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Ubuntu Manual Project: Final Review Time!

Over the past couple years I’ve found myself involved in a lot of documentation, training, beginners and learning projects within the Ubuntu project. Aside from this being an infinitely rewarding sector of the project, I’ve learned the value of collaboration between teams and how far creative collaboration can take them all.

Ubuntu Manual Project

So speaking as a member of the Learning project, I’m pleased to point everyone in the direction of the phenomenal Ubuntu Manual project, which I can claim absolutely no credit for. Benjamin Humphrey and his amazing team have put together a full manual in just a few short months, developing an infrastructure for development that was easy on contributors (you have no idea how challenging this is!) and come out the other side with a full manual scheduled for release just in time for the release of Ubuntu Lucid.

But right now they need your help! Their writing freeze is on March 31st and prior to that they need more sets of eyes reading and giving feedback on the manual.

Just like so many things in this project, they’ve made it easy to volunteer, starting with a simple download of the manual:

Download Ubuntu Manual

Then read through the manual (or pick a chapter, maybe you can learn a thing or two!) and look for:

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Factual errors
  • Missing references
  • Formatting
  • Sentences that don’t make sense
  • Inconsistencies in wording
  • Somewhere where you think a screenshot is needed and there isn’t a placeholder already

Then head over to http://ubuntu-manual.org/?bugs and fill out the form with your comments. Easy!

I’m very much looking forward to the finished project, so all these final edits are greatly appreciated :)

Pink, jeweled, cat5e? I’ll take 2!

MJ and I headed down to Fry’s last weekend. I didn’t actually need anything, it was more of a sight seeing tour – having lived on the east coast all these years I had to check out this great electronics store my west coast friends had talked so much about.

While wandering through the aisles MJ spotted this gem:

I bought two. There will now be no question as to which cables on our network go to my desktop!

Sea lions? Check! Ferry Building? Check! Coit Tower? Check!

I love doing touristy things, and San Francisco has no shortage!

A couple weeks ago MJ and I headed down to Pier 39 to explore the tourist scene and satisfy my craving for battered and fried fish.

…oh! And to see the sea lions! Actually, the entire trip down was to see the sea lions. I had been down near Pier 39 on a previous visit, but somehow managed to be completely oblivious to their existence. Seeing them was a must!

The weren’t as “loud as smelly” as people have reported, but there actually weren’t too many the day we visited. Still, it was great to finally see them! The rest of the pier was deliciously text-book tourist area (did I mention I enjoy tourist traps too?). We were able to easily find a place to satisfy my fried fish craving with some salmon fish and chips and round out the meal with some fried donuts.

Last weekend it was a trip down to Ferry Building. OK, calling it a “trip” is a bit of a lie, we live within walking distance from there! We had gone here for lunch last summer when I was visiting but I didn’t get to see the Farmer’s Market during that trip.

This time I got to see the whole market, browsing stands of vegetables for inspiration to possibly cook some fresh meals using some of them as ingredients in the near future. Ended up picking up some fresh bread and cheese for consumption later and stopped at the Namu stand for some fascinating “asian-inspired street food” which was quite a treat.

We decided to catch a street car home, I hadn’t been on one since my first visit out here back in May of 2008. It was packed, but well worth it for the novelty. That evening we spent hanging in with a nice bottle of wine and enjoying our bread and cheese goodies from the market.

Yesterday I did a bit more tourism, this time by meeting up with soryu2 who was in town visiting from Germany with plans to visit Coit Tower at sunset. So we met for dinner at Olea and then took a bus over to Columbus and made the trek up to the tower – taking some of those famous San Francisco streets so steep that they have stairs.

And we caught the sunset over the Golden Gate!

It’s been a fun few weeks so far and I’ve barely scratched the surface of things to do here. Last weekend we went through a detour north of the city and ended up driving through The Presidio of San Francisco park at dusk. We were able to stop and spend some time looking out on to the Pacific. I missed living near the ocean so much! I’m so glad I do again now. I’ve also been pretty busy with local F/OSS stuff (including a conference! and lots of LUGs!) but that’s for another post.

