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Archive for the ‘events’ Category

AdaCamp take-aways

This past weekend I attended AdaCamp, put on by The Ada Initiative. Attending this conference was an interesting move for me. I have a lot of respect for The Ada Initiative, but that’s mostly because they’re doing the offense and defense work that I no longer have the energy or interest to do. I’ve personally […]

Ubuntu at SCaLE11x

This year marked the 3rd Southern California Linux Expo I’ve attended, and once again it didn’t disappoint. The first year I gave a talk at the Ubucon and helped with the booth over the weekend, last year I gave a talk at Ubucon, one at the conference itself and then ran the Ubuntu booth, an […]

LISA ’12 in San Diego

This week I attended my first Large Installation Systems Administration conference, LISA ’12 in San Diego. I worked Monday and Tuesday this week and took a 7AM flight to San Diego on Wednesday morning. I made it to the conference center just in time to see the beginning of Vint Cerf’s keynote where he talked […]

San Francisco Ubuntu Global Jam Wrap-up

On Saturday the 8th I hosted an Ubuntu Global Jam focused on ISO testing over at the Wikimedia Foundation office in downtown San Francisco. Upon arrival I met Andrew White, our Wikimedia host, and he outlined a few options for setup. Given power requirements we ended up in a conference room and I was able […]

September 8th Ubuntu Global Jam at the Wikimedia Foundation in San Francisco

Last year, prior to the Natty release, I headed up to BerkeleyLUG to host an Ubuntu Global Jam event focused on testing, I wrote about it here: Berkeley Natty Global Jam. It was a lot of fun and at the time I was really just helping people go through some basic Xubuntu testing documents and […]

Some *nix events and an evening at the SF Zoo

While Matti was in town we ended up at brunch one morning talking some about Tom Limoncelli’s excellent Time Management for System Administrators book, so I ended up rereading it last week. I’ve actually adopted a lot of the things discussed in the book, but I still have work to do when it comes to […]

Outside Lands Festival 2012

This past weekend I took Friday off from work and MJ, his friend Matti who is in town visiting and I headed over to Outside Lands 2012 for the 3 day music festival. We took public transit most of the weekend, piling on to the overflowing MUNI Metro to get across town each day, so […]

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour and Debian Dinner Wrap-up

On Wednesday night I hosted an Ubuntu Hour and Debian Dinner in downtown San Francisco. We have our Ubuntu Hours here in San Francisco once a month, and it was November of 2010 that I decided to start tacking on a Bay Area Debian Dinner every other month at a restaurant across the street. Over […]

Thursday and Friday at OSCON 2012

Although I’ve always wanted to go, I hadn’t actually planned on attending OSCON this year due to several factors (work, budget, etc). That changed when I received the email about winning the Open Source Award on July 9th, I was able to quickly schedule a couple days off of work to attend the last two […]

O’Reilly Open Source Award

This afternoon I had the incredible honor of accepting an O’Reilly Open Source Award at OSCON for my work in the Ubuntu community. It’s been an exciting day and thanks to all my supportive friends at OSCON who were there with hugs and handshakes, it was an unforgettable experience. Now I would like to extend […]