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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

New PrincessLeia.com Design!

My friend Jay promised me a bit ago to put his mad design skills to use on a new design for PrincessLeia.com. He came through today as expected and after work I excitedly wrote up the template html, which I installed this evening. The result? See for yourself: A-ma-zing!!! Thank you Jay! It’s about time […]

Ubuntu at Best Buy: Package Details

I learned this morning via #ubuntu-us that they’re now selling Ubuntu at Best Buy, and couldn’t help myself: during my lunch break I swung out to Best Buy to drop $20 on a copy. It wasn’t easy to find, I spent about 10 minutes searching through their software section, past their big Microsoft Windows Vista […]

Ubuntu Classroom Needs Volunteers

Now that all of us have “recovered” from the busy Hardy release, we’re prepared to get back to work on the Classroom Project. The idea of the Classroom Project is to provide a place for teams and individuals to: Host their classes Promote their classes Classes range from teaching users how to use Ubuntu to […]

Ubuntu Pennsylvania MythTV Seminar

Last year Matt Mossholder held a very successful MythTV seminar using Mythbuntu for the Ubuntu Pennsylvania team. Due to the great interest in the community and much remorse from folks who missed the first session, we hosted a second session on June 21st. The session went very well, with approx a dozen people in attendance, […]

PhillyChix Meeting

Last week we had a PhillyChix meeting for the first time since the Girls Inc Event last year. It was pretty much just a social meeting. Danita Fries and Stephanie Layton were in attendance with me, and though the meeting was small we had some really great discussions ranging from Stephanie’s Debian packaging, to general […]

Ubuntu Women Project Status – Mid 2008

The last time I posted a status update on the project was August 2007. As an advocacy project, we don’t make the swift changes that development projects make, but I’d like to comment on that previous post and move forward with what we’ve accomplished in these past 10 months. The primary concerns in the last […]

Ubuntu Hardy on Computer Corner + podcast!

On the 12th of this month Alex Launi and I were invited back to WCOJ 1420 AM’s Computer Corner to discuss the release of Ubuntu Hardy. As with last time, Alex and I met up with Gene and Joe shortly before 8AM for the 8-9AM broadcast. Jim graciously donated sticky buns and dropped off a […]

LedgerSMB on Alioth! Reviewers and testers needed.

After spending several months working on this, including overcoming several hurdles and resigning to the fact that it simply couldn’t be included in the next Debian stable release due to database version issues, I’ve finally uploaded a .deb to Alioth. The .deb is lintian error free (w/ 2 reasonable overrides), but it still needs auto […]

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Password Management?

Between work, play, and community involvement, I’ve now officially passed the threshold of reasonable password management. I’m constantly checking my brain, irclogs, stashed emails and scraps of paper to find various passwords. It’s a mess, and in a lot of cases causes me to drag my feet on tasks because I have to search for […]