BerkeleyLUG Ubuntu Global Jam!

Two days after I left Pennsylvania the Ubuntu Pennsylvania Team helped Bryan Behrenshausen of Millersville University host a successful Open Options: Remix Computing with Open Source Software event at the University, details and photos are over on the team blog: Millersville University Open Options Event – Success! It was a delight working with Bryan during planning and I was sorry to be unable to attend due to my moving schedule.

I was fortunate enough to move from the state of one approved LoCo to another, now living in the golden state of California I’ve joined the Ubuntu California Team! I’ve also joined a few local LUGs, including BerkeleyLUG, which is a quick train ride across (under!) the bay from where I live. So when Jack Deslippe announced the planning of an Ubuntu Global Jam at Berkeley LUG I hopped on board.

BerkeleyLUG Global Jam

Date: Sunday, March 28
Time: 12:00-3:00
Location: Bobby G’s Pizzeria, 2072 University Ave, Berkeley, California


  • Grant Bowman will be demoing the Launchpad Ubuntu bug reporting, following and triaging process. This is a great way for new Ubuntu (and Linux) users to help improve the Ubuntu OS. Bring some bugs you have to report or follow up on.
  • Elizabeth Krumbach will be giving an introduction on “Ubuntu Documentation – Finding it, Using it & Contributing to it”
  • We will be working on the “I’ve just install Ubuntu, what do I do now?” tri-fold (download current version here)
  • The folks at ZaReason will be stopping by to show off Ubuntu running on some of their great machines.
  • There will be plenty of people around to share cool projects with, help with any Linux related problems you are having and to do installs.

For more, and to RSVP by email, check out the details on the BerkelyLUG site: http://www.berkeleylug.com/?page_id=67
If you have a launchpad ID, you can register for the event in the shiny new LoCo Directory here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/41/detail/

Starting to settle in

The cats settled in faster than I am. This move to San Francisco brought a lot of change with it. I’m living in a city for the first time, I’m living with someone again, and although I didn’t change jobs, east coast company from the west coast has brought all kinds of challenges to my previously defined daily workflow.

But I love it here! It will take some time to adjust but I’m confident that within a few months I’ll feel very at home here. Part of feeling “at home” will be the ability to return to my previous state of high productivity. I think part of the challenge project-wise was that I really took a huge step back from all projects when I started planning my move. It gave me a lot of perspective as I start coming back to all my project work, sorting out where my talents can be best spent, but it’s also made it difficult to know when and where to jump back on to the moving train. I’m very fortunate to be working on projects with wildly supportive and productive communities, where taking a break is perfectly acceptable (and supported).

As for “moving in” here. there are still boxes everywhere, and probably will be until we get our storage situation sorted out. It will be so nice when the office is finally put together and I stop wondering “which box is that thing in…” when I am looking for things.

And getting adjusted to the city? I’m certainly enjoying the food in San Francisco! I am so used to living on the outskirts of Philly where the food choices tended to be pizzerias and Chinese takeouts – which I love, but do get a bit tiring, especially since I’m a bit of a foodie. Having so many cuisines within delivery (or walking!) distance is quite novel, it’s amazing that I haven’t gained weight since moving – indeed, all the walking I’m doing is starting to have the the opposite effect. People here are great too, I already know so many people in the area through open source and other things there’s no chance that I’ll end up bored or feeling isolated, in addition to meeting up for food/drinks with a couple people already, a couple members of the Ubuntu California team have suggested meetups and offered rides to local events. And I’ve never really used public transportation so I was apprehensive about not having my own car here, but it turns out that public transportation in SF so far is not scary or very difficult to maneuver, so it’s been very convenient.

Now, time for some lunch and a movie.

Flowery new desktop

A year and a half ago I put together a system built with some pieces I purchased from the Trenton Computer Festival. It was a server though, pretty loud, very heavy, and the hardware was a couple years old when I bought it so became out of date pretty quickly, and the Xeons were too old to have virtualization. When I decided to move I also decided to replace it and have the parts delivered here in SF.

