Thursday I took a half day off of work for a trip down to the Franklin Institute to see the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit. Being the Star Wars fan that I am, it’s probably surprising that I haven’t seen a lot of the original props before, but I’ve never really gotten the opportunity until now – so this exhibit was really exciting to me, there were several *squee* moments. Perhaps the best was getting to see an original R2D2 costume, and an original Leia dress:
Michael also snapped a photo if me standing on the steps in front of the institute, which they had decorated for the exhibit – way cool!
While we were downtown we also got to go to Eulogy Belgian Tavern in Old City. The beer was great, the bartender was great, the burgers were great, the fries left a bit to be desired, but in all a nice outing. One more Philly Belgian Beer bar down, how many to go? We also wandered around Penn’s Landing a bit, which was chilly but fun.
Last week I also decided to take a trip. One of my closest friends moved out to San Francisco to work for Google about a year ago and although we’ve kept in touch online I haven’t seen him since he left. So I’m flying out there for a long weekend in mid May, flying out from Philadelphia Thursday the 15th, spending Friday, Saturday and Sunday there before flying back on Monday. Aside from the chance to check out Google (cool!) we’re planning on doing one of the Napa Valley shuttle tours, which I’ve wanted to do since a couple of beer friends described how much fun they had when they went on one. So wow, SF! Should be fun, I’ve never been to California. I won’t really have time for visiting while I’m out there, but I hope this won’t be the only time I come out there.
I’ve started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer at the recommendation of a couple of friends. I never gave the show I real chance (saw a couple episodes here and there, wrote it off), but based on their recommendation I borrowed Nita’s DVDs and over the past week made my way through seasons 1 and 2. I’m really enjoying it! Thanks Aidy and Wiggy. I pretty much spent this entire weekend watching Buffy and goofing off in IRC and on email, which makes me feel really really lazy, but I think I needed a weekend of staying in and vegging out. I did manage to leave the house for a bit on Saturday and take a walk on the Schuylkill River Trail that runs behind Nita’s house.