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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Weekend in the “Entertainment Capital of the World”

This past weekend 3 friends and I spent a the three day weekend in Las Vegas! Picking the hotel was the easiest. Since this was a trip without MJ, I decided to go for one that I knew he wouldn’t be interested in going to, the Flamingo! It’s an older hotel, right in the middle […]

And then I was off to Seattle to meet my team

Last week I started my new job as an Automation and Tools Engineer at Hewlett-Packard. In this role I’ve joined an awesome team to work on the core infrastructure for the open source OpenStack project. On Sunday I flew to Seattle to meet my boss some of the members of the team. In a whirlwind […]

Wedding planning stuff and a PLUG meeting in Philly

Last week MJ and I headed to Philadelphia to celebrate the new year, attend a PLUG meeting and go to several wedding-related appointments we had lined up. Some flurries awaited our arrival Saturday night and there was already snow on the ground due to past precipitation, but it was nothing too worrying. Fortunately the weather […]

San Diego Zoo!

On Sunday MJ and I checked out of the hotel, which was a bit of a relief because it turns out a youth soccer tournament decided to use the hotel as their base and it had grown quite out of control will kids (don’t get me wrong, kids are cool, but the loud, unsupervised roaming […]

San Diego Zoo Safari Park

After LISA ’12 MJ joined me in San Diego for a weekend of San Diego Zoo adventure! We stayed at the Loews Coronado Bay hotel, which made for a very comfortable stay Friday night. We made our way up to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park late Saturday morning, arriving around 11AM. The park itself […]

LISA ’12 in San Diego

This week I attended my first Large Installation Systems Administration conference, LISA ’12 in San Diego. I worked Monday and Tuesday this week and took a 7AM flight to San Diego on Wednesday morning. I made it to the conference center just in time to see the beginning of Vint Cerf’s keynote where he talked […]

Travel wraps up with a visit to Philly

I left home on October 10th and went on a whirlwind tour that brought me to Accra, Copenhagen and finally Philadelphia – 3 continents! The weekend I went from Copenhagen to Philadelphia was an extremely long one. I left Copenhagen on a 6AM flight on Saturday, connecting with a 3 hour layover in Frankfurt (my […]

Tourist in Copenhagen

With the Ubuntu Developer Summit ending a day sooner than it has in the past, I decided to take the opportunity on Friday to do some touristing in downtown Copenhagen. I didn’t have many plans, but I did want to see The Little Mermaid statue and do a little shopping. The night before I sketched […]

2 days home, then I was off to Copenhagen

Friday was crazy busy doing laundry, packing for my Copenhagen trip, writing those last Ghana blog posts and getting a ton of little home things that I wanted to get done before I left, including prepping the next batch of Save the Date cards and shipping out some Ubuntu CDs to other areas of California. […]

Ghana trip summary and thank you

My trip to Ghana this month was an adventure. It was the first time I’d traveled to a developing country, one of the most ambitious projects I’ve had the pleasure of joining and quite the cultural experience. I’m also happy to say that “Plan B” was a resounding success. Plan B? Our intention for traveling […]