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Blind pinnipeds, conservation and other things

I had a very productive, if mellow, week last week. Inspired by setting up my new desk, Tuesday evening I hopped on Caltrain and met MJ for a trip to Ikea to look at some office furniture. We didn’t find anything particularly inspiring but it did help us refine our search some and we ended up ordering a bookcase system that we’ll be able to put the computers on. Wednesday evening I headed out to Noisebridge for their Linux night where I had a great chat with some of the attendees and meet up with another Partimus board member to get a signature for some banking documents.

On Saturday we got up bright and early to drop off Caligula at the vet for his abdominal ultrasound to try to track down the source of his mild hyperglobulinemia. While he was at the vet we headed across the bay to Emeryville to visit West Elm and EQ3 for more furniture browsing. We didn’t come home with anything but have some pretty good plans now. We picked up Caligula a little after 4PM. The good news is that they didn’t find anything that would be causing the high protein levels, no tumors or blockages, all his organs look good! We got a referral to a specialist at a nearby hospital if we want to look further for the cause. The vet seemed to imply that the major, common causes of this symptom have been ruled out so it’s up to us whether we want to put him through more vet visits and tests or if we just want to bring him back in a few months to see if the levels have dropped on their own.

Sunday was the San Francisco Pride parade which I caught about a half hour of around 10:30AM. It’s always quite the event for the city but I’ve had other plans during the weekend two years in a row! Perhaps next year I’ll make better plans to enjoy more of the awesome festivities.

After that I hopped on MUNI to meet up with Jessica Ledbetter and James Tatum at the Beach Chalet for brunch. From there we all headed over to the San Francisco Zoo!

In spite of going to the zoo pretty often, the frequent changes (special exhibits! new exhibits! baby animals!) make going every other month a treat. This visit did not disappoint.

One of my favorite animals at the zoo (of which there are many) is Orkney, the 42 year old grey seal that has been living at the zoo since 1970 when he was just a year old. He’s “mostly blind” and was my first blind pinniped of the day – and it was the first time I’d ever seen him outside of his pool!

I also swung by to see the baby anteater, who has grown to be quite large but still rides around on the back of its mother. For once I got to see them outside!

It was then over to the obligatory 3:30 penguin feeding (feeding video, waddling video). Then it was over to the zoo’s newest exhibit for Henry and Silent Knight! These were my second and third blind pinnipeds of the day. Henry is a 2 year old sea lion who was found starving on a beach, they don’t believe he was born blind but don’t know the cause (Henry’s rescue story sign) and Silent Knight is an adult sea lion who was rescued after a gunshot wound to the head which left him permanently blind (Silent Knight’s rescue story sign). I’ve been tracking the story of these two guys since MJ sent me a link about Silent Knight several months back when he was recovering at The Marine Mammal Center, and I was really excited to learn that they’d have a permanent home at my favorite zoo! I was very happy to finally see them, lounging in the sun in their new home. Did I mention the sun? It was a gorgeous day, a bit too nice – I ended up with a sunburn on my face, oops!

We also visited their new Tarantulas: Alive and Up Close exhibit which will be open through Labor Day. They had over a dozen tarantulas on display, very cool.

More zoo photos from Sunday in a flickr set here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157626939167459/

Yesterday evening I took the opportunity of tickets from my boss to attend a Long Now seminar on Conservation in the Real World by Peter Kareiva, chief scientist for The Nature Conservancy. It’s pretty obvious that I love animals and nature, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve grown increasingly unimpressed with the more extreme environmentalists for their severe lack of compassion to their fellow humans. Kareiva’s talk really spoke to this concern, and expanded upon how we can preserve and protect nature while making reasonable concessions for the human element. The Nature Conservancy now has programs where they work with corporations to make an positive environmental difference, works with agriculturists to satisfy the food needs of a growing population while managing the environmental impact (People and Conservation details here) and now hosts programs where urban youth, largely minorities, are exposed to a work program where they are exposed to nature and help with projects across the country (details about the LEAF program here). The Nature Conservancy rocks. A summary of the talk by host Stewart Brand here.

On my walk home I took pictures of cable and street cars and was reminded by the whole evening how much I love San Francisco.

