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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Visit to the port in Tema and journey home

Wednesday was my last day in Ghana! My flight wasn’t until the evening, but wanted to stay near Accra just in case there were transportation or other problems which may prevent me getting to the airport on time. Beth Lynn and Nancy got up bright and early to meet up with professor Ayorkor Korsah at […]

Final training and e-waste recycling

On Tuesday Nancy and I finished up training with some of the Africa ICT Right (the non-profit we’re working with here in Ghana) volunteers we’re working with while Dave, Daniel and Beth Lynn went down to the port to handle transactions there to move the process of the release of the computers along. In the […]

Back in Accra, shopping and more training

On Sunday morning we enjoyed breakfast at the hotel in Ho and then had a great team meeting where we recounted some of our worst and best moments of the trip. Certainly the most disappointing part of this trip was that we haven’t accomplished what we’ve set out to do: deploy 100 computers to the […]

Training in Ho and monkeys at Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary

Today we got up at 7AM. First up was breakfast and then a training session for some of the teachers we visited last week. The first woman who arrived taught junior high school ITC and Nancy was able to work with her one on one before others arrived. Four of the other teachers, all of […]

Journey to Ho and visiting the EP Schools

Today was our journey to the town of Ho. We met up with Daniel at the station around 8:30. The station was a confusing series of “tro-tros” – 12 seat vans that will take people all over the place, from around the city to around the country. Fortunately Daniel could easily navigate the chaos and […]

Wrap up at the Street Academy and Google Ghana

This morning we went over to the Street Academy for our last time this trip. We were met by journalists from a local newspaper who had been told about our visit, so there was a photo op and Dave was interviewed about our work and the deployments. We then set up the laptops in the […]

Street Academy in Accra Edubuntu Training

Today we took the re-imaged laptops back to the Street Academy in Accra, Ghana so we could do some training. We were delighted to meet with three of the attendees from the Accra Linux Users Group we visited on Saturday who have volunteered to help maintain the deployment at the school. The day began with […]

Rightway International School and Ghanaian National Museum

This morning we left the hotel around 8AM to meet Daniel at the school in Tema where he is head master. The ride out to Tema took about an hour, much of the trip was on paved roads, but the last few miles were unpaved and the taxi had to take it a bit slow […]

Ubuntu image fix-ups, Ashesi and USAID contacts and luggage!

On Sunday I woke up with an uncooperative stomach. Fortunately the plans for that morning was the social-networking opportunity at a Jubilee International Church and not a technical event I was strictly required to attend. Nancy writes about their experience at the church over on her blog: Sunday Worship. I spent much of the day […]

Tourist day and the Accra Linux Users Group

Second full day in Ghana! I’ve been having incredibly vivid dreams these past couple nights and I kept coming up with reasons for it – not enough sleep, stress, travel. Upon meeting bright and early at 7AM for breakfast I had a different excuse, Dave mentioned similar and it turns out it’s one of the […]