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Life, critters and upcoming travel

MJ has been traveling a fair amount lately, so I’ve been working harder to meet up with friends, which I don’t do nearly enough. I had brunch with a friend just before Memorial day, and ended up at The View for drinks and dessert with a couple who just moved into town last Sunday. This week I was able to meet up with my old friend Mark down in the Mission to chat about life and enjoy some foods that were much too greasy for my own good (and quickly learned I should be avoiding right now, oops!).

Before leaving on his last trip, we were able to meet up with my cousin Melissa who was in town for an event, and my in-town (for now) cousin Brendan who I manage to only meet up with when other relatives are in town. We ate over at Fang before inviting them up to our condo for a bit.

After MJ left on his trip, I was looking to take a walk and decided to head over to the San Francisco Zoo to finally renew my membership and visit some of their new critters. My first stop was Tenzing, their new Red Panda! He popped out for a few minutes and then I had to return after a loop around that part of the zoo to return to him wandering around his enclosure.

From there I went over to visit one of their newest babies – a baby Patas Monkey! They are probably my favorite monkeys at the zoo, so getting to see a baby was pretty awesome, especially once he stopped being latched to his mother and wandered around a bit on his own. So cute.

More photos from my short zoo visit here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157644958797102

I still need to visit the baby peccaries before they get too big and see if I can get a glimpse of the two-toed sloth that’s living in the Lion House.

Work has been busy, but continues to be enjoyable. I mentioned in a previous post that I regretfully had to miss the OpenStack Summit in Atlanta due to being sick, but some of my awesome colleagues sent me a small gift and post card. I also have more travel coming up this week. On Thursday I fly to Austin to speak at the Texas Linux Festival, which I’ve been hearing great things about for years but never had the opportunity to attend until now. From there, I’ll be flying to Zagreb, Croatia to participate in DORS/CLUG 2014 where I will be giving a keynote on the Continuous Integration system for OpenStack developers and also participating in a Women in Tech panel with Ana Mandić, Jasna Benčić and Lucija Pilić.

Other than that, health stuff has taken up much of my time as my abdominal pain continues and I have to avoid alcohol and fatty/fried foods to keep the pain in check. On the bright side, this means I’m now eating healthier! I’ve gone in for 2 major diagnostic tests, both of which came back inconclusive. I’m continuing to work with doctors and will be making an appointment with a surgeon soon to see about my options for removing organs-I-don’t-need-but-may-be-causing-pain. Given my travel schedule this year, I’m terribly stressed about the timing of all this and hope that we find the cause and can solve it quickly and efficiently with limited recovery time, as I’m planning to travel again in July.

Elasticsearch blog features OpenStack elastic-recheck

At the Southern California Linux Expo this year I ran into Leslie Hawthorn of Elasticsearch and I told her a bit about how we’re using Elasticsearch in a newly developed elastic-recheck tool for failed tests unrelated to the code being tested. The result was an invitation to write a guest post on the Elasticsearch blog.

Thanks to Leslie and editors on the OpenStack side the post went live today!

OpenStack elastic-recheck: Powered by the ELK Stack

The post describes how the tool works and is used by developers and features a presentation by Sean Dague from the OpenStack Summit in Atlanta this month.

On college and my father

Higher education is a tricky subject for me. I work in an industry where a relatively high percentage of my professional peers are autodidacts who do not have formal higher education (myself included). I live in a world where I see a majority of students leaving their higher education institution burdened with substantial student debt and struggling to launch a career, or even get a job at all that will cover basic needs and school debt.

When I look at candidates I find myself largely disregarding higher education and focusing on experience (whether that be tinkering with a Raspberry Pi at a Hackerspace or running a large scale infrastructure) and their level of passion for technology. If the passion and personal excitement are there, our team can bring them up to speed with what they need to know. Plus, technology changes so fast that you need people who can keep up and learn new things quickly, not be tied into old technologies or development paradigms.

Now, there are certainly fundamentals in computer science that are valuable as you progress in your career, but today services like Coursera can get a committed professional up to speed on fundamentals online for free (an aside: The Hardware/Software Interface is an great class, I did it last year and it’s starting again on June 30th).

For me, being an autodidact was largely related to my learning disability, one that I share with my father but which we took two very different paths to overcome.

