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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Birthday zoo visit and waffle

As mentioned in my last post, I took the opportunity on my birthday to take the afternoon off from work and head down to the San Francisco Zoo for a delightful afternoon of animal watching (and even got a Happy Birthday wish from the zoo!). My first stop was to see the meerkats, since I […]

Box, box, box – organization!

Moving two people who lived separately into a one bedroom condo in a city is tough. We’ve been working since I moved in to acquire and prepare storage units and organizational systems to meet the goal of getting rid of all the boxes in the condo and settling upon a maintainable organizational solution that we’d […]

California Academy of Science, Cartoon Art Museum

Several months ago the Extreme Mammals exhibit opened at the California Academy of Science, on Saturday MJ and I finally took the opportunity to head down to see it. It was a beautiful day and we took MUNI over to Golden Gate Park. The Extreme Mammals exhibit itself was a real treat, the huge, the […]

SF Zoo!

On Wednesday I was able to take the afternoon off from work to offset some weekend time I put in last weekend and took the opportunity to take advantage of my new zoo membership. I’d been intending to get a zoo membership since I moved here, and I was delighted to learn that the membership […]

Bitlbee tweeting, heat and SF food

When we picked up our television the other weekend we also took the opportunity to pick up the box we shipped my bike in from PA in and dropped it over at the local bike shop, Pacific Bicycle. Three days later the fantastic staff at Pacific Bikes had Nessy assembled and I was able to […]

We bought a 3D TV!

The title of this blog post is true, but the deeper truth is that we had no intention of jumping on the 3D fad-wagon. When we settled on a range of TVs based on quality reviews on CNET the ones that we were looking at just happened to also have 3D. So we have a […]

Storage, Rogue, Touristing

We bought a couple of in-building storage units a few months back, got them primed in May and did the painting in June and some final touch-ups in July. But eventually we were ready to move everything from our rental storage unit down the street to the ones we have here! Last weekend we rented […]

Gyms and beers

I finally joined a gym last week, Crunch, just down the street from where I live. When I canceled my membership back in Pennsylvania in preparation for the move in February the plan was to see how walking everywhere in the city would do for me exercise-wise and decide from there whether I wanted another […]

New monitor and LinuxChix meetups

I’ve been wandering up and down the peninsula quite a bit this week. First was Wednesday night when I finally met Terri Oda! We met at Shiva’s Indian Restaurant in Mountain View with John Hawley and BJ Wishinsky, both of whom are also locals but I hadn’t met yet. It was a really delightful dinner, […]


The installfest I talked about in my last post certainly took up much of my day on Sunday, but Saturday and Monday of this past holiday weekend had MJ and I busy with a project at home: starting to paint our storage units. We purchased three storage units in the building a couple months ago, […]