Yesterday I put together the new machine.


  • Intel Core i7-860 Lynnfield 2.8GHz 8MB L3 Cache LGA 1156 95W Quad-Core Processor
  • GIGABYTE GA-P55M-UD2 LGA 1156 Intel P55 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard
  • 2 x OCZ Platinum 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666) Desktop Memory Model OCZ3P1333LV4GK (so, 8G total)
  • 500G EIDE harddrive (from old desktop)
  • 1T SATA harddrive (from old desktop)
  • ATI Radeon X1550 (from old desktop)

Pretty sweet, right? I’m excited about the new specs, but I’m also excited about the case:

In Win Allure

It’s the In Win Allure case, with light purple flowers and Swarovski crystals! I felt a bit silly spending over $100 on a case that doesn’t come with a PSU, but I really couldn’t resist after seeing how gorgeous it was.

I put it together on Thursday and tossed in a couple harddrives from my old machine. Unfortunately I was running 32-bit Ubuntu on that old machine so it looks like I’ll be reinstalling with 64-bit probably next weekend so I can actually use that 8G of RAM and I’ll be swapping out my 500G EIDE with a 500G SATA I have.

The Move

First: We all (MJ, the cats and myself) arrived safely in San Francisco Tuesday evening.

Friday I signed over the title for Blinker to my friend Nita. MJ arrived in Philly Saturday and we spent the day running errands that couldn’t be done Sunday or President’s day. One of the tasks we needed to do was get eight boxes of Media Mail shipments out. Unfortunately we missed the cutoff for the Pottstown post office and ended up heading down to Philadelphia to make the shipments at the city post office – which was quite the adventure! First of all they failed to make a pathway through the snow from the street parking to the entrance, so we got to take turns hauling heavy boxes of books over a snowbank. Then I stood in line for 45 minutes as the poorly staffed office slowly processed the line. Everything ended up ok though, and we headed up to Chestnut Hill for dinner with Nita.

Sunday was spent prepping for the move, dropped off a number of things I didn’t need any longer to some friends and then headed out for an absolutely amazing surprise Valentine’s Day dinner at The Melting Pot in King of Prussia. Yum!

Monday was the major day for move stuff. MJ picked up the truck and we met Heidi and Mike Greb at the apartment in the morning to help with the move (thanks again guys!). Once the truck was loaded up we met up with MJ’s friend Mike (there are too many Mikes) at storage to rearrange storage and put some of my furniture and boxes in, a process which when much more quickly than we had anticipated thanks to Mike’s help. From there we went directly to FedEx to ship out another dozen boxes. Then we dropped off the truck and headed out to dinner, just in time for some flurries to start. On the way back to the apartment we checked into the hotel (since my apartment was empty, no bed!) and checked in.. and resisted the temptation to take a nap. Back at the apartment we spent a couple hours finishing packing up the suitcases and cleaning the apartment.

Tuesday morning we awoke to more flurries, and a bit of worry as to whether there would be any flight problems. We swung by the apartment to pick up the cats, do a final quick once-over of the apartment and to turn in the apartment keys. Then it was off to the airport!

phl feb 16 2010

Lucky for us there were no flight delays, the flurries stopped around noon and everything went as MJ had so perfectly planned. We arrived in San Francisco in the early evening and after dropping off the luggage at the condo had plenty of time to swing by the pet store for some cat necessities before heading to Delta’s Cargo office to pick up the cats. I was so relieved when we picked them up and they were doing well.

Wednesday we ran a number of errands here in SF and my first FedEx box came in – my firewall! Which allowed me to start setting up my network on Thursday. We wrapped up the day by swinging by Jake’s Steaks for a real Philly cheesesteak made by Philly natives with imported Amoroso rolls.

I start work again on Monday and most of my stuff gets shipped in early next week. I’m still pretty exhausted from this move and still have a lot to do, hopefully I’ll be settled in and be able to get back into project work over the next few weeks. But right now, I’m so excited to be here!