I graduated high school and swore never to back to school. School was hard for me, I had to study a lot to do well. Today I still employ strategies of note-taking and multimedia to grasp concepts. I also learn through immersion and have a much easier time understanding something if I spend a lot of time drilling down to the bottom and work my way up from specific to general. This takes longer and is really hard to do in a school setting where you’re taught pieces, quizzed on them, and then brought to the next part. Over time I have learned that I often have a much greater understanding than my peers at the end, but along the way it certainly doesn’t feel that way, because I struggle a lot more and ask a lot of strange questions.

Overall, my philosophy has been that if I need additional education, there are plenty of opportunities for me to get it. Putting myself into substantial debt (and the stress of a school setting) in the beginning of adulthood when I don’t actually know what I want to do anyway seemed like it would have been a serious waste.

My father graduated high school, and reading letters he sent to my grandfather I learned that he was a dedicated intellectual who also struggled. But college was the Thing To Do if you wanted to have a professional career in late 1960s-early 1970s. It was a sign of prestige and what was expected from an upper middle class family. It seems to me that it was less about “smart not being enough” and more “if you, have the means, you go to college.”

With this in mind, I spent last week going through some of my father’s papers from Bethany College in West Virginia. My father was very proud of the time he spent at Bethany getting his Journalism degree, participating in school publications, a fraternity and a youth conservative/libertarian party.

I received a Super8 from my Aunt Meg where he is walking around the Bethany campus, showing off his dorm room and what looks like the fraternity house.

Of course graduation itself was a big deal for him as well, so I was happy to find photos from that occasion.

Posing with my grandfather

And in the collection of paintings sent to me, his diploma (which I’m shipping off to my youngest sister this week).

A handful of other photos from his graduation here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157644277944608/

I also learned that in 1978 he established the “James W. Carty Jr. Award” presented to “an outstanding student who excels in work with the campus print media.” Going through papers it looks like he got a notification letter as late as 1999 for a student who has received it.

I’m really proud of my father. He never lost his passion for learning in spite of difficulties, and made the step that I couldn’t do in going to and completing college. I’ve also found myself softening on the idea of higher education. There are so many experiences that he and others had in these higher learning institutions and professional networking opportunities that I have simply missed out on.

He also left an inspiring legacy for me that stressed hard work as the route to success and brought me up in a culture that saw exceptional performance as the norm.

My father traveled

Following the passing of my grandmother this winter my aunts Elaine and Meg sent me a few boxes of my father’s possessions that my grandparents had kept in their care since his passing in 2004.

Going through all of this paperwork has been sad and I’ve learned more about my father than I knew growing up, but one thing I did know was that he traveled a lot in his youth. As a result, I’ve had the travel bug for as long as I can remember, but it’s only in the past few years that I’ve finally had the opportunity to do it. South America and Antarctica are the last two continents I have to cross off my list, plus various specific countries I want to visit.

A few boxes of slides that came along with the paperwork spoke to his travels, showing trips to Spain and a safari in Africa. I had 57 slides in total transferred into digital, which was an expensive endeavor at $2.25 each (need to look into their bulk deal next time!), but I’m really impressed with how clear they came out.

In the collection I found an article about a trip taken in what the photos indicate was 1967, making my father 15 or 16 at the time of the trip. The article describes that they did a touchdown in Lisbon and then spent a day in Madrid and Rome. From the slides from when he was in Spain, I learned that they go to see and go inside Las Ventas Bullring. From the article:

They also saw the bull ring (but no bull fight) and were interested in the fact that on fight days a complete hospital was set up right at the ring with surgeons, nurses, orderlies and everything else – a silent commentary on what a bull fight may be expected to produce.

My father and Uncle Paul outside Las Ventas (and inside too)

They also were able to visit the Royal Palace, where the article writes:

They went to the Royal Palace which they were told has somewhere around 2,800 rooms. “But we only saw about 50 of them” Carl says.

More photos from the trip here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157644678697471/

As a favorite of my father’s, Madrid is still in the top places I’d like to visit some time.

I also had a box of slides labeled “Extra Africa” which were dated 1973 and showed one of my father’s safari trips in Africa, including a rare photo of rhinos that I remember him being quite proud of:

And a hilarious photo of a large sleeping lion:

Now I’ve been to Africa, but never a safari (though feeding monkeys in Ghana was one of the best experiences of my life). Based on his passport stamps, I was able to determine that he went to Kenya and Tanzania during his travels. Doing a proper safari to see big wild animals in Africa is totally still on my list.