Finally, I finished reading Confessions of a Public Speaker by Scott Berkun recently, as one of my several books I bought as epub/pdf from O’Reilly but never read until I had my Nook. One of the things he mentions in it is to get some kind of presentation remote. I’d never really thought much about this, perfectly happy to hide behind the lectern during my talks, but his reasons were good ones (no fiddling with keyboards and mice/accidentally hitting the wrong button, and roaming during a talk can be good if you don’t have to run back to your computer every time you want to change a slide). I asked on Twitter for a good remote that works with Ubuntu took the advice of Rick H of Lococast who said he had a Keyspan by Tripp Lite PR-EZ1 Easy Presenter Presentation Remote Wireless w/ Laser and loves it. I bought it that day and it arrived last week, I finally got around to testing it the other day. The result? I love it too. All I did was plug it in to the USB port of my mini9 and every button worked flawlessly out of the box. I am very pleased. Looking forward to practicing my Fosscon keynote with it!

The rest of my week is shaping up to be another project-full one, which is great because my todo list remains long and I need the time to catch up. MJ and I are celebrating our second anniversary this weekend by running off to an undisclosed location through Monday. Well, it’s undisclosed to me, he knows where we are going, all I know is that we’re not taking a plane to get there. Hooray for surprise romantic weekend getaways! I’m so excited!

Since Edmonton

Aside from big things I’ve written about these past three weeks, I’ve been pretty occupied otherwise too. Upon leaving Edmonton on the night of Memorial day I thought I was suffering from allergies, but the following days proved that I had a pretty miserable cold which lasted through the week and rendered me relatively unproductive. The following Tuesday, suffering from the less miserable end of the cold, I woke up with no voice, the first time I’ve been stricken with laryngitis in my life! Wednesday I hosted that Ubuntu Hour and Debian dinner, and I met up with some friends Friday evening but effectively my cold lingered through the weekend. I managed to get out to the dentist for our appointments and we had lunch out at Ferry Building on Saturday (and pick up some goodies for later), but it wasn’t until last week that I was really back to feeling like myself.

Having a cold for a couple weeks meant I wasn’t adventuring quite so much which meant I could chip away at my todo list as I felt up to it and when I didn’t I crashed in a pile of blankets and kitties on the couch and watched TV. This led me to finally watching several episodes of Kolchak: The Night Stalker and now that I’m halfway through the season I’m terribly disappointed that the show never made it past that solitary season.

I did a lot of sysadminy work at home these past few weeks. Not only did I make sure all my remote servers were ready for IPv6, I finally upgraded my primary VPS (a Linode in Dallas) to Debian Squeeze, upgraded the HE.net VPS from MJ to Squeeze and re-installed my Ramhost VPS with Debian (it had been running Ubuntu, but Ramhost has much better support for Debian). I also took the down time to upgrade my desktop, which I’ll now admit to everyone was still running Ubuntu Lucid. For all my meerkat love I was only ever running it on my desktop for about 30 minutes as I was passing through on my upgrade to Natty. I still have a server out there running Maverick, which I’d really rather see on an LTS, but that’s a project for another day (and perhaps another year, bringing it to 12.04 is probably optimal).

The most important of these changes ended up being the re-installation of the Ramhost I use for miscellaneous Ubuntu work and give Ubuntu friends shell accounts on. The re-installation let me move forward on a couple of projects that I’d been waiting on re-installation for since I didn’t want to have to migrate them. The first is the staging site for the new Xubuntu.org, which we’re planning to move to WordPress. Our web developer and designer has been busy these past couple weeks making his flat image file proposed theme into a beautiful WordPress theme. The second project was getting a test MoinMoin wiki install running so I could get the web developers in Ubuntu Women access to a platform where they could help with the bugs I’ve filed against the new theme before we make it live later this cycle for wiki.ubuntu-women.org. The final major project was the Ubuntu Classroom bots that I’ve been running on that server – they are irssi + perl scripts and built with Ubuntu in mind, so the move to Debian and my reluctance to install anything from CPAN for them was a big change. Fortunately it only took about an hour to get a proper list together for everything that is required. We’re also now running them with updated OO Perl code so there are some bugs to work out, but we’re making progress.

Last weekend I was finally able to get the Partimus blog set up and a couple of basic posts pushed out, including one about the Ubuntu earring fundraiser. I also worked with Nathan Handler to get issue 220 of the Ubuntu Weekly News (UWN) out the door. There was a lot of discussion about UWN at the Ubuntu Developer Summit last month, but unfortunately the retiring editor was injured on her way back from the summit and has been largely unavailable. The main take-away from the discussions is that it needs to be easier to create – the first time Nathan and I tackled this back in January it took about 36 man hours to complete, which is insane. The weekend we worked on issue 220 I’d estimate that we got it under 20 but it was still quite a task. So we’re eagerly looking for shortcuts, simplifications and ways to make it easier for people to contribute to tasks that don’t require a major investment of time or commitment level.

