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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Do you Ubuntu… with Penn and Teller?

This past weekend I was in Las Vegas with my boyfriend for our 1 year anniversary (hooray!), and as a crazy huge fan of the duo, while I was there I had to see a Penn & Teller show! After the show they stood in the lobby for signing and photos, so I was able […]

Beer in Brussels!

I’ve wanted to visit Belgium ever since I had my first beer from Duvel back in 2001. The opportunity to go was unexpected this year, and as a result of the circumstances (attending the Ubuntu Developer Summit for Maverick Meerkat) I wasn’t able to spend my whole trip sampling beer and being a tourist, but […]

UDS Maverick Day 5

Last day of UDS! – Community Roundtable – It was discussed that the LoCo Council will be formally deprecating the unmaintainable LoCo Team List wiki page in favor of loco directory. We also did some reviewing of good sessions throughout the week. – Ubuntu Women UDS-M Goals – The Ubuntu Women team has a full […]

UDS Maverick Day 4

And on to day 4… – Community Roundtable – First off, Laura Czajkowski explained the LoCo Council healthcheck, a series of monthly Q&A sessions on IRC where the LoCo Council is available to answer questions from the community. The rest of the session was spent on smaller topics, including calendars on fridge, the idea of […]

UDS Maverick Day 3

Day 3! – Community Roundtable – Once again started my day in the Community Roundtable discussion. Not much noteworthy to the outside world came of this, mostly just administrative loose ends that needed to be tied up, including touching base with Canonical about some things, changing some of the scheduled sessions (oh no, conflicts!), making […]

UDS Maverick Day 2

Tuesday morning we were up bright and early for breakfast and the beginning of day 2 of UDS! As usual, the day for me started out over at the Community Roundtable. – Community Roundtable – In addition to being a general overview of the upcoming day, this roundtable really focused on the perception the community […]

Travel and UDS Maverick Day 1

Saturday morning I woke up early to get to the airport on time and caught my flight out of San Francisco. The flight was slightly tense since I had to gate check my carry on (argh!) and further ash cloud problems were cancelling several flights out of the US that morning. I landed in Chicago […]

Nexus One, Ubuntu and leaving for Belgium

Sunday was a pretty low-key day, which I really needed after all the release parties and events. MJ and I headed over to Kate O’Briens for lunch, turns out they have this *great* Corned Beef Quesadilla (yes, really). I then moved the SIM from my G1 to my new Nexus One. I had been reluctant […]

Ubuntu Developer Summit for Lucid Lynx – Dallas, Texas: Thursday and Friday

Yes, I’m trying to set a record for latest UDS wrap-up post! Finally, here’s the follow-up to my last post. UDS Day 4 – Encouraging A Diverse Community – This was a really interesting session as it focused less on tackling the diversity issue directly and instead focused on getting folks involved in general. Amber […]

Ubuntu Developer Summit for Lucid Lynx – Dallas, Texas: Tuesday and Wednesday

Last week I attended my first Ubuntu Developer Summit! It was a pleasure to be sponsored for this trip, so thanks again to Canonical for handling travel expenses, and to LinuxForce and my boss for allowing me to take the time off to attend. My flight came in Monday evening, grabbed a taxi and checked […]