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Archive for the ‘food’ Category

My past month of warriors, bread and a baby giraffe

Since returning from the honeymoon a month ago our lives have continued to be very busy, catching up with work and projects while we were gone and catching up with all other life stuff we postponed while we were preparing for the wedding. Because we have been so overwhelmed, I gave Instacart a try and […]

31 years old

Yesterday I turned 31, and lest I be accused of growing up, I thoroughly enjoyed and celebrated my birthday. First, MJ surprised me with a trip down to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. I had been in the building before for a holiday party, but they hadn’t completed the major Revolution exhibit that […]

Much of November

My energy the past few weeks has left something to be desired, so much of my energy has been spent at work on a major project. During the week following the Ubuntu Developer Summit I hosted an Ubuntu Hour in San Francisco where I had great chats with Michelle Mastin and Evan Broder and toward […]

Uncle Keith, travel, office, pools and food

I lost my Uncle Keith to cancer on Friday, September 16th (obituary). It was an expected loss and I am glad I was able to spend some time him earlier this month. We weren’t close, and any condolence should go to my aunt, his wife, I know what it’s like to watch a loved one […]

Weekend boats!

During his commute on Friday MJ heard about the Pacific Voyagers visiting San Francisco, so on Saturday following a breakfast of waffles and blueberries we headed out to check them out. They crossed the Pacific in their small boats, you can check out their page charting the course here. Crazy. The event was held on […]

Philadelphia – foodadelphia!

When I was making plans to move to San Francisco one of the things I was most excited about was the plethora of amazing food that awaited me on the golden coast. I didn’t even bother to think how much I’d miss the food from Philadelphia! Pretty quickly I found a place for a good […]