We took Caligula to the vet recently for a follow-up visit to get another blood test done. The assumption had been the abnormal protein levels we saw during his blood test back in January were caused by dental disease and they would clear up after the dental cleaning and work was done. Unfortunately this latest blood test proved that assumption to be wrong and we need to take him back this weekend for an abdominal ultrasound to see if they can find anything wrong which may be causing this. Poor guy, I am trying not to worry too much.

So I’ve been busy, but a major helper through all of this is my new favorite task manager: Taskwarrior. Nathan Haines recommended it to me a couple weeks ago, it’s an amazing CLI-based program that I now can’t live without. The interface is pretty straight-forward for simple management with “task add” “task done” but is highly extendable and has options that makes us CLI geeks squee with excitement, it’s very obvious that the authors are also CLI geeks. I have to admit that over the years my attempts to find a software task management have not gone well. I’ve tried all kinds of things from branded task management software to more creative solutions like using a wiki for task tracking. I always came back to inbox + scraps of paper. This simple method works remarkably well as someone who works from home but it left me out in the cold when it came to the ability to easily look back and see what I completed in a week – inbox items were filed into one of my 100+ mail directories and scraps of paper had items crossed out and were thrown away. With Taskwarrior a simple “task completed” gives me a full listing of everything completed. Awesome.

After my cold ended I was able to get back to adventuring! Last week I made plans to go to an Oakland A’s game on Wednesday evening with my friend Mark who got us some awesome seats for the game on Wednesday night.

Elmo threw out a ceremonial first pitch.

And we got to watch the A’s win 2-1!

More photos from the game here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157626852251195/

Eager to finally get some of my outside home todo list items taken care of I met up with the founder of Partimus on Saturday morning to get some banking handled for the organization. It went pretty smoothly, I’m meeting up with the executive director this evening to get his signature on some documents. After the bank I rushed back to SF to drop off a laptop to a visiting Wikimedia employee and then swung by the store to pick up some chips on my way out to the Walnut Creek Geeknic.

As always the geeknic was a lot of fun! Got to spend a lot of time with folks I don’t get nearly enough face time with normally and for an event planned with such little fanfare we had a great turnout (probably over 20) and Mark did a great job making sure all our food was cooked and everyone was doing alright and feeling welcome.

More photos from the geeknic here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157626874010053/

After the geeknic I spent some time reviewing a Python script we use for grabbing the list of updates that we list in each Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. The previous scripts were functional but required manual editing of multiple scripts each month, which felt a bit excessive. Once I had a plan for the behavior I wanted MJ helped me narrow down the proper built in module to use and walked me through the Python way to do the task and a lot of style considerations. I soon joined other PyLadies with a commit to an open source project on Saturday.

Sunday morning I spent some time working to make sure we could get issue 221 of the Ubuntu Weekly News prepped for release by today. Unfortunately the recent Ubuntu wiki upgrade didn’t go as smoothly as I would have liked and effectively left me unable to edit the wiki until today. We did preparatory work in Google docs and I snuck in time today during lunch to put the last bit of polish on it before release.

Sunday afternoon I started the massive task of cleaning my office. The office, a den in our condo, is pretty much the last place in our condo to have boxes. As such it has an almost magical tendency to collect dust that resists cleaning, so the only way to clean it is to take everything out and wipe it all down. By the time I had everything out of the office (including all the computers and cable modem powered off and unplugged!) it dawned on me that it would be a good time to put together my new desk and push forward on plans to finish up the space.

Hooray new desk! MJ also found some great shelving that we can put computers on for next to my desk. When I say it that way it’s much less dorky than “I have a computer rack in my office” right? I still need to find some drawers for under my desk, we went out last night to look at some options but nothing we saw sparked our interest. We’ll have another look at the offerings from Ikea and probably do some more browsing online. For now my old desk is sitting behind me piled with boxes and still containing all my desk things in its drawers.