More photos from their time in Africa here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157644733378853/

Finally, there was also a post card from when my father visited Hong Kong – somewhere I actually have been!

On the back of the postcard my father writes that they visited Kowloon. Based on passport stamps it looks like he went to Hong Kong in 1973.

My father also had stories about traveling to Egypt that I remember slides from (Cairo is totally on my list once things settle down) and I know there are more Africa slides floating around. I’ll have to follow up with my relatives to see if I can borrow them to be processed to digital.

Ubuntu 14.04 Presentations at FeltonLUG and BALUG

This past week I’ve had the opportunity to join two separate Linux Users Groups (LUGs) to give presentations on the Ubuntu 14.04.

The talks were a full talk version of the mini talk I gave at the release party in San Francisco last month, covering:

  • Unity Desktop
  • Server
  • Phablet
  • Xubuntu

I’m a member of the Xubuntu team and use it primarily myself, which is why that flavor got special treatment ;)

The first talk was on Saturday for FeltonLUG down near Santa Cruz. Since I had a series of laptops already installed and set up from when we did the release party , I packed them up and brought them along with me.

We had a small group, so the meeting was a bit more on the informal side and folks had a lot of great questions and comments throughout the presentation. Given the group size it was also possible to have everyone give my Nexus 7 with Ubuntu on it a try, which folks had a lot of questions about.

Thanks to Bob Lewis and Larry Cafiero for being such great hosts, at their scenic drive recommendation my husband and I had a wonderful trip up route 1 along the coast on our way home.

Last night I joined BALUG here in San Francisco. I brought along my trusty tahr and pile of demo laptops for this presentation as well.

In addition to the great questions about the direction of Ubuntu in general (desktops! servers! clouds! tablets! phones!) I was really happy to have server folks in my audience for this talk who were eager to hear about the changes to virtualization technologies and such on the server side. I even was able to have a chat with a sysadmin who is doing a lot of virtualization and told me that her team is looking at deploying OpenStack in the near future.

Slides from both presentations are available online, the BALUG one includes some screenshots from Xubuntu since I was using a Unity-based laptop to present there:

The .odp versions of these slides are also available, just swap out .pdf for .odp in each url.

Back East and Out West

A few weeks ago MJ and I flew to Philadelphia to do some visiting with family and so I could speak at LOPSA-East. The timing worked out well since it was also the week of our first anniversary and we got married in Pennsylvania.

We had a wonderful dinner on our anniversary at the same restaurant that we took our family to prior to the wedding.

Our wedding cake came from Bredenbeck’s Bakery in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia and they offer a free anniversary cake in order to curb the “freeze top of cake” tradition. We picked up ours on Monday afternoon and fortunately we were staying in an Extended Stay hotel for most of our stay so we had a refrigerator (and even a big knife, fork and plates!) so we could enjoy the cake over a few days, yum!

As always, it was really nice to be able to catch up with some family and friends while we were in town. It was quite a busy trip though. I’m hoping we can schedule a proper vacation some time this year instead of only having “short trips attached to a conference.” As fun as they can be, I could really use a beach.

Well, a warm beach. We have beaches in northern California. On Saturday on our way home from FeltonLUG where I gave a presentation on Ubuntu 14.04 we took the long route home and were able to enjoy the scenes of Route 1 up the coast. California is truly my favorite place, it is always nice to take a coastal drive for the beautiful reminder.

Finally, it’s not all been roses over here. I’ve been pretty sick on and off since just prior to my trip to Montreal in April for PyCon. I had to take a couple of days off of work, missed the OpenStack Summit in Atlanta last week after an emergency room visit (thankfully we mostly ruled out appendicitis) and have generally been trying to take it easy. Next Tuesday I go in for more diagnostic tests that will hopefully determine what is causing my abdominal pain. In the meantime, small meals and plenty of liquids are getting me through with minimal pain.

Running has taken a back seat since getting sick, but I’m hoping I can get back to it once I get a diagnosis and work out some kind of treatment plan that can factor in cardio workouts again. Being in constant pain (even dull pain) is also exhausting. Every day I’ve had to carefully plan out my work schedule so I can get a full 8 hours in, be cautious about how much personal work I’m doing and cut back on going out so not to get too exhausted and make things worse. Also, as much as I enjoyed catching up with Once Upon a Time and binge watching the first season of The Paradise, I’m now terribly bored of this whole “taking it easy” thing. There’s a reason I work so much!

