoon I was also able to redesign, moved, and renamed all the files in my section about Star Wars. It looks much better […]

princessleia.com redesign, FF7… n stuff

o/` Vangelis – Tears In Rain – Bladerunner Soundtrack o/` I spent a great deal of time today redesigning PrincessLeia.com. I never liked the former design. Maybe it really did suck, maybe I just looked at it too much. I really am pleased with this new design though. Yes. It’s pink and purple. I might […]

Chicago … and crazy mothers.

Game night! AI IRC Bots. And fun with apache access logs.

o/` Stabbing Westward – High o/` Today is very Mondayish. Not good, not bad. I sorta feel like I didn’t get enough sleep, but I don’t remember sleeping badly last night. It’s probably just the cloudy weather. I’m happy though, in a moderately sleepy sort of way %) Last night our friend n-tropy and his […]

o/` Bauhaus – All We Ever Wanted Was Everything o/` Yesterday was nice. I finished the last book in Orson Scott Card’s Homecoming series (second time reading it). I really do love those books. Then started reading Terry Pratchett’s Reaper Man, which has proven to be just as amusing as his other books (but no […]

power outage, mplayer and privacy.. i love carrot cake

o/` Barenaked Ladies – This Is Where It Ends o/` Because of the crazy winds and rain from Hurricane Isabel, the power was out today from about 4:30 am til 2 pm. It made for an interesting day. I read during most of it, cleaned the apartment like I always do on fridays, it wasn’t […]

The phone call with my father.

o/` Moby – Porcelain o/` I spoke with my father last night. This long complaint about the conversation that I’m about to write is not because I’m looking for advice or anything, I just need to get this off my chest. Conversations with my father always drive me nuts. He called at about 6:30, we […]

IRC… and my anti-social life.

o/` Dishwalla – Counting Blue Cars o/` Do I take IRC seriously? Sure. More seriously than a lot of people? Sure. Too seriously? No. I think it’s difficult for some people to understand the position I am currently in socially. I’m not a hermit, I’d go crazy if I didn’t have some sort of social […]