This week I’m mostly staying in to work through some more project work, will probably head out for Linux Discussion night at Noisebridge on Wednesday though.

elizabeth@coruscant:~$ task 2 done
Completed 2 ‘since edmonton post’
Marked 1 task as done

Here we go! wiki.ubuntu.com upgrade at 23:00 UTC

Over the past few months I’ve written a couple of posts regarding the status of the review and testing process to finally upgrade the contributing and team coordination resource wiki.ubuntu.com.

Today Canonical Sysadmin Brad Marshall sent out this update:

At 16th June 2011, at 2300 UTC for an estimated 1 hour wiki.ubuntu.com will be in read only mode for an upgrade to a later version of Moin. If you see any issues with the wiki after this point, please email rt at ubuntu.com with the details of the problem, including as much info as possible.

So here we go!

Buy Ubuntu earrings and help schools using Ubuntu!

Maile Urbancic is the co-founder and former CTO of the non-profit Partimus.org and founder of Boutique Academia, a business she founded to sell math, science, and technology themed accessories for women. Back in March she contacted the current Partimus crew to let us know that she had received permission from Canonical to begin producing Ubuntu earrings based on this draft:

The Ubuntu earrings are now a reality! You can now get your very own for $18 (plus shipping and tax, where applicable).

Boutique Academia Ubuntu Earrings

Best of all, Boutique Academia will be graciously donating $6 per pair to Partimus.org to help the efforts of Partimus, which works on deploying and maintaining Ubuntu labs in San Francisco Bay Area schools and beyond.

So pick up some earrings for yourself or a loved one, and help out public schools using Ubuntu at the same time!

I just placed an order for a pair of my own :)

Partimus is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit in the United States, details for how to donate directly can be found here. Please request a donation receipt if you need it for a tax exemption. Be sure to visit Partimus.org or contact me directly at lyz@partimus.org for more details about the work we do.

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner

Back in November we started having bi(mostly)-monthly meetings where we synced up the San Francisco Ubuntu Hour with the Bay Area Debian dinners, and June was no exception! It landed on this past Wednesday, which was also World IPv6 Day, and led to quite the conundrum as to what shirt to wear (Ubuntu? Debian? IPv6? IPv6 won – a Netnod shirt MJ got me with the Gibson quote “The future is here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.” on the front and a giant “IPv6” on the back).

We ended up having 7 people at our 6PM Ubuntu Hour at The Roastery on New Montgomery, talked about how Ubuntu syncs packages from Debian, the exciting work of the new DEX team and various Ubuntu tidbits.

The Debian dinner began at 7PM over at Henry’s Hunan Restaurant on Natoma Street, just across the alley from The Roastery. It was our biggest dinner since November, bringing in 10 people, including 2 Debian Developers (thanks again for coming Devin and Jonathan!). We did a keysigning and ate lots of yummy chinese food.

Hooray for Ubuntu and Debian nights!

Happy World IPv6 Day!

IPv6 Day

I work as a sysadmin and my boyfriend works as a network engineer, you’d better believe we’ve been prepping for IPv6!

As of Friday two of the four VPSes I maintain outside of work were running IPv6. As of yesterday? All of them. Thanks to Hurricane Electric, Linode and RAM Host for their IPv6 awesomeness.

Tonight I updated DNS to add AAAA records to a few domains and I’ve now got IPv6 on various sites throughout my domain space (including this one!).

But most importantly…

with the addition of AAAA records for CaligulaC.at and SimcoeC.at the IPv6 world now has more cats.

Visiting Edmonton

For Memorial day weekend I decided to take the weekend to make a quick trip up to Edmonton, Alberta to meet up with my sister at the West Edmonton Mall. I wrote my last post from the San Francisco airport just prior to taking off on my United flight up.

The flight up was just over 2 hours long and I arrived in Edmonton without incident. Picking up the rental was a breeze and then I pulled out the directions I had printed to get to the airport. No fancy phone with directions! How would I survive the weekend? I got to the hotel around midnight and met up with my sister Heather and her husband Randy. We stayed up past 2AM catching up.

Saturday morning it was off to the mall! I have to say that the rental car ended up working out very well since car troubles caused my sister and her husband to take their big truck down to the city rather than their car. It ended up being much easier to take my rental car everywhere.

The West Edmonton Mall is huge. Fortunately Heather and Randy had been there before so they had parking strategies and knew where the important things were. Our first stop was Tim Hortons for some coffee. Oh how I miss Tim Hortons coffee. I was also missing my phone at this point, the hotel had free wifi but the mall didn’t, and as we had plans to drive across down for dinner I was quite worried about driving around an unfamiliar city without navigable maps in my pocket. I snagged a Wind Mobile SIM there at the mall to use on my visit, within minutes I had 3G again – Maps! Tweets! Email! Yay!

