I had a great year in 2013, highlighted by getting married to MJ and starting a new job that I continue to be really happy with. 2014 ended up being characterized by how much travel I’ve done, and a side trip down having the first surgery of my life.
Travel-wise I broke the 100k in-flight miles barrier, with a total of 101,170 in air miles. I traveled at least once a month and was able to add Australia to my continents list this year. The beaches in Perth were beautiful, and with January in the middle of their summer, it was certainly beach weather when I went!
Visiting family didn’t take a back seat this year, I spent a week up in Maine staying with my sister Annette, my nephew Xavier and visiting with my mother and her kitties. Plus, got a nice dose of snow along with it! Very enjoyable when I’m in a warm home and don’t have to drive.
I also was able to stick family visits onto a couple Florida trips and we went to the weddings of MJ’s cousin and sister in the fall. But much of my travel was for work, with a variety of conferences this year, all travel:
- January: Perth, Australia for Linux Conf AU: post 1post 2, post 3, plus touristing
- February: Los Angeles, CA for the SCaLE12x: Post about conference, post about my talk
- March: Wilton, ME to visit family, it snowed!
- April: Montreal, QC, Canada for PyCon, PiDoorbell workshop, rest of the conference, plus some tourism
- May: Philadelphia/New Jersey for LOPSA-East, wrap-up post, plus a visit to a museum and visiting family over our anniversary
- June: Austin, Texas for the Texas Linuxfest, wrap-up post
- June: Zagreb, Croatia for DORS/CLUC conference post and tourism!
- July: Darmstadt, Germany for an OpenStack QA/Infra meetup, meetup summary, and some tourist stuff
- August: Philadelphia, PA for FOSSCON which I wrote about here
- August: Portland, OR for DebConf 14, summary post
- September: Orlando, FL for Fossetcon, Ubuntu highlights and rest of the conference, plus I was able to visit with family for a weekend
- September: Squaw Valley, CA for my birthday!
- October: Raleigh, NC for All Things Open, conference summary
- October: Hollywood, FL for a cousin’s wedding, wrote about it here
- November: Paris, France for the OpenStack summit: post 1, post 2, post 3, plus tourism!
- November: Philadelphia, PA for my sister-in-law’s wedding, wrote about it here
- November: Negril, Jamaica for an actual vacation!
- December: St. Louis, MO to visit friends tourism post here
But it wasn’t all traveling to conferences, I did HP booth duty at the Open Business Conference in May (wrap-up post) and presented at PuppetConf in September (wrap-up post), both here in San Francisco. I also did some personal conference geekery with my friend Danita Fries by attending Google I/O for the first time in June (wrap-up post).
I also gave a number of talks, sometimes double or tripling up during a conference. I learned that doing 3 talks at a conference is 1-2 talks too many.
- January 6, 2014: “Open Sourcing your entire puppet configuration” at linux.conf.au Sysadmin miniconf (slides, video)
- January 7, 2014: “‘But the audience won’t like me!’ and other myths” at linux.conf.au Haecksen miniconf (slides, video)
- January 8, 2014: “Systems Administration in the Open” at linux.conf.au (slides. video)
- February 21, 2014: “5 ways to get involved with Ubuntu today” at Ubucon at Southern California Linux Expo 12x (slides)
- February 21, 2014: “Open Source Systems Administration at the Infrastructure,Next track at the Southern California Linux Expo 12x (slides)
- February 22, 2014: “Code Review for Systems Administrators” at Southern California Linux Expo 12x (slides)
- April 24, 2014: “Ubuntu 14.04: What’s New?” at the San Francisco 14.04 Ubuntu Release Party (slides)
- May 3, 2014: “Code Review for Sys Admins” at LOPSA-East 2014 (slides)
- May 3, 2014: Keynote: “Universal Design for Tech: Improving Gender Diversity in our Industry” at LOPSA-East 2014 (slides)
- May 17, 2014: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS “Trusty Tahr” at Felton Linux Users Group (slides)
- May 20, 2014: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS “Trusty Tahr” at Bay Area Linux Users Group (slides)
- June 14, 2014: “Code Review for Systems Administrators” at Texas Linux Fest (slides)
- June 18, 2014: Keynote: “OpenStack’s Continuous Integration Infrastructure” at DORS/Croatian Linux Users Convention 2014 (slides)
- August 9, 2014: “A Career in Open Source Software” at Fosscon (slides)
- September 11, 2014: “10 ways to get involved with Ubuntu today” with Nicholas Skaggs at Fossetcon (slides)
- September 13, 2014: “Code Review for Systems Administrators” at Fossetcon (slides)
- September 23, 2014: “How to Open Source your Puppet Configuration” at PuppetConf (slides)
- October 15, 2014: “Open Source Systems Administration” lightning talk at Ada Lovelace Day at ThoughtWorks (slides)
- October 22-23, 2014: “Open Source Systems Administration” at All Things Open (slides)
- November 3, 2014: “Automated failure aggregation & detection with elastic-recheck” lightning talk at OpenStack Summit – Paris 2014 (slides)
Plus, I had my first book published over the summer! Working with Matthew Helmke and José Antonio Rey, the Official Ubuntu Book, 8th Edition was released in July.
2014 also made me one organ lighter as of July with the removal of my gallbladder after a few months of diagnostics and pain. It certainly complicated some of my travel, making me spend the shortest amount of time possible in both Croatia and Germany, both countries I wish I could have explored more during my trips.
So far for 2015 I believe I’ll have a slightly less busy year travel-wise, but my first two trips are international, the first to Brussels for my first FOSDEM and then in February off to Oman for FOSSC Oman. Looking for a great, and healthier year in 2015!