It is my last week in Pennsylvania

When I moved to Pennsylvania 8 years ago I didn’t really have any kind of attachment to the area, but 8 years is a long time and over these past few weeks I came to realize how deep I had sunk my roots in here. It’s been painful to pull them up for the move, I am really going to miss it here. MJ has family here so he comes back to visit, so at least I’ll have those trips back here with him.

Saturday was spent home packing, as the snowstorm blanketed the area in about 20 inches of snow. I packed up just about everything I could and still live here for another week. The snow also managed to do a number on the flat roof of the building I live in, leaving my neighbors with a considerable amount of water damage (wet vacs and emergency repairs all day on Monday!) and my own apartment with minor leaks in the kitchen. The roof was fixed today, just in time for another 18-24″ of snow to hit the area tonight and tomorrow, they should be back to replace the drywall in the ceiling on Thursday or Friday. All this snow has been fun, it’s quite a nice send-off before I move out to snowless San Francisco.


This afternoon I went to the vet to get health certificates for the cats so they could fly, and I’ve worked out an arrangement with a friend in San Francisco to pick up my cats in case there are unexpected complications with our flights on Tuesday.

I went to my last PLUG meeting before the move on Wednesday at USP, Tor project leader Roger Dingledine came and presented a talk he titled Tor: Anonymous Communications for the Dept of Defense…and you. It was a really great talk, and we let him run almost an hour over his time to answer questions and get through all his slides. The technology of Tor is interesting unto itself, but I found myself even more taken with the effort being put in to diversifying the pool of anonymous users, from working with the Department of Defense to get military using Tor, to human rights activists, to FBI agents. Tonight we ended up cancelling PLUG North due to the snow, a decision I’m whole-heartedly standing behind given the quarter inch of snow which was already on the ground here in Pottstown by 7PM, but it’s sad that I won’t have “one last PLUG North meeting” before I go.

MJ is flying in Saturday, so this weekend starts the move and Tuesday we’re flying out. I have about a million things to do before then…

Camden Aquarium and The Abbaye

Last weekend I met up with waltman and we headed down to Camden to go to Adventure Aquarium. Unfortunately it’s winter, so the ferry isn’t running, but the trip over the bridge and through a bit of Camden was not a big problem.

First stop at the aquarium was to head out to see the seals and penguins!

But the weather was too cold for their African penguins, so they were off exhibit, how disappointing!

The seals were up for doing their show though, showing a bunch of different behaviors as kids volunteered to help out the woman presenting. It was fun, but I was glad to get out of the cold and back into the aquarium after it was over.

One of the most interesting things this aquarium is that they have hippos, and an African porcupine in their West African River Experience. What fun! We got to watch the porcupine being fed (it’s favorite food is bananas) and then the hippos enjoying a meal (snack?) too.

Also great? We got to touch a shark! And some other animals in their touch exhibits, I was able to pet a Moon Jellyfish and a Fresh Water Sting Ray.

I was also very impressed by their shark exhibit. Not only did they have one of those tubes you could walk through and see sharks (video below), their viewing windows were huge and varied which made for lots of great shark viewing.

The rest of the aquarium was really nice too, lots of great exhibits, interesting fish and things. I am very impressed, and a bit sad that I’d never made it over the river to see the aquarium before.

After the aquarium we walked outside and I was able to take some pictures of Philly. I am going to miss it!

Then it was off to dinner! We ended up eating at The Abbaye in the Northern Liberties neighborhood of Philadelphia, which I’d never been to but waltman recommended. My dinner started with a Yards ESA (extra special ale), a great Philly beer! Then was on to dinner, which was one of the most amazing cheese steaks I’ve ever had – chunks of steak marinated in Chimay, with Gruyere cheese, grilled tomatoes, onions, and roasted garlic aioli. I am going to have dreams about this cheese steak. The frites were also really great, some of the best I’ve ever had. In all, I was very impressed with dinner there.

International Women’s Day stories about Ubuntu and the computing longevity meme

The latest initiative by the Ubuntu Women Project, is a contest to collect “How I discovered Ubuntu” stories written by women. The winner will be announced on March 8th, International Women’s Day.