Connected-to-the-world sanity restored, we headed to the pirate ship.

Apparently they do parties for kids and things on the giant pirate ship. That watery area is also home to the sea lions and a small underground aquarium so we picked up some tickets for the sea lion show at noon and entrance to the aquarium.

The sea lion show was great, 3 sea lions put on a show that lasted about a half hour, lots of audience participation and the best part? At the end everyone in the audience had an opportunity to get their picture taken with a sea lion! And not just any picture – a picture that gets your hair wet as the sea lion touches his nose to your head to “kiss” you.

Sea lion kiss was probably the highlight of my day (yeah, I look a little scared in the photo, but that’s because sea lions are giant!).

After the show we headed over to the Bourbon Street themed section of the mall where we grabbed some pizza for lunch.

Then it was down to the aquarium! Where there were penguins!

The rest of the afternoon was spent exploring the shops in the mall (oh yeah, it has those too) and then we played some mini golf.

That evening we headed over to meet up with my friend Alex. I’ve known Alex since 1998, we met on the irc.scifi.com chat network back when I first got online and have kept in touch throughout the years. This was the first time we’ve had the opportunity to meet in person. We met at his mother’s house where his sister prepared a delicious roast chicken dinner and wrapped up the meal with an amazing cheesecake that Alex made from scratch. We rounded off the evening by sitting on the back porch for a while watching the sun set until I realized it was almost 10PM. The sun not setting until after 10PM had me out of sorts all weekend! Crazy northern regions.

Alex and Lyz

Sunday morning we had more Tim Hortons coffee which Randy actually walked from the hotel to get (kudos!). We then swung by the auto parts store to pick up some things they needed and then headed back to the mall for the day. First thing at the mall that day was glow in the dark minigolf!

In case it’s not obvious, I love minigolf and it had been far too long since I’d played. Lunch was at the food court where I went with a burger from Harvey’s “because it’s Canadian” and then we wandered toward Build-A-Bear. Now they have Build-A-Bear in the US too, so this shouldn’t have been anything exceptional, but:

  • The only other time I’ve made something at Build-A-Bear was the last time I was in Canada, when I built a maple-leaf stamped bear
  • 2. They had hockey outfits and an adorable WWF wolf that would look awesome in a hockey outfit

So I built a hockey wolf, because it’s Canadian.

At 3 we headed toward Galaxyland, the world’s second largest indoor amusement park, which is in the mall. The primary purpose of this visit was so I could check off “ridden on indoor roller coaster” from my life to do list. We checked out their 3D theater and then it was off to try the smaller roller coaster, the Galaxy Orbiter. Immediately after getting off that one it was on to the Mindbender, which wikipedia tells me is the ” the world’s largest indoor triple loop roller coaster”. Awesome. I almost threw up afterwards. I don’t think this is so much a comment on the coaster as much as it is on me – in 2009 when I went to Hershey Park for Halloween I got sick for the first time after coasters, last July when I rode on the coaster around New York New York in Las Vegas I thought my roller coaster days were over, and this Edmonton coaster pretty much confirmed it. The only ride I went on after that was the little train that took you around the whole indoor park.

Before leaving the mall for the day we swung by the theater upstairs to see the giant dragon which typically breathes fire every 20 minutes or so, but was undergoing maintenance. Which reminds me – a lot of the mall was undergoing maintenance. There were whole sections boarded off and torn up which my sister tells me were cool things like fountains and interesting things to look at in the sections of the mall which were more geared toward shopping, it’s ashame it was all torn up.

For dinner we had steak! At Outback, which is not Canadian.

On our way back from Outback we stopped at a beer store to pick up some goodies for the evening. Randy recommended the Innis and Gunn and I suggested my sister check out the Strongbow Cider when she described the trouble she was having finding good cider (same problem I have – too many sweet ciders in the US, not enough crisp). Neither of these beers is Canadian. It was a nice evening, but between the beer and allergies I was dead asleep by 11PM.

