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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Wedding planning, mission statements and Macs

We ended up having a busy weekend. Saturday and Sunday we spent planning a trip to Philadelphia at the end of the year, selecting florists to visit and starting to line up appointments for tastings and with a DJ. I also ordered some sample wedding invitations. I was feeling so satisfied with what we accomplished […]

The reindeer of San Francisco and more

On our visit to the San Francisco Zoo on Thanksgiving we were able to visit some of their new visitors, the reindeer! More photos from that day at the zoo here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157632168098698/ Last Sunday we decided to head out to see the final weekend of the baby ostriches at the California Academy of Science’s Earthquake […]

In which I ramble my way through November

It’s good to be home! I’ve now been home for almost three weeks and still trying to catch up with everything. I’ve slowly been reducing the number of boxes in the condo as we’ve handling a lot of paperwork following the Philadelphia trip. We still have a fair amount of mail to go through, going […]

2 days home, then I was off to Copenhagen

Friday was crazy busy doing laundry, packing for my Copenhagen trip, writing those last Ghana blog posts and getting a ton of little home things that I wanted to get done before I left, including prepping the next batch of Save the Date cards and shipping out some Ubuntu CDs to other areas of California. […]

The 1 and other streetcars, San Diego plans and final Ghana prep

This past weekend was a beautiful and eventful one in San Francisco. For the first time since moving here, I was finally in town for Fleet Week and the second series of events for America’s Cup was also being held. Add in The Giants landing themselves in the playoffs and you have a crazy weekend […]

Some Partimus work, a space ship and the rest of September

September was quite the overwhelming month. In retrospect I really took on too much at once and then was slammed by timing of several things, including increased work-related activities, time crunch for some of the wedding planning, all my upcoming travel and the Jewish high holy days. I squeezed in some Partimus work this month, […]

San Francisco Tourist: September edition

A huge amount of my time lately has been spent preparing for upcoming travel and getting things in order on the work side. However, I’ve managed to sneak out for quick jaunts around the city, usually while doing other things. On the 18th we had some time to kill and decided to swing by the […]

31 years old

Yesterday I turned 31, and lest I be accused of growing up, I thoroughly enjoyed and celebrated my birthday. First, MJ surprised me with a trip down to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. I had been in the building before for a holiday party, but they hadn’t completed the major Revolution exhibit that […]

Upcoming travel, Raspberry Pi, LISA 12 and HHD

Following the Ubuntu Global Jam event last Saturday, I was able to spend Sunday finally catching up on some home stuff that needed done. Managed grocery shopping, swung by Bed, Bath & Beyond to get a frame for my O’Reilly award (yay!) and when I got home I spent quite a bit of time dusting […]

Been busy! Xubuntu, animals, trip to Philly…

I have been exceptionally busy lately. I have a lot going on with work, some exciting but loosely scheduled plans for travel are upcoming in October, today I learned that I’ll be going to the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Copenhagen October 29th – Nov 1st, and we have personal things like wedding planning and some […]