Open Business Conference 2014

Back in 2010 I attended the Open Source Business Conference for the first time. It was only a few months after moving to San Francisco, and that and the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit were my first exposure to major companies coming to conferences to get serious about open source adoption. It was a really inspiring event, as a passionate advocate of open source for years, watching it go mainstream has been a big deal for me personally (and, it turns out, my career).

The conference has since been rebranded the Open Business Conference, where they are focusing all all kinds of open, from open infrastructure planning to open data. Even better, I was excited to see that so many major companies are now not only advocating use of open source software, but are now employing programmers and engineers like myself to contribute directly to the open source projects they are using.

It was held at The Palace Hotel, which I can see from my bedroom window. Ostensibly I was attending as a local to help staff the HP booth, where I happily joined Jeanne and another local representative from the printer team at HP. But I was fortunate that the conference closed the booth areas during talks and booth staff were encouraged to attend the keynotes and sessions, hooray!

The first keynote from Matt Asay of MongoDB was slightly more toned down than the “we have made it!” excitement of the event in 2010. His message was that while open source can be called mainstream at this point, we have not yet saturated the industry and there are key spaces where open source still isn’t doing a great job of competing with proprietary vendors in the enterprise.

It was great to hear from Dr. Sanjiva Weerawarana, Founder, Chairman & CEO and WSO2 about their commitment to open source in their middleware product offerings. I also enjoyed hearing from Dr. Ibrahim Haddad of Samsung that they’ve launched the OSS Group to work toward becoming more of a leader in the open source world. Both of these companies were showing dedication to the open source ecosystem for similar reasons centered around their own products depending upon it, a faster path to innovation (starting from solid, open source core) and that the proverbial writing is on the wall when it comes to companies pushing back against vendor lock in and running vital business functions on too much proprietary code.

There were also a couple OpenStack related keynotes from Alan Clark of the OpenStack Foundation and Bill Hilf of HP Cloud. Clark echoed some of the business reasons for choosing open source covered by others, and specifically cited the success of OpenStack in an ecosystem of multiple vendors collaborating under a foundation, rather than a central company driving development. Hilf of HP focused more on defining hybrid clouds in the complex enterprise networks of today where customers can’t easily fit into defined boxes for solutions.

Other highlights the first day included a talk by Donnie Berkholz where he talked about the current divide in DevOps between communities that come from an Operations background and those that come from a Development background. Ops folks tend to be focusing on configuration management where devs are more interested in APIs, SDKs and Continuous Integration. Both communities could benefit from working more closely together to merge their efforts and even their conferences to a more solidified DevOps movement. I also enjoyed Svetlana Sicular’s talk on “the Internet of data” where she spoke about some of the current challenges that organizations and our society as a whole have with big data. There is a considerable amount of data out there that could be doing everything from solving small problems to saving lives, if we can just learn how to appropriately (and safely) share and process it all.

It was also great to hear from Intel and Dish Network on the Open Source work they’ve been doing. I also enjoyed much of the talk from Sanjib Sahoo of tradeMONSTER about their use of open source, but was pretty disappointed that they seem to almost actively choose not to contribute features back to the open source projects they use. I find the excuse that “open source development is not our business” to be wearing pretty thin these days when you see companies like Samsung and HP making such major efforts.

After the opening keynotes, I think my favorite presentation was by Dianne Marsh of Netflix talking about the Continuous Delivery system and “monkeys” that they have in production to test the resiliency, conformity and more in their infrastructure and applications. This work is cool enough and made it a valuable session for me, but what made it noteworthy was that key portions of this infrastructure are open source at: netflix.github.io. Awesome!

The last two talks I went to were related once again to OpenStack, first Alex Freedland of Mirantis whose points about the current open source ecosystem were very valuable, most notably that innovation is now happening in the open source space rather than attempting to play catch up by offering open source alternatives to proprietary solutions. The second was by Andrew Clay Shafer whose talk was related to a blog post from last November about some of the weaknesses of OpenStack. While I don’t agree with all of his points, his slides are here and get to his specific critiques around slide 24. He also offered some suggestions on how to improve development, most notably by increasing the focus on OpenStack users, particularly smaller organizations who currently struggle with it.