Monday morning we checked out of the hotel and had a bit of an adventure in the parking lot as the truck wouldn’t start and we needed to call CAA (think AAA) for a tow to get it looked at and eventually a completely dead battery replaced. While it was being repaired we took the rental car down to the Royal Alberta Museum. Unfortunately their Creatures of the Abyss exhibit hadn’t opened yet, but we had the rest of the museum to explore. It’s not a huge museum, but they sure packed it full of Alberta history, from wildlife to geological to human history. There were also a couple dinosaurs.

The last adventure of my trip was to head down to Old Strathcona, the historic district of Edmonton centered on Whyte Avenue. It was a cute little historical district with lots of shops. We met up with Alex again and had lunch, visited a couple of collectibles shops (Heather doesn’t use Linux, yet, but she’s a WoW fiend and is probably just as big of a geek as I am). We wrapped up with some ice cream at Marble Slab Creamery (very similar to Stone Cold), yum! Gummy bears in Mocha ice cream!

Around 3PM we all sadly said our goodbyes. But we were both eager to get back to our homes, Heather was overwhelmed by being in the city all weekend and I was suffering from Edmonton not being enough of a city for me. Gosh I’ve changed.

The rest of my trip home was uneventful, I returned the rental car and got through security with no problem. Caught my flight to Vancouver for my connection down to San Francisco on Air Canada. MJ picked me up in San Francisco.

Good trip! Good weekend! More trip photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157626871823992/

Lurking in airports

This has been my busiest travel month ever, and I think it’ll be hard to top. I’m currently sitting at San Francisco International Airport waiting for my 3 hour flight to Edmonton to see my sister and finally meet her husband (it’s only been 5 years…). I’ll be renting a car upon arrival at 11PM and I’m currently suffering from “oh no, I won’t have data on my phone!!!11” panic. I printed out directions to the hotel. The hotel has wifi.

Dinner at SFO, flight boards in 90 minutes

Sushi at SFO

Ever since I was a kid and heard my father tell us about all the places he went when he was younger, I’ve wanted to travel. He had the fortune of having a pilot for a father so his opportunities were always plentiful, I’m happy we’re at a place where we can make our own. Now I love being places and I quite like traveling itself, don’t mind airports and find that I’m significantly less apprehensive about the whole process than I once was. Plus, it helps to have MJ helping me select and book flights, since his eye for timing, good connections and cost have saved me some disasters (I almost booked an itinerary that included a 40 minute layover – no way I would have made that!).

These past few days it seems like I haven’t gotten a whole lot done, but a quick browse of my Sent folder proves me wrong as I’m getting all my ducks in a row for my travel free June, when both MJ and I have on-call weeks and we’ll be spending a lot of time at home. Yesterday IPv6 hit the datacenter where my Linode resides and I was able to get that configured. Woo IPv6! I also fell in love with Netflix on my Nexus One (Android) this week as I soaked up some documentaries and Quantum Leap episodes from the comfort of my own… anywhere.

Aaaand now time to pack up for the flight. Flying United in a Canadian Regional Jet 700 this evening. I do love regional jets.

Getting ready to board CRJ-700

See you on the Canadian side.

Trip to Hollywood and Miami Florida

A couple months ago we received an invitation from MJ’s family for a Bat Mitzvah boat party for one of his cousins in Miami. MJ hadn’t seen these relatives in several years and it seemed like a nice opportunity to visit. We took today off from work, booked our flights and then were pleasantly surprised when a relative offered a use of their beach house to us and MJ’s father for the weekend. Further surprise came in first class status upgrades on all our flights, awesome!

We flew out from Oakland at 6AM Pacific on Saturday morning (read: we left home at 3:30AM!), picked up an 8AM connection in Phoenix and landed in Fort Lauderdale around 4PM Eastern where MJ’s father picked us up.

The beach house ended up being a stunning condo between the Intracoastal and the beautiful Atlantic beaches of Hollywood, Florida. The patio wrapped around the unit and we ended up with a beautiful view of the ocean from our room.

We went out for dinner with MJ’s father and his girlfriend soon after arriving and headed to bed pretty early. Unfortunately MJ was suffering from the tail end of a cold he’s had for several days.

I woke up around 6:30AM the next morning because jetlag these past couple of weeks has seriously wrought havoc upon my sleep schedule. I was able to watch some of the sunrise and spent the morning on the patio with my laptop and the beautiful view. When MJ woke up we headed out to breakfast and then to enjoy the rest of the morning at the beach and by the pool.

Sunday afternoon we headed down to Miami Beach to meet up with the family and board the bay cruise boat they had arranged for the party. I think I managed to burn my nose a bit, but otherwise it was a fun 3 hour cruise and really nice event.

