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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Street Academy, AITI and fufu

Friday was my first full day in Ghana. We had breakfast at the hotel and then met up with Daniel so we could begin our meetings for the day. We also learned that there were some customs troubles that were delaying the release of the computers, a situation we later learned is exceptionally common here. […]

Arrived in Ghana

On Wednesday the 10th MJ dropped me off at San Francisco airport’s International terminal where I grabbed some lunch before boarding my 2:55PM Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt. Aside from being long (around 11 hours), the flight was uneventful, I made significant use of their on-flight entertainment system and even managed to get a couple hours […]

Ghana travel details coming together

On September 24th I got my Visa for Ghana, and was able to breathe a huge sigh of relief! Having already booked my tickets, bought a number of items for my trip and made solid plans with the team I’m traveling with it would have been troublesome if I didn’t manage to get my Visa, […]

I’m going to Ghana to deploy Edubuntu!

On August 17th I received an email from Beth Lynn Eicher sharing that she would be going to Ghana to deploy Edubuntu desktops in schools under the umbrella of Computer Reach, a non-profit based out of Pittsburgh, PA. She asked if one of the other Partimus board members would be interested in going. Not yet […]

Been busy! Xubuntu, animals, trip to Philly…

I have been exceptionally busy lately. I have a lot going on with work, some exciting but loosely scheduled plans for travel are upcoming in October, today I learned that I’ll be going to the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Copenhagen October 29th – Nov 1st, and we have personal things like wedding planning and some […]

Tourist in the other Portland (Oregon)

After OSCON wrapped up on Friday I took the opportunity of a free afternoon to play the tourist in Portland. It occurred to me as I booked this trip that I managed to visit both Portlands this month, this one had less lobster though. And I will take this opportunity to say that I was […]

The rest of our Maine trip

Our trip to Maine continued on Friday with a trip back to my hometown of Cape Elizabeth to give MJ the grand tour of where I grew up. We drove past the first house I grew up in in Cape Elizabeth, past the schools and the town center and then down to the Two Lights […]

Travel to Maine and meeting Xavier

On Tuesday night I managed to get a few hours of sleep before MJ woke me up at 3AM to get ready to leave at 4AM for our 6AM flight out of San Francisco to Manchester, NH via Philadelphia. The flights were uneventful, we picked up our rental car in Manchester and made the drive […]

The Grand Canyon and Phoenix trip

Over the past couple of years I’ve made a habit of doing quick trips on 3 day weekends. Last year over Memorial Day weekend I went up to Edmonton to see one of my sisters for the first time in 5 years. This time I realized that I needed a relaxing break and selected Phoenix […]

Philadelphia Wedding Venue Trip

Our trip to Philadelphia went by far too quickly. We had 6 wedding venue visits scheduled, ended up with 8 by the time we had finished collecting and reviewing recommendations from friends and family. I am really happy with what we ended up seeing, and upon browsing through a local weddings magazine we were given […]