In all, it’s definitely a more business-centric conference than I’m used to attending (which is by design) but I found a lot of value in many of the sessions even from a technical perspective.

More photos from the conference available here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157644220587259/

Ridgewood Schoolhouse Museum

Back in February I lost my grandmother. Due to her wishes, timing (middle of a rough winter in New Hampshire) and our family being spread all over the world there wasn’t a service immediately following her passing. So when I learned I’d be in New Jersey in April I made time in my schedule to visit the Schoolhouse Museum, maintained by the Ridgewood Historical Society, where my grandmother volunteered for years.

I have fond memories of the Schoolhouse as a child. When I last went it was still set up as a one room schoolhouse with a desk for the teacher in front, blackboards and desks for students. Displays of historical artifacts lined the edges of the room and I remember stories from my grandfather extolling the benefits of the one room schoolhouse.

Since I had been there last, there were a lot of changes. Instead of being set up like a classroom, it’s now a series of more sparsely spaced exhibits which gives the museum a much brighter feel. And while I do miss the traditional feel of the old place, this new format has allowed them to have more extensive revolving exhibits, which keep the museum relevant to locals and visitors alike.

It was nice to see the back rooms still had some of the artifacts I was familiar with, from uniforms of various soldiers in various wars who called Ridgewood home, to the farm exhibit that spoke to the farming origins of the village.

During our visit they were showcasing a diversity exhibit in the main room, seeking to highlight some of historically less celebrated (and even actively discriminated against) communities that have made up Ridgewood over the years. The beautiful exhibit highlighted artifacts from the Native Americans who first lived on the land, and community members of Jewish, African American, Korean and Irish ancestry.

Perhaps best of all, I was able to meet a couple of the docents who were exceptionally welcoming to us. One of them had worked with my grandmother and they both were able to fill me in on some of the extraordinary work my grandmother did organizing some of their collections. We even had the honor of going upstairs to the attic to browse their storage, walking up that narrow staircase also brought back a flood of memories!

Huge thanks to the docents I met with for making the visit such a pleasure, and to Board of Trustees president Sheila Brogan for making me feel welcome via email prior to our visit!

More photos from our visit are available here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157644219844720/

LOPSA East 2014 wrap-up

On Friday and Saturday I had the opportunity to finally attend and participate in a conference I’ve had my eyes on for years: LOPSA-East. I first heard about this conference several years ago while living in Philadelphia, but could never gather up the time or funds to attend. This year I was delighted to see an invitation to submit a proposal land in my inbox and I submitted a talk on Code Review for Systems Administrators which was accepted. Even better, they also asked if I could give the closing keynote on attracting more women to IT!

One of the things I always admired from afar about this conference was their passion for systems administration/ops work, the people who voluntarily spend their time running this conference and many of the speakers spend vast amounts of time off work hours on the community. It syncs up well with my own passions and those of many of the local groups nearby, so I was really delighted when I saw PLUG represented on their supporters board near the entrance to registration (along with the great Franklin tux logo by Stephanie A. Fox!).

Friday was a tutorial day for the conference, where I chose to attend Jennifer Davis’ “Implementing Kanban to Improve your Workflow” in the morning and “How to Interview a System Administrator” by Adam Moskowitz in the afternoon.

Jennifer’s tutorial was a real treat. She had group activities throughout the tutorial that made it more engaging, and since they were about our work I was happy to engage, rather than being uncomfortable (group activities don’t tend to be my thing). Even better, she managed to sneak in a game of Fluxx as one of the activities to demonstrate the disruptive and interrupt-drive environment that systems administrators often find ourselves in. The Kanban scheduling system for work is something I’m seeing increasingly in the industry, including on a team I work with in OpenStack. I’ve also been reading The Phoenix Project, where they appear prominently, but it was great to sit down and have a tutorial that helped me better understand how other teams are using them in production. We also got to make a demo one ourselves with post-its, which was a lot of fun, especially if you love office supplies like I do (doesn’t everyone?).