Afterwards we took a quick drive down to the South Beach area of Miami before returning to Hollywood. That evening MJ and I met up with the older sister of the cousin whose Bat Mitzvah we had celebrated for dinner at Yard House where I snagged a burger and a glass of Inlet Brewing’s Monk in the Trunk Organic Amber Ale from Jupiter, Florida. I’ll take this opportunity to say that it’s so awesome to go most places in the US now and tell them you want a local brew and manage to get some great brew from a local microbrewery.

This morning I woke up around 7AM and headed down to the ocean for a swim. The current was crazy strong and the waves pretty big so I got a nice workout! It was then over to the hot tub for a few minutes before going back up to the condo to relax on one of the patio couches. We had everything packed by 11AM and left for the airport.

The trip was far too short and I wish MJ’s cold hadn’t damped the experience for him but I’m very glad we went, and I think we’ll be adding it to our list of beautiful places to visit again (but first I have to visit my Florida family in Orlando and Melbourne!).

Edit: More photos of my trip can be seen in this Flickr set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157626777231498/

B2B, Ubuntu Hours and the rest of my week

Sunday was full of jetlag. My flight the previous night had gotten in at 7PM but the time zone difference from Budapest was killer. I managed to stay up past 10PM but I woke up bright and early on Sunday when Bay to Breakers started at 7AM. B2B is the annual race in San Francisco that goes across the city from the bay to the ocean and people dress up (or dress in nothing) and make all kinds of noise across the city partying as they go. Since I had been woken up I decided to head up to the roof to check it out from above, that’s where I met a neighbor who had the same idea I did, but he was there with a beer in hand.

I then went downstairs to see from the street level and from there went down the block to grab some coffee and breakfast. The noise died down by around 9:30AM and the street cleaning trucks were out in full force before opening up the streets to traffic again.

The rest of my day was spent pondering (and taking) naps, watching TV, reviewing Ubuntu Developer Summit blueprints, playing with the cats and catching up on email which I had neglected while at UDS. MJ was still in Philadelphia for most of the day but was scheduled to land at the San Francisco airport around 11PM. Unfortunately his flight was delayed 3 hours and it wasn’t until 2AM that I was able to finally head down and pick him up. Jet lag recovery would have to wait, and it made for an interesting work day on Monday.

Wednesday I was starting to feel human again jetlag-wise and hosted the monthly San Francisco Ubuntu Hour downstairs at The Roastery on New Montgomery Street. Grant Bowman showed up a bit early so I headed down early as well to catch up with him before others arrived. We had about 5 people total come out and had some nice discussions about the latest release, I was able to hand out some of the Ubuntu 11.04 disks that Canonical had shipped to the Ubuntu California team (thanks again!).

Thursday was a busy day, aside from work I had to chair a thankfully short Ubuntu Women meeting and then at 5PM we had an Americas Membership Board meeting. As soon as that wrapped up MJ came home and I snagged the car to drive down to Mountain View for their monthly Ubuntu Hour that I promised to attend to bring down CDs for the lower pennisula area. It was nice to see all the Mt View folks, and as always check out the latest Linux-powered gadgets that Michelle brought along to show off.

I think the coolest for me was her touchscreen X61T Thinkpad. Not only did the touchscreen work well, it even had pressure sensitivity! So cool!

Friday evening MJ and I spent on a mad dash to the mall after realizing that our “nice clothes” wardrobe was heavily weighted to northern climates and nothing would work for a family event on a small boat in Miami beach. I hate shopping for clothes, but I found staff at stores in the mall where I shopped super helpful when I put myself at their mercy and walked out with two beautiful dresses that look great and were within my budget, win! We then grabbed some takeout and headed home to pack, I ended up in bed around 12:30.

Our flight today took off at 6AM, which means MJ didn’t sleep and I got about 2 hours of sleep before it was time to get up and get ready to head out. We left home at 3:30AM, parked the car at a lot outside of Oakland airport and arrived with enough time to grab some breakfast before our flight boarded. As I write this we’re on the Oakland to Phoenix portion of our flight, we have a short layover in Phoenix before going on to Fort Lauderdale. We’ll be spending the weekend with MJ’s father and girlfriend at a family beach house near Miami, Sunday is the actual family event we’re there to attend. Monday afternoon we’ll be flying back home.