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Archive for the ‘events’ Category

OpenStack Design Summit Day 3

Thursday morning! No keynotes today so we went directly into design sessions. – Integration Testing for Horizon – Currently the Horizon team depends on manual testing of its integration with the APIs, this session sought to address this and other tests. A lot of great notes were taken during this session, available here: icehouse-summit-Integration-Testing-for-Horizon.txt – […]

OpenStack Design Summit Day 2

Day 2 of the OpenStack summit here in Hong Kong began with a series of really great keynotes. First up were three major Chinese companies, iQIYI (online video), Qihoo 360 (Internet platform company) and Ctrip (travel services) about how they all use OpenStack in their companies (video here). We also learned several OpenStack statistics, including […]

OpenStack Design Summit Day 1

Today, Tuesday here in Hong Kong, the OpenStack Summit began! It kicked off with a beautiful and colorful performance of the Lion dance, followed by some words of welcome from Daniel Lai, CIO of the Hong Kong Office of the Government (video of both here). Then we had the keynotes. Jonathan Bryce, Executive Director of […]

Cinematic Titanic, classes & events and upcoming travel

It’s been a busy month. Fortunately in that time my ankle has pretty much healed from the sprain I got last month and I plan on heading back to the gym full force soon. I realized that I never mentioned it here, but I was interviewed on a podcast earlier in the month about Xubuntu, […]

A Little San Francisco 13.10 Release Party

I was finally in my home city of San Francisco for an Ubuntu release (why are Octobers so crazy?) so I was able to put together a small event for the release of Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander). The night before I pulled out the nail polish and nail decals from System76 to get into the […]

Code Review for Sysadmins talk at BALUG

On the heels of my trip to Illinois to speak at ACM Reflections | Projections on building a career in open source, I had the opportunity on Tuesday to speak at the Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) on the system the OpenStack Infrastructure team uses to do systems administration. It was a happy coincidence […]

ACM Reflections | Projections Conference 2013 wrap-up

Last Thursday I flew out to Urbana-Champaign to speak at a conference put on by the ACM at the University of Illinois, Reflections | Projections. On Thursday evening and Friday I was able to spend time catching up with my Ubuntu colleagues Nathan Handler, who was staff at the conference, and Paul Tagliamonte who was […]

32nd Birthday in Squaw Valley

On Friday MJ and I left to head toward Tahoe to spend the weekend at The Resort at Squaw Creek to celebrate my 32nd birthday on Sunday. With my still recovering sprained ankle I wasn’t as mobile as I generally like to be for a mountain adventure, but the weather was cooperating for some nice […]

CodeChix OpenStack workshop wrap-up and materials

As I announced in a previous post on September 22nd I ran a CodeChix workshop in Palo Alto on OpenStack. In the weeks leading up to it I worked with my session assistants Ryan Lane and Anita Kuno to hash out our plans for the workshop. Ryan was able to put together an image for […]

OpenStack TripleO Sprint

Last week I headed to the HP office in Seattle to meet up with my colleagues from HP, Red Hat and others for a TripleO Sprint which was proposed in July and fleshed out last month. We started off on Monday by attempting to get everyone set up with a TripleO environment by walking through […]