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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

UDS-O in Budapest: Day 3

I woke up at 5:30AM on Wednesday morning and couldn’t fall back to sleep, once again not enough sleep! After breakfast it was off to the Community Roundtable where we talked about what the 200 million users goal means for the community, nurturing leaders and talked a bit about UDS Sponsorship criteria. – LoCo and […]

UDS-O in Budapest: Day 2

I woke up far too early again on Tuesday morning, jet lag fun! The first session I attended was the Community Roundtable again where Jono talked about some of the plans for the emerging QA infrastructure, and we discussed the need for quickstart getting involved pages and general wiki pruning for a lot of teams, […]

UDS-O in Budapest: Travel and Day 1

My weekend began with a quick ride down to the San Francisco airport for a noon flight to Los Angeles. I dashed across LAX only to arrive at my gate to a flight that was delayed by over an hour. At the gate I met Clint Byrum who was on the same fight. The long […]

Keynoting at Fosscon in July

Last month I was approached by the organizers of Fosscon, taking place in Philadelphia this year, and asked if I would be interested in doing the keynote. It requires a flight across the country, but Philadelphia is my old home and I was delighted by the opportunity! So on Saturday July 23rd I’ll be giving […]

Register now for Invisible Exhibition on Wednesday evening at UDS!

I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t know a lot about accessibility, but this past Ubuntu cycle I’ve been fascinated to watch the continued evolution of the Ubuntu Accessibility Team and their efforts to make Unity and all of Ubuntu more accessible to more users. It was while reading their Ubuntu Accessibility Blog […]

Much fun at the San Francisco Natty Release Party!

Before I woke up yesterday Ubuntu 11.04 “Natty Narwhal” was released, and that could only mean one thing: That night we’d be having beers at Thirsty Bear! I met up with Grant Bowman prior to the event at a nearby coffee shop (the same one we use for San Francisco Ubuntu Hours) and around 6:30 […]

April 28th San Francisco Natty Release Party

We’ll be hosting a gathering at Thirsty Bear Brewing Company at 661 Howard Street in San Francisco on the evening of Thursday, April 28th to celebrate the release of Ubuntu 11.04, Natty Narwhal! Date: Thursday, April 28th Time: 7:30 – 9:30 PM Location: Thirsty Bear Brewing Company, 661 Howard Street, San Francisco 94105 (Map) RSVP/LoCo […]

CiviCRM, Partimus ISA work, Ubuntu Hour, videos from talks

I live about 250 feet from the Wikimedia Foundation office in San Francisco, so when Beth Lynn Eicher told the Partimus crew about a How the Wikimedia Foundation uses CiviCRM presentation hosted at the Wikimedia Foundation on April 7th I had to attend. I didn’t know a whole lot about CiviCRM but as Partimus grows […]

Another wiki.ubuntu.com Upgrade Update

Back on March 9th I posted a wiki.ubuntu.com Upgrade Update which outlined a tentative timeline for the upgrade of wiki.ubuntu.com. Today the Community Council received another update from Charlie Schluting of Canonical: We have openid (with teams) working in the latest moin. A test upgrade (of another wiki) that we started working on this week […]

Berkeley Natty Global Jam

On Sunday I met up with 4 other members of the Linux community in the area as Ubuntu California Team teamed up with BerkeleyLUG for an Ubuntu Global Jam. I arrived just before noon, Jack Deslippe had already arrived and ordered a pepperoni and jalepeno pizza! I unpacked the goodies I had brought for the […]