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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Some *nix events and an evening at the SF Zoo

While Matti was in town we ended up at brunch one morning talking some about Tom Limoncelli’s excellent Time Management for System Administrators book, so I ended up rereading it last week. I’ve actually adopted a lot of the things discussed in the book, but I still have work to do when it comes to […]

Since Portlands

It was pretty cool visiting both Portlands in July, but it sure managed to make my July fly by. I can’t believe it’s August already. At work I recently published 5 things about FOSS Linux virtualization you may not know following up with a conversation about virtualization tools I had at SCALE back in January. […]

Santa Cruz and this week

I mentioned in my last post that following Felton LUG I went with Bob Lewis (and Peter Belew) over to Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park. It’s a beautiful park, that I later learned is much larger than the part week walked, with a number of trails and even a campground. We ended up doing a […]

Super Princesses, presentations and anniversary

I’ve been going to the movie theater more than usual lately, and still have at least one movie on my list to see. Two of the ones I saw last week stood out for their super princess power (and passing the Bechdel Test): Brave and Snow White and the Huntsman. Both movies centered around a […]

Conservatory of Flowers, movies and computer-y events

This past Saturday was beautiful and the rest of this week hasn’t disappointed either. After services in the morning we ended up at The Elite Cafe on Fillmore for a great brunch. From there we headed to Golden Gate Park to visit the Conservatory of Flowers which we’d recently gotten a membership to. I have […]

Buckminster Fuller at SFMOMA and server reinstalls

My boss is a Buckminster Fuller enthusiast and over the years some of that has rubbed off in reading some of his essays and a renewed interest in geodesic dome structures. So when The Utopian Impulse: Buckminster Fuller and the Bay Area opened at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) I knew I […]

Retirement of the Armada

I am a firm believer in “crap technology” as Thomas Hayden defines it in his post Ixnay on the iPod: In Praise of Crap Technology. It’s not some ideological thing, and in fact I never had a name for it until hearing a segment with him on Marketplace, “Crap technology, not crappy, where he says: […]

Gaming, learning, health and other life updates

It’s been 2 months since I’ve done a general, non-topical update post, so here we go… Several weeks ago I picked up the Limited Edition Kinect Star Wars Bundle. As cool as the Kinect is, I wasn’t really planning on buying an Xbox because we just bought a Playstation 3 a few months back and […]

Pangolins, parrots, Partimus, Philadelphia

These past few weeks could only really be characterized as normal, no big events or anything lately. I have been struggling with an ear ache this month and working with a doctor to treat it. The issue is fluid buildup in my sinuses and the treatment is allergy medication until it stops. As of now […]

Oakland zoo, street cars, Chumby and TV

Last weekend we took advantage of the long weekend and MJ and I finally made it over to the Oakland Zoo. I’ve wanted to go for quite some time because they have some exceptional animals that the San Francisco Zoo no longer has… elephants! But what actually prompted the visit at this time was the […]