Adam’s session on interviewing systems administrators was really great too. The team I work on has been doing a fair amount of hiring lately, so I’ve been asked to help conduct interviews. The first good news out of this session is that I generally have the right idea with interviews, but there are always improvements to be made! He suggested an approach that centers around the key question of “Tell me a time when you…” which will show you about how they solved a problem and will teach you a lot about their skills in that area. The goal is to show that the applicant is a smart problem-solver who is able to learn and adapt to new applications as the job of systems administration often requires, not someone who is solidly attached to a single technology – “don’t ask them what the -z flag of ls does.” He also explained the process at his company where an applicant must give a presentation on a subject (typically a technology or problem they’ve solved) to the interview panel, which was quite the contentious suggestion, but he argued that communication skills are vital for an applicant and they wouldn’t be judging them on their public speaking ability. Finally, one of my favorite things he mentioned was making the applicant feel comfortable. Interviews are stressful, just by seeing how an applicant performs in an interview you get some idea of how they handle stress, there is no need to manufacture stress for them.

Friday night was the first keynote, by OpenStack guru Vishvananda Ishaya. He gave a history of OpenStack talk and gave some details about the current uses of it in the industry. I’ve heard a similar talk from him before, but this was the first time I’d seen it at an operations-focused conference, so that was pretty exciting. It was also notable that both the keynotes this year were by folks who work full time on OpenStack. First we took over open source conferences, now operations!

Saturday kicked off the talks of the conference. I had a chance to catch up with Kartik Subbarao who recently published a book Enlightening Technical Leadership. I’ve recently jumped on the meditation bandwagon and have sought to bring mindfulness into standard practice in my life, so the timing of his book, and the related talk I went to first thing on Saturday, was great. His proposal was for the changing of mental models for handling various situations, and brought up in person vs email discussions as an example: body language and tone tell us a lot in person, in email so many things are much less clear, a phrase like “Good luck” can be interpreted many ways. He implores the audience to take a mindful step back and seek to adjust their reactions to be more positive, constructive and rational.

The second talk of the day was mine, I’ve given my Code Review for Sys Admins talk at a few open source conferences, but this was my first time giving it to a sysadmin-ful audience at an ops-focused conference, so I was eager to hear feedback. I ended up having a lot of great chats after my talk with folks who were coming from various backgrounds who were interested in learning more about the tools and where the bottlenecks were in our workflow. But perhaps the most exciting part about my talk was during someone else’s – Adam Moskowitz did a talk in the afternoon called “The Future of System Administration (and what you should do to prepare)” where he described an almost identical workflow he was using at his company with automated developer testing and systems administration code being pushed through code review too! His premise was that sysadmins will increasingly need coding ability as we dive further into automation of everything. It sure was exciting to see the work we do in the OpenStack project being called the future.

The next talk I went to was “Git Hooks for Sys Admins: With Puppet Examples” by Thomas Uphill. I’ve been using git on a day to day basis for over a year now and over the past few months have been thinking “I really should figure out these git hook things”. This presentation was the kick I needed, particularly since his `puppet parser validate` example is something I totally should be using instead of manually running my own script prior to commit. It was really nice to hear some of the details about what all the stuff in the hooks files were so I’ll be more familiar once I start digging in. His slides, including the examples, are available here: goo.gl/dg5TVw

Early in the morning I was approached to participate as a panelist in the “Professional Topics Panel Discussion” and so that was my next stop of the day. The first topic that was brought up by an audience member was how people handle change review processes that end up really getting in the way of work and goals of the team they’re working on. After some discussion consensus was that working with your manager and other teams to make sure efficiency goals were synced up with the needs of the change review process was important, and above all else – communication is key. Too many teams get too wrapped up in process and how things “have to be” when things actually could be vastly improved. The second topic was the position of an IT team in a small company running interference with the larger company that just bought them to make sure the small company employees could continue to do their work with their preferred workflow. Buy in from management was another key thing here, but there were also comments about how the smaller company is valuable to the larger when it came to some of their IT innovations and how honest communication between both IT teams was key.

The rest of my afternoon I spent in a series of talks, starting with “Don’t Be That Guy” which went through some of the typical archetypes of technology-types and offer advice on how to handle them, from the BOFH to the Downer to the person who seems to live in a cave and rarely collaborates with the team. The conference had a great series of lightning talks, and then I headed over to “Packing It In: Images, Containers, and Config Management” where Michael Goetz discussed use of Packer, Docker and Chef to build an environment where virtualization, containerization and configure management work well together. He also gave some tips about using containers, stressing that one should not overload a container like you might be tempted to for a full virtual machine.

