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Archive for the ‘philadelphia’ Category

Philadelphia Flower Show

Yesterday morning I met up with Stephen, Alisa and their mother to head over to the Members Preview day of the Philadelphia Flower Show. We hit Sam’s Coventry Diner prior for some breakfast and headed down to Philly around 11. I’d never been to the show before (which is billed as the biggest indoor flower […]

Philadelphia Bug Jam!

On Saturday the Philadelphia team of Ubuntu US Pennsylvania hosted our BugJam. PLUG member Art Alexion graciously offered us space at Resources for Human Development in great room with wired connections for the event, and access to a kitchen for our goodies. People started arriving around noon and we got things set up, retrieved the […]

UCP, US Teams, Ubuntu BugJam in Philly

As many of my local friends can attest, I spent much of my January as a bit of a hermit. I made it out for a PLUG North meeting (great talk on zsh by Paul Snyder), but otherwise spent a lot of time hanging in. February is shaping up to be a more active month. […]

Going International!

Every year the world seems smaller to me. Since I got online in ’98 I’ve had friends all over the world, but I think I’ve just gotten more involved with people worldwide, become more conscious of conferences I want to attend, things happening that I’d like to see and getting to know more people I’d […]

Valley Forge

I drive past it several times a month, but the last (and first!) time I was actually at Valley Forge National Historical Park was in 2005 with Michael. I always say I’m going to go back, but it never happens. So last weekend I was coming back from Micro Center having just picked up my […]

Philadelphia Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex Release Party! And how we almost got arrested

On Saturday the 1st the Philadelphia team of the Ubuntu Pennsylvania LoCo held our release party. Just like last year, we decided to celebrate the release with a Halloween influenced costume party at Drake Tavern in Jenkintown. Drake Tavern is quite the hospitable place for our events, it’s a pretty family-friendly environment (Zoe was our […]

Liberty Bell Still Jailed

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, November 11, 1755 We need Ben to come back and talk to the current governor. Following 9/11/2001 it was decided to take the Liberty Bell off the street […]