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Archive for the ‘events’ Category

Hosting a CodeChix OpenStack Workshop in Palo Alto

Several months ago I met Rupa Dachere, founder of CodeChix, “a CA non-profit public benefit organization dedicated to the Education, Promotion and Mentorship of female engineers and students.” Given my work with OpenStack, we chatted about the possibility of doing a workshop on OpenStack for CodeChix. This has now come together! Ryan Lane of Wikimedia […]

California Wedding Reception

Since we had our wedding on the east coast we decided to also host an event on the west coast for friends here, many of whom couldn’t make it across the country for the wedding itself. It took some time to plan, but last Saturday we finally had our event! We ended up going with […]

Breakfast with the Penguins at the San Francisco Zoo

This past weekend our friend Danita was in town visiting. To kick things off I dragged her and MJ out of bed at 7AM to head to the San Francisco Zoo! This year we missed the annual March of the Penguins where the new baby penguins of the year are introduced to the colony on […]

Fosscon 2013 Wrap-up

This past weekend MJ and I traveled to our old home city of Philadelphia to attend Fosscon. It was great to see that this year attendance doubled over the previous year and topped out over 300. The keynote was given by Jordan Miller who works on bioengineering at Rice University. He spoke on how he […]

Fosscon on August 10th

Next week we’ll be heading back east to Philadelphia for the 4th annual Fosscon on Saturday, August 10th. I gave the keynote at this conference in 2011 and this year that honor goes to Jordan Miller of UPenn who will be talking about AMRI: Building Open Source Infrastructures for Science. I’m coming back to give […]

Matti’s Wedding in Boston

MJ and I spent this past weekend in Boston, Massachusetts to attend the wedding of MJ’s friend Matti, who was his Best Women at our wedding back in April. Since I was tied up with OSCON, MJ flew in a day earlier than me to settle in and meet up with Matti and some other […]


The 4th day of OSCON was the last one for me this year, with a redeye flight on my horizon so I could be in Boston for a friend’s pre-wedding festivities on Friday night. The day began with a series of keynotes. The first that really stood out for me was one about CODE2040 by […]


Day three of OSCON kicked off with several keynotes. Highlights for me included Jay Parikh of Facebook presenting on the growth of the Open Compute Project. I learned about this project when it was much younger and fully populated by Facebook engineers, so it’s was great to learn that they’ve since grown considerably and now […]

OSCON Tutorial Days

This is my second time attending OSCON, last year I was here for the last 2 days and this time I’m attending for the first 4. As such, this is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to attend the tutorial days. The first day I ended up in Jono Bacon’s Community Management Training. I […]

Community Leadership Summit 2013

On Thursday I’m presenting on Code Review for Systems Administrators at OSCON, but was delighted to be able to to come up to Portland a couple days early to join my peers and colleagues at the Community Leadership Summit. Back in 2011 I attended a Community Leadership Summit West, but this was my first time […]