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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

UDS Maverick Day 2

Tuesday morning we were up bright and early for breakfast and the beginning of day 2 of UDS! As usual, the day for me started out over at the Community Roundtable. – Community Roundtable – In addition to being a general overview of the upcoming day, this roundtable really focused on the perception the community […]

Travel and UDS Maverick Day 1

Saturday morning I woke up early to get to the airport on time and caught my flight out of San Francisco. The flight was slightly tense since I had to gate check my carry on (argh!) and further ash cloud problems were cancelling several flights out of the US that morning. I landed in Chicago […]

Ubuntu Women World Play Day Competition

Last month Melissa Draper announced the Ubuntu Women World Play Day Competition. “A pivotal issue within computing cultures of today is the overemphasis on boys and men as the primary consumers of technology. Children learn by example and since the majority of media images consist of boys playing computer type games and girls playing with […]

Bay Area Lucid Release Parties and Bay Area Geeknic #1

What an exciting few days! Thursday night over 60 (maybe more, the RSVP list was longer and it was difficult to count!) Ubuntu fans poured into Thirsty Bear for a Lucid release party! This turnout was unexpectedly large (maybe reserve the room upstairs next time?) and wonderfully exciting! I was able to meet a whole […]

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Lucid Lynx, Released!

After much anticipation, the latest Long Term Service (LTS) release of Ubuntu was announced this afternoon: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS released As with each new release, this once again is seeking to be the biggest yet – and if IRC is any indicator that certainly will be the case: the #ubuntu channel on freenode soared to […]

Upcoming busy weekend: Ubuntu Lucid release parties and a Geeknic!

I managed to pack my schedule around the Release of Ubuntu Lucid, 10.04. The first event I’ll be attending is down at Thirsty Bear Brewing Company in San Francisco on Howard near 3rd. Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010 Time: 7:30-10:30 PM Sign-up: Here Come and join the Ubuntu California LoCo Team in celebrating the Ubuntu […]

Ubuntu Women featured in Ubuntu User Magazine!

During the past year I have watched the Ubuntu Women Project go from a small corner of the Ubuntu project to a respected, active and successful project. This is in no small part due to the efforts of Melissa Draper, Laura Czajkowski, Penelope Stowe, Mackenzie Morgan and the current project leader, Amber Graner. One of […]

Digital Chronicles interview on KPFA 94.1 FM

A couple weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting Antonio Ortiz in Yerba Buena Gardens on a beautiful sunny morning so that I could be interviewed for a piece on Digital Chronicles on their weekly Radio Chronicles program on KPFA 94.1 FM in Berkeley. The Digital Chronicles program is dedicated to collecting “personal stories […]

Pink Tools!

I have seen lots of little pink tool sets over the years, but it wasn’t until today that I actually picked up one. The flashlight in the case is pretty cheesy (my pink Mini Maglite, pictured next to it, is WAY better!), but the rest of it will be quite useful as a case I […]

Berkeley Jam Wrap-up

The Ubuntu Global Jam at BerkeleyLUG was a lot of fun! MJ and I arrived around noon and ordered some pizza (I think I found my good pizza in California, why does it have to be all the way over in Berkeley?). First on the agenda at the event was working on a tri-fold brochure, […]