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Archive for the ‘events’ Category

Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2015

After a quick trip to Las Vegas in October, I was off to Houston for my first Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing! I sometimes struggle some with women in computing events, and as a preamble to this post I wrote about it here. But I was excited to finally attend a Grace Hopper […]

Preamble to Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2015

Prior to the OpenStack Summit last week, I attended the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Houston. But it’s important to recognize a few things before I write about my experience at the conference in subsequent post. I have experienced sexism and even serious threats throughout my work in open source software. This […]

Mitaka OpenStack Summit Days 3 & 4

With the keynotes behind us and the conference side of the OpenStack Summit on its final day, I spent Thursday focused on the OpenStack Design Summit from 9AM onward. The day began with a work session surrounding Gerrit. We tried several months back to do an upgrade from version 2.8, but had to roll back […]

Mitaka OpenStack Summit Day 2

The opening keynotes on Wednesday had a pretty common theme: Neutron. Mark Collier shared that in the Liberty cycle, for the first time Neutron was the most active project in OpenStack. This is really inspiring news for the community, as just two years ago there was concern about the commitment to the project and adoption […]

Mitaka OpenStack Summit Days 0 & 1

For Mitaka, the OpenStack Summit is only 4 days long, lasting from Tuesday through Friday. That didn’t prevent Monday from being the kick off of festivities! I had two events Monday evening, starting with the Women of OpenStack networking event at Aoyama Laputa Garden. I was happy to be around many familiar faces who all […]

Star Wars baseball for my 34th birthday

I turned 34 this year. 33 was a good year, full of accomplishments and exciting travel. MJ made sure 34 began well too. On my actual birthday we were both slammed with work, but we were able to meet for dinner down on the peninsula at The Melting Pot in San Mateo. It’s actually at […]

CloudNow Awards, Perl 6 and the PPIE’s role in SF public transit

September felt a bit quiet for me event-wise. I had to cancel a speaking engagement I was looking forward to when I realized it landed on Yom Kippur (oops) and the only other event I had on my schedule related to work was the award ceremony for CloudNOW‘s top women in Cloud award. There I […]

September in San Francisco

Having spent much of September here at home in San Francisco, I’ve split my time between work, writing my book and getting out to enjoy this beautiful city we live in. Going out has certainly taken time away from writing, but I’d probably go bonkers and would likely be unproductive anyway if I stayed home, […]

The OpenStack Ops mid-cycle, PLUG and Ubuntu & Debian gatherings

In the tail end of August I made my way down to Palo Alto for a day to attend the OpenStack Operators Mid-cycle event. I missed the first day because I wasn’t feeling well post-travel, but the second day gave me plenty of time to attend a few discussions and sync up with colleagues. My […]

UbuConLA 2015 in Lima

This week I had the honor of joining a couple hundred free software enthusiasts at UbuCon Latin America. I’d really been looking forward to it, even if I was a bit apprehensive about the language barrier, and the fact that mine was the only English talk on the schedule. But those fears melted away as […]