One of the goals of this initiative is to try and answer the “How can I get $woman to use Ubuntu?” question that we often get by demonstrating that there is no single answer for it. Women get involved and interested in Ubuntu for all kinds of reasons, and without knowing anything about her there is really no way to know what specific spark will get her interested in involvement. (For what it’s worth, a much better question is “$woman is interested in $subject and is tied to Windows for $reason but doesn’t like it for $another_reason, she currently uses her computer for $thing0 and $thing1, do you have any suggestions as to how I can try and convert her to Ubuntu?”)

The contest also seeks to give inspiration to women who are interested in using and getting involved with Ubuntu. We seek to not only showing them that they aren’t the only female using Ubuntu, but that not everyone has to be a “typical male computer geek” to get involved.

Which brings me to this “I’ve been computing since…” longevity meme that is quite popular within F/OSS. Like many memes in F/OSS this is a competitive one that gives bragging rights for being the one who started with Linux or programming at the youngest age. This culture of competitiveness based on longevity has, without a doubt, been what has hurt me the most in tech. The sexist comments, the marriage (or worse) proposals upon revealing that I use Linux, the reaction of shock I receive when I tell people what I do for a living are all things I can quickly recover from (especially with a group of supportive folks in Ubuntu Women standing by!). Getting over the fact that I got into Linux in my early 20s when it seems like all my peers have been programming since they were 12 years old is significantly more intimidating and discouraging.

I’m certainly not the exception. In Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing the overwhelming message regarding the problem of women in IT I took from this book was that the traditional conditioning of girls to avoid “horn tooting” or “bragging” as compared to boys, combined with this longevity meme leaves many women who actually take the plunge into a computing degree feeling as though they’re alone, under-qualified and have little chance of success in the field. In reality, the book reports, these women work very hard and are just as qualified as the men in the class, and the ones who don’t switch degrees (a common response to constantly feeling under-qualified) go on to be successful in their careers.

So why is this longevity meme such a major problem for women in general rather than for men (where, admittedly, it still can be a problem)? As a society, at least in the United States, girls don’t tend to be pushed toward tech, and tech is frequently marketed in such a way that I don’t blame them (see: Of Geeks and Girls). While there are now several initiatives out there to get girls interested in technology at a young age, a lot of parents I know make a conscious effort to give their girls computers too, and to some extent the market is catching up, we’re not there yet. Statistically women in the industry still get involved at a later age than men and without considerable confidence the road ahead can be challenging.

So, do we try to kill the longevity meme? No way! We all enjoy a bit of bragging fun now and then. Instead we work to show that people who are involved with computers come in all kinds. This stories project seeks to be a start for addressing that for women in the Ubuntu community. I know some women who have been programming since they were 9 and relax with a pizza, mountain dew and an episode of Star Trek, I know women who work for non-profits and have whole-heartedly jumped on the F/OSS bandwagon, I know mothers who would call themselves non-technical get heavily involved in F/OSS community building, I know women who have stumbled upon F/OSS and with a background that has nothing to do with computing become highly skilled, technical contributors. It’s time to stop taking my word for it and getting these stories from the women themselves.

So, are you a woman, or do you know a woman who can submit a story? Email it to ubuntuwomen.competition at gmail.com by February 22nd!

More details on the contest are here: [UbuntuWomen] International Women’s Day — Competition!

Disclaimer: For all my talk of less geeky females here, I am a pretty hard core geek (I mean, I use a Star Wars handle! …and I just called it a “handle”!). Maybe I didn’t start using Linux until 2002, but in the 90s my mother did frequently wonder what kind of strange teenage girl I was for spending my time in my dark bedroom with pizza and a pile of 386s (oh no, I’m contributing to the meme!). My intention is not to discredit or ignore the geek females in our midst, but to acknowledge that we may be a rare breed and to really get more women involved we need to appeal to contributors from a wider population, just like the Ubuntu project itself does. I seek to encourage all women to contribute to this contest, even if they don’t feel like they have enough “geek cred” or whatever. Oh, and stories from hard core geek girls are completely welcome, those stories are inspiring too!