And with that, the talks came to an end! All that was left was my closing keynote.

My talk was titled “Universal Design for Tech: Improving Gender Diversity in our Industry” and it’s one I was more nervous about than any other talks I’ve given recently. This is a tough topic, and one that’s quite personal for me. I’ve been on panels on the topic in the past couple years, this was the first time I’d done a solo talk on it since 2009 when I did an improving participation talk for a Linux Users Group. Since then I’ve either argued to adjust the topic or declined the invitation to speak on the topic because it’s too stressful. When the opportunity to give this keynote came up I was hesitant at first, but it’s important and I decided it was time to get back out there, even if it’s just for one talk. Over the years, and through success I’ve seen in my career and that of women I work with, I felt I could add value to the discussion and that it would be worth the stress and risk one takes when giving this kind of talk. I also had valuable input from several women I know, without whom I don’t think I could have crafted such an effective presentation.

There were a lot of great questions from the audience as I wrapped up, and I ended up being late for dinner due to post-talk discussions (oops!). Thanks to everyone who was so engaged and interested in this topic, it was really great to have such a supportive audience. Slides here: LOPSA-East-2014-Keynote-ekjoseph.pdf

In all, this was a great conference and I will be encouraging others to attend. Audience members were regularly engaged with the speakers (agreements and disagreements!). Even though I’m shy, I was able to have a lot more discussions with folks I don’t know than I usually do, a sure sign that I was pretty comfortable. So thanks to everyone who took time to talk to me and be friendly, it makes all the difference. Also thanks to the organizers for crafting such a great environment that I am proud to have participated in.

San Francisco Ubuntu 14.04 Release Party

On Thursday, April 24th, the Ubuntu California team celebrated the 14.04 release with a party in San Francisco.

Our parties prior to this one had been more loosely organized, typically meeting up at a brewery or restaurant to just enjoy some food, drinks and the company of each other. This time, for the LTS, I wanted to do something bigger and more organized. Laptops! Tablets! A quiz with prizes! A presentation!

James Ouyang of the Ubuntu California team put me in touch with Patrick Adair of AdRoll in downtown San Francisco where they offered to host the event. I’m really excited that we were able to make this partnership work, the venue ended up being perfectly sized for our needs, plenty of space for food and demos and places for folks to sit without feeling like an overwhelming space to fill.

The day before the event I met up with Eric P. Scott to head over to Costco to pick up cookies and chips for the event. We also put together a wiki page where people could share what hardware they were bringing. Michael Paoli and Robert Wall brought laptops to demo. Robert also brought along a Nexus 7 tablet, as did Grant Bowman, which with mine gave us a total of three tablets running Ubuntu for folks to play with. Thankfully Eric had the foresight to bring along some hand wipes so our pizza + tablets event wasn’t a problem.

With the help of James and Will, who came by my home prior to the event to help haul all my stuff over, I brought along 3 of my own laptops, Ubuntu 64-bit on my main personal laptop, Xubuntu 14.04 32-bit on my mini9, and Lubuntu PPC on my old PowerBook.

We wanted some structure to the event, so Robert and I made up some quiz questions prior to the event, which I printed up for folks to fill out. Michael Paoli and I brought along a couple Ubuntu books to give away, and Jono Bacon brought along 3 copies of his Art of Community to give out as well.

I also gave a short presentation about some of the new features of this Ubuntu release, and then left them on rotate on the projector for the rest of the event. Slides from my presentation are available on SpreadUbuntu: http://spreadubuntu.org/en/material/presentation/ubuntu-1404-whats-new

We had pizzas delivered (thanks to the Community Donations Funding distributed by Canonical) and with an event of 40-50 people as the event progressed I managed to get the number right with 11 18″ pizzas of various types.

The event ran from 6-9PM, which felt like a good amount of time for demos and lively chatting among the attendees. It was really great to see some folks who hadn’t come out to events in a while, and as always the new faces who I was able to chat with about projects and work they’re doing with Ubuntu, plus sharing tips as newcomers navigated the interface of the tablets.

Huge thanks to everyone who contributed to this event and joined us! It’s was a lot of work, but I think it would be great to at least strive to continue these for the LTS releases.

Photos I (and James) took during the event here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/with/14023115873/

And thanks to Sameer Verma for also taking photos, available here: https://plus.google.com/photos/+SameerVerma/albums/6006302887746284977